Looking for people? (old)

SPD (www@ivo.cps.unizar.es), is looking for someone:

I'm not looking for anybody, just testing the script. But if I where looking for an ex-girlfriend (for instance), I will describe her here; so anyone who know her and read this can recognize her and tell her to write me. So I will put here my s-mail address just in case she don't have an e-mail account.

This came from @ivo.cps.unizar.es. on Sunday, December 3, 1995 01:58:29

Daniel Gunter (daniel@ben.briarwood.com), is looking for someone:

I'm looking for my sister in law who lives in Zaragoza, Spain. I wonder if you could help me locate her. Her name is Antonia Gomez-Lozano. Your help will be much appreciated. (this was sent to webmaster before the creation of this form)

This came from @ivo.cps.unizar.es. on Sunday, December 3, 1995 02:04:03

Jorge Sopena Torres (inf93106@apollo.cps.unizar.es), is looking for someone:

I don't want to find anybody , I only want people to send to me mails . So I want to meet people

This came from @merlin.cps.unizar.es. on Monday, December 4, 1995 15:41:57

Daniel Gunter (daniel@briarwood.com), is looking for someone:

I offer $50.- (fifty dollars) to the first person who get me in contact with Antonia Gomez-Lozano who is my sister-in-law. She is living in Zaragoza. Ofrezco $50.- (Cincuenta dolares) a la primera persona que me ponga en contacto con Antonia Gomez-Lozano (mi cugnada). Ella vive en Zaragoza.

This came from @tinkerbell.briarwood.com. on Tuesday, December 5, 1995 21:18:07

Miguel (maruiz@lander.es), is looking for someone:

Hola!!! Soy nuevo en Internet y estoy algo verde en como acceder a las WWW. Si algun /a generoso /a me puede echar una mano Dios os lo pagara (y yo si pasais algun dia por Barcelona).

This came from @oso.lander.es. on Friday, December 8, 1995 23:50:52

juanito (juanito@mest.unizar.es), is looking for someone:

buscco a Wallie

This came from @dftuz.unizar.es. on Tuesday, December 12, 1995 13:36:35

maribel (lobop%galileo.fie.us.es@cs.us.es), is looking for someone:

Hola, estoy tratando de saber si la siguiente persona posee direcci¢n de correo a donde escribirle: Francisco Javier Ruano Benavides Pertenece a la facultad de Ingenier¡a Tecnica Industrial Electronica (si mal no recuerdo) Os estaria muy agradecida, Un saludo desde Sevilla

This came from @giralda.cs.us.es. on Wednesday, December 20, 1995 18:12:17

Ben Canales (canalesb@system.abacom.it), is looking for someone:

Trying to find a friend of mine from a few years back by the name of Rosa Maria Gonzales. She used to live on the street Calle Compromiso de Caspe. She may be in Lyon, Spain. Estoy buscando una amiga mia que se llamo Rosa Maria Gonzalez que vivia en la Calle Compromiso de Caspe. Se tienes informacions me domecilio es Canales Ben, Box 1096, 33081, Aviano PN, Italia

This came from @system.abacom.it. on Sunday, December 24, 1995 01:28:25

Richard A.A. Larraga (r2al@ix.netcom.com), is looking for someone:

I'm looking for any persons in Spain with the surname 'Larraga'. I am working on a family tree attempting to trace family members in the United States,the Philippines and Mexico with family members in Spain. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

This came from @bos-ma8-22.ix.netcom.com. on Sunday, December 24, 1995 01:36:58

Sergio Saidman (al179955@academ01.cem.itesm.mx), is looking for someone:

Su pagina me parece realmente buena, si porfavor me pueden mandar despues del 15 de enero algunas direcciones de platicas existenciales o filosoficas se los agradeceria mucho o algo muy fumado para leer.

This came from @ts65.data.net.mx. on Wednesday, December 27, 1995 08:13:22

Paco Pastor (fpastor@mizar.am.ub.es), is looking for someone:

Hace tiempo que no sé nada de un tal Eduardo Viñuales. Creo que era guarda forestal por la zona de Jaca. Si sabeis algo de el decídmelo. Que cagueis duro y marrón.

This came from @pcmet0.am.ub.es. on Thursday, January 4, 1996 17:34:12

Nancy Resler (prkrdeed@mother.com), is looking for someone:

Wishing to hear from anyone who had knew or studied with the late Antonia Brico, Doctor of Music...her residence was in Denver,Colorado for most of her life and she conducted the Denver Businesmen's Symphony for many years. My home address is PO Box 1136, Woodland, CA 95776. Many thanks!

This came from @prkrdeed.dav.mother.com. on Friday, January 5, 1996 07:10:29

Jose Manuel Asun (jma24@columbia.edu), is looking for someone:

Es verdad que el Heraldo esta on line? Pues no lo encuentro con ninguno de los engines buscadores. Agradeceria URL. Thankx from New York!

This came from @dialup012.cc.columbia.edu. on Monday, January 8, 1996 04:42:17

Jason Rosas (jrosas1@ua1vm.ua.edu), is looking for someone:

Find an old friend whose name is Christy Kitzke. She used to live in Grandview, Washington. It is believed that she now lives in Oregon, probably a town called Bandon.

This came from @rt07.labs.as.ua.edu. on jueves, 25 enero 1996 06:27:44

olga helena (oburzaco@mvet.unizar es.), is looking for someone:

Hola, estoy en pezando en esto y voy de craneo ¿alguien más para compartir penas de cibernauta a pedales?

This came from @m17112.unizar.es. on jueves, 25 enero 1996 12:34:38

Jose Ramon (rgomez@public.ibercaja.es), is looking for someone:

Hola a todos.Soy un profesor de FP y me gustaría intercambiar ideas y conocimientos con vosotros/as. Tengo 32 años y muchas ganas de recibir noticias vuestras.

This came from @ppp1.ibercaja.es. on s‡bado, 27 enero 1996 17:05:15

Alfonso Rua Lorenzo (Alfonso.Rua@uni-konstanz.de), is looking for someone:

Hola me llamo Alfonso y estudio en Konstanza(Alemania) y estoy tratando de averiguar el E-mail de un amigo que estudia en la facultad de ciencas. Se llama Alberto, es de Santander y muy alto(casi 2 metros). Lo mas seguro que esta infiltrado en alguna Tuna.Agradeceria que me ayudarais a localizarle.

This came from @minerva.rz.uni-konstanz.de. on miŽrcoles, 31 enero 1996 16:54:18

Sara Casao (sarac@correu.andorra.ad), is looking for someone:

Acabo de estrenar el mail, estoy en Andorra. Me gustaria poder compartir informacion sobre cosas interesantes en la red.

This came from @ on jueves, 1 febrero 1996 10:56:56

Sara Casao (sarac@correu.andorra.ad), is looking for someone:

No busco a nadie, pruebo este mail mio que me tortura, si habeis encontrado cosas interesantes en la red, me lo direis?

This came from @ on jueves, 1 febrero 1996 10:59:19

Javier Sabadell (javier@zar.unizar.es), is looking for someone:

Estoy buscando mis circunstancias... Sin ellas yo no soy yo. Estoy realmente desesperado. Si las has visto, huye!!

This came from @beatrix.cps.unizar.es. on Wednesday, February 7, 1996 20:07:16

menuel devora (mdevora&ibm.net), is looking for someone:

Felicidades y adelante

This came from @ on Saturday, February 10, 1996 01:01:46

Adrian Gutierrez (jpalma@mail.sdsu.edu), is looking for someone:

Find Beatriz Alquezar Soro and Martha Gay. Tell them to write back at this Address. Thank you

This came from @annex1p23.sdsu.edu. on Tuesday, February 13, 1996 06:25:44

Julio Palma (jpalma@mail.sdsu.edu), is looking for someone:

I just want to meet a bunch of people, Email me, que viva Mexico y Espana.. OLE!!!!

This came from @annex1p23.sdsu.edu. on Tuesday, February 13, 1996 06:27:58

Luis Gracia y Eduardo Satué (anef@mail1.cti.unav.es), is looking for someone:

Hola, somos la Asociación Navarra de Estudiantes de Farmacia. Estamos buscando nuevos contactos en este complicado mundo de internet. Os esperamos... a todos/as.

This came from @cti2.cti.unav.es. on Thursday, February 15, 1996 17:57:57

Luis Gracia y Eduardo Satué (anef@mail1.cti.unav.es), is looking for someone:

Hola, somos la Asociación Navarra de Estudiantes de Farmacia. Estamos buscando nuevos contactos en este complicado mundo de internet. Os esperamos...

This came from @cti2.cti.unav.es. on Thursday, February 15, 1996 17:58:37

Francisco Javier Cortes (fcortes@prometeo.cps.unizar.es), is looking for someone:

Hola, si os interesa la radio-aficion, y en particular transferir datos entre colegas con el programa JNOS, contacta conmigo. Un saludo a todos y todas cibernautas.

