#!/usr/local/tcl/bin/wish -f ############################################################################ # xmotd # # # # This is a simple little tcl/tk script that will print out the motd on # # Xterminal running xdm and force the user to acknowldge that he or she # # has read it by pressing any button or any key anywhere in the window # # in Xsession, just put the following before you execute your user's # # .xsession file (or .xinitrc, .openwin-init, etc) # # # # # # # # Display motd # # # # # /usr/lib/X11/xdm/xmotd # # # # Doug Hughes - doug@vf.ge.com Feb 9, 1994 - Martin Marietta Corporation # ############################################################################ set file [open /etc/motd] set motd [read $file] message .title -font lucidasanstypewriter-bold-12 -justify left -width 180m\ -relief flat -text "Press any key or any button to dismiss" message .t -font lucidasanstypewriter-bold-14 \ -aspect 300 -justify left \ -relief groove -bd 5 -text $motd pack .title -side top -anchor c pack .t -side top bind .t exit bind .t exit focus .t #wm title . "Press any button or hit any key" wm geometry . +200+175