This came from @ on Saturday, February 17, 1996 17:04:33

ike (ikemann@abaco.coastalnet.com), is looking for someone:

just would like to hear from someon in this area. don't know anything about foreign countries. just drop me a line so i may learn some culture.

This came from @pm-gv1-135.coastalnet.com. on Wednesday, February 28, 1996 22:39:17

Pesca (mgutierrez@mvet.unizar.es), is looking for someone:

Como puedo recoger mensages de mi propia direccion conectando con internet desde el extrangero?

This came from @cpca3f.uea.ac.uk. on Thursday, March 7, 1996 22:32:05

Pedro T. Garcia (pedro.garciav@mest.unizar.es), is looking for someone:

EDUARDO: Eduardo Satue, si tu, estoy esperando que me escribas de una vez. Si has perdido mi direccion aqui la tienes, y si no a ver si escribes. Caramba! -- Pedroto. ~~~~~~~~

This came from @ on Friday, March 8, 1996 14:31:44

Miguel Angel Melero (mikel@mail.sendanet.es), is looking for someone:

Another webmaster from zaragoza

This came from @ on Saturday, March 16, 1996 00:56:49

Charlie Hadlock (chadlock@bentley.edu), is looking for someone:

Tengo ganas de hacer contacto con Dra. Belen Boloqui o su hija Olga Esteban, las ambas de Unizar.

This came from @chadlock.tiac.net. on Sunday, March 17, 1996 19:26:17

piet van overbeke (bvdweghe@pacwan.mm-soft.fr), is looking for someone:

find eva gonzales portugal 49-51 zaragoza say to her personaly that piet (pedro en espanol)will come to visit her in april this email adress is from a friend in france he will come next week to belgium please leave a message

This came from @ on Monday, March 18, 1996 18:51:17

Tammy Elizabeth Whitaker Reynolds (dominicr@cs.uoregon.edu), is looking for someone:

Im looking for an old friend called Elizabeth Moy Wong, Ihave no idea where she may be. so Beth if you are out there I would love to here from you. my address is p.o. box 1611 Eugene,Or 97440 or use our email. Tammy

This came from @cisco-ts8-line9.uoregon.edu. on Saturday, March 23, 1996 02:09:22

Alberto Guastini (albert@dorlayer.it), is looking for someone:

Hi, Javier! Did you want to talk me?

This came from @dialup-p1.energy.it. on Monday, March 25, 1996 04:30:55

Yolanda Torres Garcia (garcia@houston.omnes.net), is looking for someone:

I would like to find family members base out of Guadalajara, Mexico. My grandfather's name was Jose Trinidad Torres, and married Maria Alvarez, who was part indian. They came to the United States by train with the aid of Pancho Villa. Their children's name were Rachel, Trina, Rosa, Eziquel, Luis and Enrique. I am the oldest daughter of Enrigue Alvarez Torres and looking to find out more of my grandfather's family.

This came from @smcpc2.houston.omnes.net. on Wednesday, March 27, 1996 05:37:12

Elsa de Veer (j.moses@zone.ca), is looking for someone:

Quisiera tener noticias de mi hermano, Pedro de Veer, a quien no he visto hace largo tiempo. Elsa de Veer 93 rue St-Luc, Quebec, Qc. G1N 2R4 CANADA FAX (418)650-0209, Tele'fono:(418)529-5773, E-mail: j.moses@zone.ca

This came from @zac002p16.zone.ca. on Thursday, March 28, 1996 01:45:54

Mike & DeLisa Nealy (Man65@aol.com or Nealym@Health.com), is looking for someone:

My wife and I are trying to find some old friends named Rick Peters and his wife Alicia Benjamin. We lost contact with them when we moved from New York to San Francisco. I think they were trying to move New York to either Delaware (near Alicia's family) or Washington, D.C. (Near Rick's family). If anyone -by any chance- knows of their whereabouts we'd be ve

This came from @gate.timewarner.com. on Friday, March 29, 1996 02:12:24

seinäjoen kirjasto (seinäjoki), is looking for someone:

a nice man.

This came from @ on Wednesday, April 17, 1996 15:24:58

CARMEN GODES (cgodes@mhu.unizar.es), is looking for someone:

C/Roldán-5. 2º. Huesca Teléfono: (974)220252

This came from @ on Tuesday, April 30, 1996 13:38:32

CARMEN GODES (cgodes@mhu.unizar.es), is looking for someone:

C/Roldán-5. 2º. Huesca Teléfono: (974)220252 Hola!,es la primera vez que entro en este follón y no busco a nadie. De todas formas ahí teneis mi dirección por si quereis comunicaros conmigo.

This came from @ on Tuesday, April 30, 1996 13:50:32

Paco Sanchez (psanchez@msf.unizar.es), is looking for someone:

Si quieres te gusta soundgarden y quieres saber lo ultimo de su nuevo disco teclea esta direccion http://www.sgi.net/soundgarden/

This came from @m14643.unizar.es. on Tuesday, April 30, 1996 14:49:23

Patricia Veronica Beatriz Anile Silva (pvanile@uni-mdp.edu.ar), is looking for someone:

Hola!: Estoy en las primeras tecladas en la Web y me gustaria intercambiar Mail con quien cualquiera que quiera intercambiar correo. P/D: uni-mdp.edu.ar =Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Argentina

This came from @ on Thursday, May 9, 1996 23:25:22

Busana Augusto (1008it @itnux2.ing.unitn.it), is looking for someone:

Soy un estudiante italo-espanol que quiere hablar con gente de Zaragoza.

This came from @itnux2.ing.unitn.it. on Thursday, May 16, 1996 10:53:49

Miguel Angel (mabarla@encomix.es), is looking for someone:

Quiero conocer a gente y hacer nuevos amigos

This came from @leza.cps.unizar.es. on Thursday, June 6, 1996 11:37:58

Pablo Escartin (escartin@dominican.edu), is looking for someone:

S . O . S . S . O . S . S . O . S . S . O . S . Que pasa tios? Yo vivia en Zaragoza hasta hace dos 7 meses. Ahora estoy exiliado en San Francisco. Estoy expuesto a las ideas yankies. Mi moral no es muy fuerte. Por favor. Necesito una M A Ñ A que me quiera de verdad. En dos meses regreso. Tambien se responde informacion sobre esta ciudad de mari...

This came from @ on Wednesday, June 12, 1996 01:36:05

Estrella Alamo Alvarez (estrella@uv.es), is looking for someone:

Hola, yo andaba buscando el Convenio Colectivo de Personal Laboral de varias universidades y alguien de la cgt de la unizar tuvo la amabilidad de contestarme. Tengo fotocopiado el nuestro y el de las catalanas (el cual es realmente ganso) Mi problema es que he perdido la direccion de e-mail de esa persona y ahora no se donde mandarselo. Si alguien me pudiera ayudar... Muchas gracias. Estrella

This came from @video.ci.uv.es. on Wednesday, June 12, 1996 17:18:04

sandra hafernick (none), is looking for someone:

I'm looking for Dave Steen, of Canadian decathlete fame.

This came from @ on Tuesday, June 25, 1996 21:28:56

sandra hafernick (none), is looking for someone:

I am looking for Dave Steen, of Canadian decathlete fame. I can be reached at 4000 Chamisa Drive, Austin, Texas 78730. be reached at 4000 Chamisa Drive, Austin, Texas 78730.

This came from @ on Tuesday, June 25, 1996 21:33:38

steve frazier (swfcobra@inreach.com), is looking for someone:

I'm looking for Julie Beiz(maiden&? spelling)she is 39,went to ENCIAL HS in Alameda CA. till 74 her father was a officer in the navy, in74 they moved to the east coast thanks steve frazier swfcobra@inreach.com

This came from @ on Sunday, July 7, 1996 07:33:26

GERMAN SACRAMENTO (sacramen@enstimac.fr), is looking for someone:

Soy estudiante del CPS (4 A Mecanicos). Estoy en Francia con IAESTE. Si alguien sabe la direccion de mail de alguien de IAESTE de los que estan por ahi me gustaria que me la mandase. Tambien me gustaria saber la de Manuel de Castro.

This came from @foch.enstimac.fr. on Tuesday, July 9, 1996 19:01:48

Maria Reyes Alvarez Sanchez (choly@flash.net or choli@aol.com), is looking for someone:

Hola, estoy buscando a un viejo amigo de Alemania. Se llama Francisco Javier Artal Ara, vive en Zaragoza, creo que en el barrio de Torrero. Gracias, Reyes Hi I am looking for an old friend from Germany, his name is Francisco Javier Artal Ara, I believe he lives in Torrero, but I am not too sure. Gracias, Reyes

This came from @p-104.flash.net. on Thursday, July 11, 1996 00:38:26

Vince Cobb (cobbv@alpha.obu.edu), is looking for someone:

Looking for Kelli Diane Wilkerson (age 30), last known from Nashville, TN. Also looking for Eddie Pryor (aprox age 29), UT grad then worked on M.S. in History at TTU (Zarabanda dude).

This came from @ on Sunday, July 14, 1996 00:54:43

Vince Cobb (cobbv@alpha.obu.edu), is looking for someone:

Looking for Kelli Diane Wilkerson (age 30), last known from Nashville, TN. Also looking for Eddie Pryor (aprox age 29), UT grad then worked on M.S. in History at TTU (Zarabanda dude).

This came from @ on Sunday, July 14, 1996 00:54:58

Nuria McNeal (nmcneal@students.uiuc.edu), is looking for someone:

Busco a Sacha Ratti. Es un amigo de High School con el que perdi contacto hace mucho tiempo, y me gustaria averiguar como le va la vida. I am looking for Sacha Ratti, an old friend from High School I'd like to get in touch with.

This came from @user77.uif.uiuc.edu. on Tuesday, July 16, 1996 22:22:30

Tammy Vigil (aidezsek@ranger.ncis.net), is looking for someone:

I'm looking for ROGER L. NELSON. He went to school at Cal Poly Riverside, Cailfornia. Went to the prom in 1968 with my mother Kimberly Sue Vigil(then),Westcott(now). Was drafted to Vietnam in 1969. I'm not sure if he even knows that I exists. My name is Tammy M. Vigil. And he doesn't even know that he is a grandfather of two kids. Any information about his whereabouts please get a hold of me at my e-mail address. Thank you.

This came from @ on Saturday, July 20, 1996 18:38:13

Tammy Vigil (aidezsek@ranger.ncis.net), is looking for someone:

Looking for Ms. Lounsbury. Thank you so very very much on list you sent me with the names of possibly being my real father. I now have some more information on my father. His full name is Roger Lester Nelson. I am not sure, however, on if that is the right way of spelling it though. His birthday is somewhere in the 1950, 1951, or possibly 1952 the latest. I did however, try to call a Roger Nelson that seem to be the right age. But, no one was there. I will update you if I know anything else. If, possible may I have either a e-mail address or a way of contacting you other than by mail? Thanks a lot, Tammy

This came from @ on Wednesday, July 24, 1996 21:54:35

Petr Latka (Petr.Latka@trz.cz), is looking for someone:

Im looking for Arturo Aquise (full name Isaac A. A. Echeandia), Peru, Lima.

This came from @gate.trz.cz. on Thursday, July 25, 1996 14:28:39

Petr Latka (Petr.Latka@trz.cz), is looking for someone:

Well, once again. I am sorry, my previous message was shortened. Im looking for Arturo Aquise (full name Issac A. A. Echeandia), Lima, Peru. We were schoolmates at The Technical University in Brno, Czech Republik, from 1985 to 1990. Now Arturo is about 33, married, living in Lima. I would like to tell him, that he is still my friend. Thank you very much for any kind of help. Petr.

This came from @gate.trz.cz. on Thursday, July 25, 1996 14:42:09

Teresa (Almond) Welch (tjwelch@psychlan.uams.edu), is looking for someone:

I lived in Zaragoza from 6/76 to 7/79. My older sister married a man named Manolo Mirales and they had a child together named Deborah Sue (Dee Dee). They later divorced and I have not seen or heard from Manolo in 10 years or so. Dee Dee would now be almost 17 years old. Last I knew Manolo was a bartender at a place called Bass near Plaza de San Francisco. My father may have a last known address and I will forward that as soon as I get it. Also while I lived there I was really good friends with a man named Tomas Montero Montalban. He would now be abouty 34 years old and at the time was living with his parents in Kasan where I lived, also living there at the time were my friends Isabel Lopez and several unfortunately I can not remember their last names. I know this is going to be a shot in the dark but I would really like to get in touch with any

This came from @ on Friday, July 26, 1996 16:07:50

Teresa (Almond) Welch (tjwelch@psychlan.edu.uams), is looking for someone:

Oops, Manolo Mirabal not Mirales is the correct name. Thanks for your help and hope to hear from someone soon. I do remember quite a bit of Spanish so feel free to communicate in either language.

This came from @ on Friday, July 26, 1996 16:10:27

Marc Sonius (G.Sonius@FourPoints.nl), is looking for someone:

I'm looking for a girl whom I met on a holiday in France about 8 years ago. I don't remember here last name, but her First name is Kathy. She was older then me and should be around 25 years old now. The camping was near the Spanish border, very close to the Ocean (West). If you remember me Kathy (from England) please contact me.

This came from @asp51-24.amsterdam.nl.net. on Tuesday, July 30, 1996 11:31:01

Rodrigo Razón P (rrazon@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

I am about to go to Chile, I am 24 and an electronics Engineer I would like to meet people from that country to know a little about your culture and traditions.

This came from @sea.samsung134.sea.samsung.com. on Saturday, August 3, 1996 01:03:52

pat (pbutler@ccmail.sunysb.edu), is looking for someone:

Vincent Pantano

This came from @as3-10.noc080.sunysb.edu. on Monday, August 12, 1996 05:18:13

Brian Wear (bwear@PCLnet.com), is looking for someone:

Would like to hear from any old friends out there! 408 wood av attalla,al 35954

This came from @pm1-29.pcl.net. on Tuesday, August 13, 1996 05:26:44

Yoko Tanaka (tanaka@xs4all), is looking for someone:

try to find Ms. Marry Zaplatinsky

This came from @ztm01-00.dial.xs4all.nl. on Friday, August 23, 1996 16:19:52

Allan Sanchez Eclarinal (74247.714@compuserve.com), is looking for someone:

Looking for anyone related to Eclarinal - Carmen Roque Reyes Sanchez families Thanks. I am currently in the U.S.

This came from @ on Saturday, August 24, 1996 06:19:22

Adriano (adrianog@ri.redint.com), is looking for someone:

¿Donde andan Sergio Abraín (pintor y designer), Angela Gracia (negocios de venta de fincas)?

This came from @ on Sunday, September 1, 1996 02:37:18

Mr. Ashley P. FUREY (ohbewun@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

I am doing my family history and wish to contact ANY descendents of JOHN VINCENT FUREY and JULIA ELISABETH WREN . Any information would be GREATLY appreciated .

This came from @ on Tuesday, September 3, 1996 03:03:48

Mr. Ashley P. FUREY (ohbewun@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

I am doing my family history and wish to contact ANY descendents of JOHN VINCENT FUREY and JULIA ELISABETH WREN . Any information would be GREATLY appreciated .

This came from @shelob.ecc.tased.edu.au. on Tuesday, September 3, 1996 06:07:07

d butsch (dbutsch670.aol.com), is looking for someone:

trying to locate a man from my dad service years. was in the 3rd army in world war 2 named Frank Fritz from long island.

This came from @ubppp-062.ppp-net.buffalo.edu. on Tuesday, September 3, 1996 17:20:47

Karim Abul Ela (accad@idsc.gov.eg), is looking for someone:

I am looking for nice girl friend i am a male , 22 years old working in arab council for childhood and development waiting for mail dont forget me !

This came from @ on Wednesday, September 4, 1996 17:49:19

nicki lynn paul-thomas (???), is looking for someone:

i would like to find Craig Mancini (monroe high school class of 1991) because I miss him he was such a sweet heart. If anyone knows where i can find him, my address is Nicki Paul-Thomas--2550 South Oliver Street, Apt. 1008---Wichita, KS 67210

This came from @ on Thursday, September 5, 1996 02:16:26

Shreesh Holla (shreeshh@loc1.tandem.com), is looking for someone:

Looking for Sameer Rajyadaksh(Naga).Last I knew he was Georgia State U. Any info. on the same?

This came from @kilimanjaro.loc1.tandem.com. on Thursday, September 5, 1996 03:07:10

Alfonso Avelar (avelar@infovia.com.gt), is looking for someone:

i am lloking for mario rosales

This came from @ivpm1-s20.infovia.com.gt. on Thursday, September 5, 1996 15:01:19

Michelle Audrey Glenetski (maglenet@cougarnet.byu.edu), is looking for someone:

Hi I'm looking for anyone who could lead me to a teaching position in or around Zaragoza. I would like to teach English. I do not, however, have a teaching license - I am just an undergraduate student at Brigham Young University wanting to explore the world. I am an Antropology/European Studies major with minors in Spanish and French, and Spain is where I want to be. If you have any information please contact me. Thanks!

This came from @ on Thursday, September 5, 1996 19:38:53

Jaime Velasco (junior@arrakis.es), is looking for someone:

Busco WEB ..interesantes..sobre finanzas..y software para analisis bursatil...Saludos desde Zaragoza

This came from @ib46.arrakis.es. on Thursday, September 5, 1996 23:57:11

Andre Jonathan (jonathan@cbn.net.id), is looking for someone:

I am just a boy, 14 years old. I am a new internet user, and i want to find some people to be my friend on internet. If you want to be acquainted with me, just e-mail me. Thank you!!

This came from @ip132.cbn.net.id. on Saturday, September 7, 1996 11:38:48

Andre Jonathan (jonathan@cbn.net.id), is looking for someone:

I am just a boy, 14 years old. I am a new internet user, and i want to find some people to be my friend on internet. If you want to be acquainted with me, just e-mail me. Thank you!!

This came from @ip132.cbn.net.id. on Saturday, September 7, 1996 11:42:42

Adriano (adrianog@ri.redint.com), is looking for someone:

Vivo actualmente en México (capital) y me gustaría mucho tener noticias de todo un grupo de gente (Juan Colom, Sergio Abraín, Angela Gracia, Chus Torrens, etc...) con los que tuve el gustazo de convivir entre 1979 y 1981.

This came from @ on Sunday, September 8, 1996 08:26:45

Antonio Trillo (larner@aft.sn.no), is looking for someone:

Es algo rara mi peticion.Trabajo en la cia SAS escandinava,y en un viaje a Madrid,un viernes,al llegar resulta que el bus que nos iba a llevar al hotel para descansar unas horas y volver despues,no vino y yo decidi cojer un taxi. Vi una chica de unos veinticinco años mas o menos,que tenia problemas para transportar su equipaje con el carrito.La ayude,hablamos y al decirle que iba a cojer un taxi hasta el hotel,se ofreciò a llevarme.El caso fue que no dormi en el hotel mencionado,y quisiera saber si es posible contactar con ella ya que perdi unos gemelos de la camisa,que son bastante queridos por mi,eran de mi padre. Ella es rubia,de unos 176 cms altura,se llamaba Julia y me dijo venia desde Bruselas,el viernes 16 de Agosto. Si mal no recuerdo vivia por glorieta Bilbao en Madrid. Conoceis a alguien de estas señas?? Gracias Tony - Noruega

This came from @barum4-2.ppp.sn.no. on Tuesday, September 17, 1996 11:59:56

Adrienne Hunter Jumper (jjaj@aloha.net), is looking for someone:

Enrique Sanchez Manchinelly from Tuxla-Guitterez, Chiappas, Mexico. Graduated from Riverbank High School in California. Friends in Oakdale California.

This came from @molokai-45.u.aloha.net. on Wednesday, September 18, 1996 19:18:15

Adrienne Hunter Jumper (jjaj@aloha.net), is looking for someone:

Enrique Sanchez Manchinelly from Tuxla-Guitterez, Chiappas, Mexico. Graduated from Riverbank High School in California. Friends in Oakdale California. I'm Mike, Cheryl, Debbie & Natalie's mother and I live on the Island of Moloka'i, Hawaii with my husband Jeff.

This came from @molokai-45.u.aloha.net. on Wednesday, September 18, 1996 19:20:34

Jason Perrier (perr0027@algonquinc.on.ca), is looking for someone:

I would like to get back the e-mail address of 'Belle' who I talked in the loft somehow competer lost it. E-Mail me please.

This came from @ on Friday, September 20, 1996 15:29:44

Julio Perales (perales@suntan.eng.usf.edu), is looking for someone:

Quisiera ponerme en contacto con le 9-1 de la clase graduanda del 1990 de la escuela Juan Ramon Jimenez en Hato Tejas, Bayamon Puerto Rico. Todos ustedes se me han perdido y quiero saber como estan. Los estrano mucho: Jessica, Maribel, Eileen, Mireya,Y todas las demas. Ati tambien Carmelo. Por favor si alguin me puede ayudar se lo agredzco mucho.

This came from @ppp144.cfr.usf.edu. on Saturday, September 28, 1996 08:32:41

Julio Perales (perales@suntan.eng.usf.edu), is looking for someone:

Quisiera ponerme en contacto con el 9-1 de la clase graduanda del 1990 de la escuela Juan Ramon Jimenez en Hato Tejas, Bayamon Puerto Rico. Todos ustedes se me han perdido y quiero saber como estan. Los estrano mucho: Jessica, Maribel, Eileen, Mireya,Y todas las demas. A ti tambien Carmelo. Por favor si alguin me puede ayudar se lo agredzco mucho.

This came from @ppp144.cfr.usf.edu. on Saturday, September 28, 1996 08:33:20

Antonio (uc102@cclx1.unican.es), is looking for someone:

Fernando Labay

This came from @cchp4.unican.es. on Monday, September 30, 1996 12:04:25

garrett fox (gartrix@earthlink.com), is looking for someone:

Looking for x With kid I have not seen yet.Her name is Debbie Nichols some ware in Kansas City Mo. Love to her form her. Any one with info Email me @ gartrixearthlink.com THANK YOU!

This came from @mercury15.wco.com. on Thursday, October 3, 1996 04:12:46

mundo vazquez (edvazquez@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

karla ramos mojica

This came from @ on Thursday, October 3, 1996 22:41:17

marrion lyden (niteowl4@ix.netcom.com), is looking for someone:

Donald Austrum someplace in Wisconsin

This came from @cor-ca2-47.ix.netcom.com. on Wednesday, October 9, 1996 08:02:38

Donna M Logan (Barnes) (dmlogan@ns.net), is looking for someone:

Looking for Ellie Collazi from grade school in Denver, CO

This came from @ppp37.ns.net. on Wednesday, October 9, 1996 08:06:20

mona (cs008177@gaia.ecs.csus.edu), is looking for someone:

I am looking nice friend. I live in California.

This came from @mac-15.skylab.csus.edu. on Saturday, October 12, 1996 22:12:26

Francisco Lago (flago@popd.ix.netcom.com:), is looking for someone:

I'm looking for Antonia Gonzalez Lopez. Just want to know how is she doing since she was my girlfriend a long time ago. Please let me know. thanks!

This came from @stp-fl2-03.ix.netcom.com. on Monday, October 14, 1996 06:02:38

robert r messmore (bob60), is looking for someone:

looking for robert grubbs. last seen at ohio northern university. robert was a dj for some time in the late 60's/early 70's. Lived in rural ohio most or all of his life. he and i went to onu in the late 60's robert, where are you??????

This came from @d108.netgate.net. on Monday, October 14, 1996 06:41:25



This came from @ on Wednesday, October 16, 1996 13:40:32

Virginia R. Nason (vrnrn@ainop.com), is looking for someone:

Searching for Barbara Desroches who lived in ND. Would like to hear from you. Virginia Small Nason

This came from @mast2.ainop.com. on Friday, October 18, 1996 19:30:03

Garrett fox (foxline@wco.com), is looking for someone:

Looking for lost love.Her name is Debbie Nichols. She has my kid that I have never seen befor. Love to here for her . Any info Email me @ foxline@wcom. Or fax At 101-773-4732 THANK YOU!

This came from @mercury5.wco.com. on Saturday, October 19, 1996 08:14:13

Jorge Herrero (herrero@madrid.agw.bt.co.uk), is looking for someone:

Does anybody know the e-mail address of Javier Alaiza who was with me at collage in Madrid ?

This came from @ on Monday, October 21, 1996 15:10:46

Teresa (Almond) Welch (tjwelch@psychlan.uams.edu), is looking for someone:

Looking for anyone who lived in Zaragoza AB, Spain between 6/76 and 6/80. We're having a reunion and would love to have you! Last year it was Great!! Tim Almond, Roger Crago, Kirk Babino, Sylvia Carmona, Gerry Pihl, Mike Bryant, Linda, Michi and ChiChi Fernandez.... just to name a few old friends who were there. Please contact me. Even if you don't want to attend a reunion... we do have a list of names and addresses ... you could in touch with an old friend. Go Toros! Also, I am looking for Manolo Mirabel. Please email me Manolo, would like to have your address, #phone and pictures of DeeDee. Don't worry I have know contact with Debbie.

This came from @ on Tuesday, October 22, 1996 21:53:42

humberto cooley (aprendiz4@central.utags.mx), is looking for someone:

me gustaria tener correspondencia de patrica veronica anal silva de la universidad del mar de plata Argentina sabes lei tu mensaje y me gustaria saber de ti

This came from @ on Wednesday, October 23, 1996 17:59:20

margaret real (gus_real@ix.netcom.com), is looking for someone:

trying to locate Father Rutillo Mallillin (Father Rutty) formerly located at La Salette Fathers at San Mateo, Isabela. Father Rutty has been transferred and we have lost his address, Mail addressed to him is apparently not received by him. My mailing address is 28072 Paseo Verde, San Juan Capistrano, Ca 92675. Tel 714-661-4120 Thank you for your effort. Margaret Real

This came from @mvo-ca3-08.ix.netcom.com. on Friday, October 25, 1996 02:28:39

ellean johnson (minter/elliott) (mzjoh), is looking for someone:

i am looking for denise ellis oakes her hometown was spencer okla last time i heard from her she lived in california please contact me. post mail addr is 4560 s hydraulic #c8 wichita, ks 67216

This came from @www-fw-proxy3.boeing.com. on Friday, October 25, 1996 13:53:22

Martha Montejano (Z_ANGELESMP@TITAN.SFASU.EDU), is looking for someone:

Escribeme para conocer mas gente Hispana que utiliza la computadora. El numero de e-Mail es el de mi amiga pero seguire tratando de localizar gente Hispana.

This came from @ on Monday, October 28, 1996 01:16:35

Xavi Aracil (e6710715¿est.fib.upc.es), is looking for someone:

Estoybuscando gente que vaya por LA PUEBLA DE HIJAR, en Teruel.

This came from @chooyu.upc.es. on Monday, October 28, 1996 12:45:56

Desireé (desiree.persson@sshl.se), is looking for someone:

Lee - from London. Was travelling around the world with his friends -96.I met you in Cairns, Australia. I´m sure you remember me. I´m moving to London. CALL ME!!! desireé (break the system;)-)

This came from @dialup102-2-3.swipnet.se. on Monday, October 28, 1996 17:38:39

Gustavo Lopez (no lo se), is looking for someone:

no tengo ni idea que coño es esto

This came from @bfil6.unizar.es. on Tuesday, October 29, 1996 11:48:49

gustavo lopez (no lo se), is looking for someone:

hay alguien ahí solo hablo argentino

This came from @bfil6.unizar.es. on Tuesday, October 29, 1996 11:50:29

Melissa jacobini (MelissaJ@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

Hi i'm looking for people to exchangee-mail and if it could be possible someone called jacobini i'm starting to think i'm alone at the world well o course have many friends but beside my close family no more relatives hola busco gente interesante con la que intercambiar correo y si se puede alguien que se apellide como yo estoy empezando a pensar que no exitenadie mas en el mundo aparte de mi familia cercanaporsupuesto

This came from @ on Thursday, October 31, 1996 17:50:32

Mark Zweegers (Zweegers@dse.nl), is looking for someone:

Busco a Jose Antonio Perez Monge. Le conozco del quinto curso de Empresariales en la Universidad de Zaragoza (1991-1992). Hace mucho tiempo que no le he visto. Quiero saber como esta ahora y para saber si aun se requerda "Zapatos Verdes"!!!?

This came from @hqfw01.libertel.nl. on Friday, November 1, 1996 18:59:25

Leyre Diez (LXD9797@ritvax.isc.rit.edu), is looking for someone:

Si alguien conoze a Diego Diez Cruzado y sabe su direccion de E-mail, por favor me la puedes mandar. Gracias.

This came from @p755plow14.isc.rit.edu. on Sunday, November 3, 1996 22:22:35

Xavi Aracil Diaz (e6710715@est.fib.upc.es), is looking for someone:

Estoy buscando a gente de La Puebla de Hijar, en la provincia de Teruel, donde suelo ir de vacaciones. Se que algunos van a la Universidad de Zaragoza, especialment una chica que estudia estadistica que se llama Maribel. Gracias.

This came from @chooyu.upc.es. on Tuesday, November 5, 1996 12:31:00

Hugo N. Olaiz (olaiz@uclink2.berkeley.edu), is looking for someone:

Busco a personas de apellido OLAIZ (es mi apellido). Somos baskos, pero estamos dispersos por el mundo. Mi prima Rita y yo queremos publicar desde California un boletin intrenacional de la familia Olaiz y distribuirlo por el mundo.

This came from @erebus.ibmoto.com. on Wednesday, November 6, 1996 23:39:38

Maria Enrigue (cenrigue@infosel.net.mx), is looking for someone:

I´m not really looking for somebody, I only want to know if someone knows someting about my last name. It is very important for me so please if you know someting or someone with my last name please let me know

This came from @ on Saturday, November 9, 1996 03:03:18

Maria Enrigue (cenrigue@infosel.net.mx), is looking for someone:

I´m looking for any persons with the surname "Enrigue" I am a working on a family tree. please if you know someone writte me. hola trato de buscar alguien que se apellide enrigue mi papa me trae loca buscando eso así que si saben algo porfavor escribeme.

This came from @ on Saturday, November 9, 1996 03:28:38

Mrs Ruth Ann (Guti) Laity (jlaityjr@enter.net), is looking for someone:

I am searching for information about my grandfather. His name was Fancisco Gutierrez,,also went by Frank Guti. He married Anna Chinzel in Pittsburgh Pa. in 1929. They lived their for at least 10yr, before my grandmother passed away of TB. The only information I have about Frank, is he was born around 1904, possibly July 14, 1904. He worked for the Railroad, in Pittsburgh. When his children was put into an Orphanage, the courts did not know his where abouts. Also His mothers maiden stats: Susie Jose & His fathers:Ramon Gert according to his marriage certificate. Please if you can help me, with any information I would be greatly appreciate it. As you can see I dont even Have one standard name to go by. Please send me E-mail: jlaityjr@enter.net

This came from @ppp71.enter.net. on Thursday, November 14, 1996 02:10:38

Aldo Gabrielli (a.gabrielli@blunet.it), is looking for someone:

I've a telephone number of a friend af my friend Carl (he's english) who lives in madrid and i'm tryng to call him from Rome Italy, but unfortunately a message say to me the number not exist, i suspect that there is a strange prefix before or.... i don't know. The number start with 9091 and five number follow it. Has anybody an idea or a suggest about it ???? Please help me.

This came from @remo.csai.telecomitalia.it. on Thursday, November 14, 1996 13:57:02

Sergio Arbues (309579@econz.unizar.es), is looking for someone:

Yo estoy buscando pareja (soy hetero) pero la afortunada ha de cumplir algunas caracteristicas ya que he salido recientemente de una desdichada relacion de 3 años. Ella ha de ser bella, con buen cuerpo, con alegria y gracia, simpatica, cariñosa(imprescindible), y sobre todo que sepa lo que quiere. Yo le correspondere y no le defraudare, ademas de que ofrezco la maxima flexibilidad en cuanto a nuestra relacion. no lo dudes, no te arrepentiras. Un saludo: Sergio

This came from @ on Thursday, November 21, 1996 13:40:16

David Notario (David.Notario@ii.uam.es), is looking for someone:

Delphine Barcy

This came from @cibeles.ii.uam.es. on Friday, November 29, 1996 13:28:29

David Notario (David.Notario@ii.uam.es), is looking for someone:

Delphine Barcy

This came from @cibeles.ii.uam.es. on Friday, November 29, 1996 13:28:44

howard (www.entrance@webgate.net), is looking for someone:

looking for an address phone number of john zaplatinsky originally from winnipeg manitoba

This came from @ on Sunday, December 1, 1996 03:46:26

Cristina (968014521@96.lincoln.ac.uk), is looking for someone:

La verdad es que no busco a nadie en especial, pero si alguien quiere mandar e-mails, ahi esta mi direccion. Cristina C.

This came from @ on Monday, December 2, 1996 21:58:19

Andy Frey (doug@cp.duluth.mn.us), is looking for someone:

I'd Like To Get Trent Jennings E-mail Address he lives in United Kingdom(England)

This came from @pm129.cp.duluth.mn.us. on Tuesday, December 10, 1996 02:56:00

Stefan Larson (stefan.larson@wgy.enkoping.se), is looking for someone:

I had contact with a person named Javier at a vocational school in Zaragoza a couple of days ago. Now our mail server has broken down, but it will be fixed within this week and I will get in touch with him asap. Regards Stefan Larson P.S If he wants to reach me before that, I am availiable at fax n:o +46-171 254 07 or +46 171 375 15.

This came from @ on Tuesday, December 10, 1996 17:54:50

Nicole Collett (judith.collett@www.richardson.k12.tx.us), is looking for someone:

I am twelve years old and am looking for someone from Peru to interview for a research paper I am writing on Peru. I would appreciate hearing from anyone who lives in or has lived anywhere in Peru. Please contact me at the email address listed below or try this one: judic@tenet.edu.

This came from @ on Wednesday, December 11, 1996 21:25:35

Elaine Codling Howard (how@clandjop.com), is looking for someone:

I'm trying to find Patricia Ann McWilliams A graduate of Baldwin Park,Ca. 1964

This came from @ on Wednesday, December 18, 1996 23:32:36

Tim Holtby (Writer1@concentric.net), is looking for someone:

Who is guastini@pilot.njin.net Please...Tim

This came from @cnc134077.concentric.net. on Thursday, December 19, 1996 22:26:27

Tim Holtby (Writer1@concentric.net), is looking for someone:

Who is guastini@pilot.njin.net Please...Tim Wait...I don't get it or anything...I'm getting these e-mails and want to know who's sending them. Get What? Not joking

This came from @cnc134077.concentric.net. on Thursday, December 19, 1996 22:28:01

Jose (jopasfe@etsia.upv.es), is looking for someone:

Hi, my name is Jose from Valencia. I don´t know why i am speaking English but this page is written in this one, so i´ll continue. I can only offer a friend to answer your e-mails and who knows?, maybe future friends in real life not only in ciberworld. I like sports, this horrible but exiting world, parties(everybody knows Valencia nights) and all kind of music except heavy and similar. Write me soon......thanks

This came from @term11.aiind.upv.es. on Friday, December 20, 1996 19:41:44

Juan Tejero (Jtejero@fortress.awinc.com), is looking for someone:

Estoy buscando E-mail address of Jose Gimenez Mas en zaragoza.

This came from @pmet05.fortress.awinc.com. on Wednesday, December 25, 1996 22:53:46

Troy Evans (TWEvans@worldnet.att.net), is looking for someone:

I would like to locate a lady named Sharon Ford who lived on Nixon St., Lakewood, CA in 1961,62, etc.

This came from @201.los-angeles-006.ca.dial-access.att.net. on Monday, December 30, 1996 05:11:46

Donna Blancero (donna.blancero@asu.edu), is looking for someone:

I am doing my family history and looking for any relatives, either in Puerto Rico or in the States. My father was Felipe Pagan Blancero, his father was Ramon Pagan Cruz and his mother was Rafaela Blancero Moyano. Blancero was sometimes spelled Blanchero. I am also looking for the connection between Manuel Jimenez [pulguita], the Puerto Rican singer, who was, I believe, my dad's half brother. Any info is very much appreciated. Thanks so much.

This came from @ppp1-05.inre.asu.edu. on Monday, December 30, 1996 20:16:28

Wong Sisie (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @mod15.msoft.it. on Tuesday, December 31, 1996 17:43:09

Rosanna Marie Logan (phone # (503) 657-9160), is looking for someone:

Looking for Ed Huckleberry who is Native American Indian and lived in in Seaside OR. in the 70-80's I'm Native aswell been looking for Ed for a very long time. Please if you have any iformation call (503) 657-9061 in Portland Or.

This came from @host238c.deq.state.or.us. on Friday, January 10, 1997 01:08:56

Diego Vivanco (bfuk6@central.sussex.ac.uk), is looking for someone:

Hola, estoy tratando de localizar a un amigo que se llama Jonas Gimeno y deberia estar estudiando en la universidad de Zaragoza.

This came from @saffron.hensa.ac.uk. on Friday, January 10, 1997 15:22:56

Lisa Spiro (lifetime@csulb.edu), is looking for someone:

I'm looking for Robin Friedman, she lived in riverside, California in 1960 and had a baby with Allan Jay Friedman. How can I locate this old friend.....

This came from @p13-as2.lonbea1.csu.sloc.net. on Sunday, January 12, 1997 07:47:58

Michael John Corrao (Corrao@flddotnet.com), is looking for someone:

I am looking for Bob Davis of Milwukee, Wisconsin. Bob and his wife moved to California some time ago. The last job Bob was working at,was trucking Drive. If someone has seen him or know of him. I may be contacted at North 1622 Gladwater Beach Road Malone, Wisconsin 53049.

This came from @usr-02-ppp-127.tcccom.net. on Sunday, January 12, 1997 17:39:57

Patricia Ortiz-Frades (portizf@fcb.com), is looking for someone:

Sacha Pierluigi Ratti Cinquino aka SACHA RATTI. Desde Zaragoza 1989 que no nos vemos. Te echo, y te echamos muchisimo de menos. Por favor, ponte en contacto nosotros en cuanto recibas este mensaje. Patricia: 212/452-0152 ... portizf@fcb.com Tony: 201/868-4979 Gary: 213/851-7228 Jerry: 904/258-3001

This came from @nyinterlock.fcb.com. on Monday, January 13, 1997 23:23:31

Fernando Galup (fgalup@adinet.com.uy), is looking for someone:

Estoy buscando a un escritor uruguayo llamado Luis Carrizo. Alguien lo vió por ahí?

This came from @r44-74.adinet.com.uy. on Sunday, January 26, 1997 05:55:21

Roberto de Hijar y Frias (74541.2151@compuserve.com), is looking for someone:

Estoy interesado en 'conversar' electronicamente (e-mail) con personas de cualquier edad o sexo con mi(s) mismo(s) apellido(s) que vivan o sean oriundas de Teruel, cualquiera de sus poblados, para saber mas de mis antepasados y de sus descendientes, pensando que algun dia ire yo a visitar esas partes, y seria buena idea conocer (al menos elctronicamente) a alguien que viva por ahi. Podemos conversar en ingles o espanol. Vivo en San Francisco, California EUA, pero mis antepasados mas recientes son de Mexico.

This came from @isdn7.pactel.com. on Sunday, January 26, 1997 22:26:18

Susanna Aagard (gaagard@mail.paulbunyan.net), is looking for someone:

I'm looking for "Jean Pierre" who I met at Conccordia Language Camp this last summer (96) We turned out to be really good friends, but before I left, Ididn't get a chance to get his address. Coould anyone help me?!

This came from @pppf.paulbunyan.net. on Wednesday, January 29, 1997 17:35:07

Teresa Almond Welch (tjwelch@psychlan.uams.edu), is looking for someone:

see my homepage www.geocities.com/bourbonstreet/4229 and go to www.classmates.com and look up Zaragoza High School, there are some more email addresses for students from Zaragoza Air Base there.

This came from @ on Friday, January 31, 1997 18:45:58

toño isla (villacampa@spicom.es), is looking for someone:

estoy buscando a un viejo colega del parapente llamado miguel angel blasco, alias "cañete" dicime algo. saludos.

This came from @ on Tuesday, February 4, 1997 11:24:30

Patricia Ortiz-Frades (portizf@fcb.com), is looking for someone:

Anyone! From the 1989 Graduating Class @ Zab Please get in touch with me. Where are you all!? I miss you. We should get together. I live in nyc. 212/452-0152

This came from @nyinterlock.fcb.com. on Tuesday, February 4, 1997 20:38:58

MANUEL (MZAPGAL@CIENCIAS.CTI.UNAV.ES), is looking for someone:


This came from @generic.unav.es. on Friday, February 14, 1997 20:20:37

Bill campbell (wrcphoto@cet.com), is looking for someone:

Angelia Marie Aguirre from Lima, Peru

This came from @194.san-francisco-025.ca.dial-access.att.net. on Saturday, February 22, 1997 22:43:29

Fernando de Castro (66721083@mmu.ac.uk), is looking for someone:

Busco todo lo que sepais de Maria Enfedaque Sancho

This came from @ on Friday, March 7, 1997 14:44:55

Brian Wear (battalla@msn.com), is looking for someone:

wish to correspond with anyone with the last name WEAR would like to find information about the name/history. thank Brian

This came from @cust110.max23.atlanta.ga.ms.uu.net. on Thursday, March 13, 1997 05:43:32

alejandro (alejandro.estepa@cs.us.es), is looking for someone:

This came from @pc96.fie.us.es. on Friday, March 14, 1997 11:23:12

j. ashley kirby (rckirby@worldnet.att.net), is looking for someone:

I am searching for my son, John Ashley Kirby, born 7/3/71, in Fairfield, Ct. Please e-mail any information to rckirby@worldnet.att.net. Thank you.

This came from @42.orlando-005.fl.dial-access.att.net. on Thursday, April 3, 1997 04:11:02

Oscar (ob1388"cub.uca.edu), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on Wednesday, April 9, 1997 08:16:37

Thomas Brazier (cgms_ny@ix.netcom.com), is looking for someone:

To locate the whereabouts of William Jones Watson, born Blowing Rock, NC; October 1923, married Teresa McGlone 1944 in Florida 1944. Joined the Navy and was station in Groton, CT. Retired as cheif Commissary Cook. Owned restaurant in Groton around 1965.

This came from @nyc-ny20-06.ix.netcom.com. on Wednesday, April 9, 1997 15:43:11

Jose de Jesús Martinez Vizcarra (jose2palmera.colimanet.com), is looking for someone:

Quiero estar en contacto con amigos y amigas de toda América latina de esa gran patria de la que nuestros paises son solo unos estados o provincias pues todos formamos parte de la gran nación latinoamericana. Espacialmente a profesionistas científicos o estudiantes de química pero sin limitarme a eso sino con cualquiere persona que se interese en contactar conmigo, me gusta el futbol, jugar dominó, asistir a conferencias científicas, leer y viajar.

This came from @ispcolima6.acnet.net. on Saturday, April 12, 1997 04:15:41

Andrea Sue Treitler (bossless1@earthlink.net), is looking for someone:

Looking for my natural father. Name:Charles Keane was married to Vicki Headley(keane) around 1960 to 1973 in California. Two children(girls) born 1962 & 1971 If anyone knows of him please e-mail me at bossless1@earthlink.net

This came from @max2-ot-ca-42.earthlink.net. on Tuesday, April 15, 1997 09:09:46


Estoy interesado en conseguir la direccion de el Sr. PEDRO ALMODOVAR o ROSSY DE PALMA, no se si ustedes me puedan alludar a encontrarl esas direcciones, es que para mi es como un compromiso, es que tengo un amigo que esta enfermo, y el es fanatico a las peliculas de PEDRO ALMODOVAR y de la actris ROSSY DE PALMA,y pues yo quiero haver si ustedes me hacen el favor de localisarme esas dirreciones, mi unico proposito es de pedirles a Rossy de Palma y Pedro Almodovar una foto ortografiada, para mi amigo, les agradeciaria todas las antenciones que le puedan dar ala presente IVAN ESQUIVEL 2209 2nd AVE SEATTLE,WA 98121 U.S.A E-Mail ....... Brownwhite@sprynet.com

This came from @dd14-080.compuserve.com. on Sunday, April 20, 1997 07:54:07

Susie Ortega Taylor (staylor@bcicorp.com), is looking for someone:

I am looking for a fellow classmate whose name is Michael Lee Warren. His sister's name is Carol. We both graduated from East Central H.S. in San Antonio, TX in 1971.

This came from @bcicorp.iwl.net. on Wednesday, April 23, 1997 18:14:17

JAVIER (albamon@tinet.fut.es), is looking for someone:

Estoy buscando el e-Mail de Susana Bayarri Fernandez, doctora en Veterinaria por la Universidad de Zaragoza, y que actualmente esta dando clase en la misma, si alguien lo sabe que me lo envie Gracias

This came from @milu.fut.es. on Monday, May 26, 1997 19:01:02

Sue Lynn Yurick (yuricksl@iserv.net), is looking for someone:

Cuando estuvo en Aragón en 1992, conocí a una chica graciosa que excavaba en Borja. Era estudiante en la universidad de Zaragoza, siguiendo cursos de geografía. Se llama Elena Val Moreno. Creo que no tiene dirección electrónica. Mil gracias. Me gustan sus esfuerzos en la pâgina.

This came from @gr-max5-14.iserv.net. on Wednesday, June 4, 1997 02:51:04

Pachi fanlo (droi0014@messv1.univ-pau.fr), is looking for someone:

Hola amigos; soy un estudiante desesperado de la facultadc de derecho de Zaragoza. solo me queda una asignatura para terminar la carrera(Derecho Financiero),la cual tengo atragantada,por eso estoy dispuesto a ofrecer 5O.OOO Pts a la persona que me aprobara esa asignatura Espero respuesta Gracias

This came from @crisv1.univ-pau.fr. on Wednesday, June 4, 1997 17:39:45

Bill Lingenfelter (ppicker@ddt.net), is looking for someone:

I am looking for my wife's father,Kenneth Drennan. No idea where he is but need to get ahold of him. His daughter's name is Octavia, from northern Ca. would appreciate any help.THANKYOU

This came from @ on Thursday, June 5, 1997 01:55:40

David James Edward Lamb (maxtranz@interalpha.co.uk), is looking for someone:

In 1972 (England UK) Jaqueline Alice Scarlett (Purton) married a Mr Robert Edward Lamb can anyone help me find her? No P.I

This came from @ on Friday, June 20, 1997 03:10:38

Cynthia P.Nourn (301-608-4035), is looking for someone:

To all of my old friends that have been looking for me,I'm here in Silver Spring,Maryland.You can reach me at 1-800-492-6769 Extn.84035.

This came from @ on Wednesday, June 25, 1997 16:58:34

sam welman (sam-bo@swbell.net), is looking for someone:

I am looking for a good friend I knew in okanawa japan. Her name Tammy riddick. we were in the marine corps together. I believe she is from Iowa. she has a tattoo on her right hip. Would love to find her. Her dad was a sherrif. If you know this person or think you might know her please contact me. Beeper 817-651 0545

This came from @ on Thursday, June 26, 1997 05:27:39

Ted Myers (synergy@tln.net), is looking for someone:

Looking for ELISA GONZALES, of Barcelona, Spain. Elisa was a foreign exchange student to Elkhart, Indiana in the United States during the 1957-1958 school year.

This came from @ on Thursday, July 3, 1997 04:58:42

Terra Dafoe (daf@connect.reach.net), is looking for someone:

I'm looking for a long lost friend named David. We had been best buds for a while then he moved. I like to talk to him and see what is going on in his life right now. If he sees this can he respond. Also I'm looking for Nathan Noblit, and a guy who refers to himself as Sexgod.

This came from @ on Friday, July 4, 1997 00:58:28

curtis robinson (curtisrobinson@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

Im looking for a fredrick w short he used to live in medford oregon i think he still does his last po box was po box 625 medford ore 97501 and he was living in pheonix ore his brothers name is raymond short if any one knows where he is have fredrick contact at po box 30000 jackson wy 83001-0600 i,m worried about him we,ve known each other about 18 years please let me know his current address and if he,s allright

This came from @ on Saturday, July 12, 1997 23:29:36

Tennille Williams (tew10576@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

I'm Looking for two people an old friend and his name is Bobby Camp and a long lost sister I never met and her name is Sabrina Williams. Bobby is orginally from Shelby,North Carolina. Sabrina is orginally from Columbus,Goergia.

This came from @ on Monday, July 21, 1997 22:08:22

Isabel Rossana León Nava (holos@amauta.rcp.net.pe), is looking for someone:

Hola: Soy de Lima - Perú, conocí a un chico aquí, su nombre es Jacinto Enrique de la Cruz, el vive en Madrid, es español y es el Director Musical de Julio Sabala, pero regresó a su país y perdí el contacto con él y lo peor del caso es que no tengo como ubicarlo y no puedo sacarlo de mi mente, solo quiero saber como está, si alguién lo conoce o sabe algo de él por favor mandenme un correo o creo que cortaré mis venas (es una broma). Gracias.

This came from @ on Tuesday, July 22, 1997 01:17:55

Linda (Dekker) Young (Linda@skyenet.net), is looking for someone:

Looking for a school friend. Her name was Debbie Leone, and she lived in Valley Station, Kentucky in 1973. She graduated high school between 75-78, I visited her and went for a lovely cruise on the Belle of Louisville. She has a brother named Henry. We met in the chicago land area and then she moved to Ky. we lost touch and I would love to find her again. Debbie, if your out there, give me a sign!

This came from @ on Thursday, July 24, 1997 07:21:11

Mel Hines (mel_donna_hines@msn.com), is looking for someone:

Looking for lost brother. My Mother Ruth Eleanor Eklund gave up for adoptions in 1935 at the age of 15 my brother. John Robert Eklund. D.O.B. September 11, 1935. Ruth lived in San Franscino at the time. The only information we have on the adopted parents is both parents were of Protestant religion. In 1935 they had already been married for four years. The father was of German-Scotch-Irish descent; the mothher English (both were born in California). In 1980 Ruth got in touch with Depatment of social services looking for help in locating son. At this time the laws were tight. No information was given. On July 6, 1997 my mother Ruth passed away. I found all of these papers. My Family had no idea a brother was given up for adoption.

This came from @ on Thursday, July 24, 1997 20:44:20

Arthur Angelini (pacwest@mind.net), is looking for someone:

My mother and father were divorced when I was 2 years old. I have never seen my father nor have I ever spoken to him. Time is going by and 49 years later I would like to know more about him, perhaps even speak to him. I know very little about him other than the fact that he was in the Navy when my mother married him. I believe they were married in 1946 in Toledo, Ohio. My fathers name is Arthur Anthony Angelini. My mothers' maiden name was Marian Lee Balduff. My fathers' mothers name was Inez Angelini living in Jessup, PA. Last known time that she lived there was 1957. If you know of such a person or his family please E-mail me. Arthur Angelini Jr. pacwest@mind.net

This came from @ on Wednesday, August 6, 1997 00:34:24

Jackie Richardson (jackieg@gulftel.com), is looking for someone:

I met a guy from Tuscaloosa, AL in 1980. His name is Jack Schoue? (sounds like shoy) I'd like to find him but can't even spell his name! Please help. He worked as a sound man for a band. Anyone with info please write. Thanks!

This came from @ on Tuesday, August 12, 1997 03:06:24

Patrice Stamper (jes@mediaone.net), is looking for someone:

I am looking for the Valley of Solana, south of Estella in Spain.

This came from @ on Tuesday, August 12, 1997 13:56:35

albrecht wobst (awobst@ieo.cilea.it), is looking for someone:

Hevandro Bretas Sibonio Pais 12 Odivelas-Loures 2675 Portugal

This came from @ on Tuesday, August 12, 1997 14:23:42

Martina Pedlar (Paredes) (martina.pedlar@lw.com), is looking for someone:

I am looking for Joy Sheehan. I used to work with her as a student on the Air Force Base in Aviano, Italy. Joy, if you're out there...I'm looking for you. My experience with working in your lab has, after 10 years, inspired me to work ina similar field.

This came from @ on Friday, August 15, 1997 06:24:07

Terry Theodora Grimmesey Janzen (tjanzen@ritzville.org), is looking for someone:

I am looking for Edna English, Syble Henslee, Virgina Jackson, Marilyn Valintine, Leona Anderson. There are maiden names. They lived in Upland and Ontario and went to Chaffey High school. Some moved before we graduated in 1948.

This came from @ on Friday, August 15, 1997 17:37:51

Terry Theodora Grimmesey Janzen (tjanzen@ritzville.org), is looking for someone:

I am looking for a woman who would now be in her sixties who moved to England inaround 1937 from Yokohama, Japan. I believe her first name was Margret and we lived in the English section. She went to The International School. I am the girl she used to play with, she lived across from our tennis court. I have wondered over the years what happened to you. Please get in touch.

This came from @ on Friday, August 15, 1997 17:48:50

Terry Theodora Grimmesey Janzen (tjanzen@ritzville.org), is looking for someone:

I am looking for a woman who would now be in her sixties who moved to England inaround 1937 from Yokohama, Japan. I believe her first name was Margret and we lived in the English section. She went to The International School. I am the girl she used to play with, she lived across from our tennis court. I have wondered over the years what happened to you. Please get in touch. My address is Terry Janzen 506 West Broadway Ritzville, WA 99169 USA

This came from @ on Friday, August 15, 1997 17:50:52

Stephen Passalacqua (apachesquaw&mindspring.com), is looking for someone:

I continue my 13 year search for my son Christian Lee Passalacqua taken by his mother to California and not leaving a forwarding address. All my effords to find my son have been fruitless, but that has not stopped me and I am in the hopes that someday he will see my name on the web and call me.

This came from @ on Tuesday, August 19, 1997 06:26:32

Daniel (ardilla@goplay.com), is looking for someone:

Deseo conocer mujeres de cualquier daad que les guste el sexo en todas sus variedads y que busquen más que un físico impresionante, un trato inigualable.

This came from @ on Wednesday, August 20, 1997 00:32:48

gregory pennington (www. greg_pennington@jhoward.com), is looking for someone:

Trying to locate Mari-Jo O"Herron, graduate of Hudson High School (Ohio) , Class of 1971, and Wanda Bloodsaw, graduate of Shaw High School (EastCleveland, Ohio), Class of 1971. Please send any information ASAP.

This came from @ on Wednesday, August 20, 1997 20:11:01

keridhil (keridhil@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

Busco mujeres liberales que quieran pasar un agradable rato con un amante en Zaragoza

This came from @ on Saturday, August 23, 1997 19:38:52

Xavi Pie Arqués (menendez.cabrera@coac.es), is looking for someone:

Manuel Vázquez Montalbán

This came from @ on Saturday, August 23, 1997 20:42:29

rodrigo lozano lucido (guigos@data.net.mx), is looking for someone:

Encontrar a la Srita. Mireya Llobera Vila, que conoci en Valencia, España en julio de 1989. Gracias.

This came from @ on Saturday, August 30, 1997 03:36:13

Antonio Muñoz-Mingarro Martinez (munozm@ctac.es), is looking for someone:

Estoy buscando a una antigua compañera de estudios, en el Colegio "Nuestra Señora del Buen Consejo", en Madrid. Lo malo de esto es que hace 18 años que no se nada de ella. Su nombre es: Juana Garcia Casado. Vivia en Madrid. Gracias

This came from @ on Monday, September 1, 1997 23:31:17

Lloyd Erwin Lowe (lloydlowe@usa.net), is looking for someone:

On 25 October 1962 Susan Long gave birth to a girl at St. Anne's in Los Angeles, Ca. She took the baby from the hospital on 2 November. Then on 12 November that same year she returned the little girl to the hospital and left her to be adopted and raised by others. The little girl has recently discovered this information and greatly desires to communicate with her birth mother. Susan Long, Please, Please, contact her through me.

This came from @ on Wednesday, September 3, 1997 06:04:35

??? (rpeaden@compuserve.com), is looking for someone:

Want to say hello to Angela Gomez formerly of Santa Susana No 17 Piso 101 28033 Madrid Spain

This came from @ on Tuesday, September 16, 1997 02:58:06

Larry Mier (johnm@skyenet.net), is looking for someone:

Would like to hear from anyone from Morton Mississippi. I graduated class of 1966. Would love to hear from any or all classmates,old friends or anyone that might remember me.

This came from @ on Saturday, September 20, 1997 04:10:39

Maxim (shut@pacbell.ney), is looking for someone:

Hi every one. How are you all doing? I guess fine if not be cool.

This came from @ on Tuesday, September 23, 1997 05:02:43

Bram Linssen (sylvia@axxel.nl), is looking for someone:

I am looking for anybody in Zaragoza, that can tell me more about this city! I will be studying there from January until June. If you want to have an international friend from the Netherlands, contact me!

This came from @ on Tuesday, September 23, 1997 15:11:17

Isabel Pedini (ip10@ukc.ac.uk), is looking for someone:

Bueno! que mierda de site seguro que aqui no Hay nadie que aga ni puto caso a est tonteria de los que conosco. Igualmente puede que algien conozca a Javier Garces Paris (un poco de publicidad javi!), a Ana, a Alba, a Yago Santander, a Ester, Bueno a los del grupo de Salou. Que estudian todos alli y Que he perdido todos los emails que tenia!!!

This came from @ on Wednesday, September 24, 1997 19:47:49

Miguel Angel Sanchez (420755@cepsz.unizar.es), is looking for someone:

Busco amigas simpaticas para salir de marcha y ya sabeis que mas... Estoy mu gueno. O al menos eso dicen todas, incluido mi novio. Por fabor, escribidme cuanto antes. Estoy desesperao.

This came from @ on Monday, September 29, 1997 11:30:36

Trudi Jardine (trudi@nbnet.nb.ca), is looking for someone:

Looking for SABINA KEUPER of GERMANY!!!!!!!! Hello! My name is Trudi Jardine and I am from Fredericton, New Brunswick in Canada. Back in the mid - late 1970's I attended school with a girl named Sabina Keuper here in Canada and I have been trying to find her for years with no luck. I was hoping you could help me. She left Canada to return to Germany in 1979 and I believe her graduation year from High School would have been 1985. Is there any way you could help me find her or tell me how to aid my search? I would appreciate any input you could give me. Thank you very much. Trudi Jardine Fredericton, New Brunswick Canada

This came from @ on Thursday, October 2, 1997 10:21:14

Alberto Acin (y0008076@tu-bs.de), is looking for someone:

Jose Carlos Espinosa

This came from @ on Tuesday, October 14, 1997 23:26:27

Juliette Aubrey (Padgett) (Juliette@Pacbell.net), is looking for someone:

Looking for old friends. Staioned in Zaragoza Spain, Ramstein Germany, Aviano Italy, Ankara Turkey, Sacramento CA. Looking for old friends last known in Milwaukee Wis. Colette and Jim Hess 1967. I'ts been many years never forgot our friendship, just lost touch.

This came from @ on Wednesday, November 12, 1997 15:53:13

Jacob Tennessen (fivetens@mhtc.net), is looking for someone:

A todos mis amigos venezolanos: Tengo una nueva direccion, que se ve aqui. Por favor, denme sus direcciones, tambien, si las tengan. Chao.

This came from @ on Sunday, November 16, 1997 00:36:15

Robyn (Bobbi Mizell) Wimmer (wimmer1@rrnet.com), is looking for someone:

Would like to hear from classmates from Roseville High, California, 1963-66 years. I graduated in '66 and now live in Fargo, ND Would especially like to know whatever happened to Jim Rudow (LaDuke) and others in this group.

This came from @ on Tuesday, November 25, 1997 20:37:43

Robyn (Bobbi Mizell) Wimmer (wimmer1@rrnet.com), is looking for someone:

Looking for classmates of Roseville High, CA 1963-66 years; I graduated in 1966. Would especially like to find out where Jim (LaDuke) Rudow is if possible. Current name is Robyn Wimmer. Address is 1516 Eighth St S--Fargo ND 58103 and phone number is 701.293.7567

This came from @ on Tuesday, November 25, 1997 20:43:11

Rodrigo (rodrigo.investronica@worldnet.att.net), is looking for someone:

Un saludo a Carlos Nosti de su colega de Atlanta. Chicas, ahi teneis todoi un ejemplar rubio, en forma, 1,90, y ya sabeis, ingenieros industriales, los mejores sem....les.

This came from @ on Friday, November 28, 1997 22:14:30

machito camacho (431876@cepsz.unizar.es), is looking for someone:

Jose Remon Garcia Pardos