/* * This fcrypt/crypt speed testing program * is derived from one floating around in * the net. It's distributed along with * UFC-crypt but is not. * * @(#)speeds.c 1.6 02/08/92 */ #include #include #include static int cnt; #define ITIME 10 /* Number of seconds to run test. */ void Stop () { printf ("Did %f %s()s per second.\n", ((float) cnt) / ((float) ITIME), #if defined(FCRYPT) "fcrypt" #else "crypt" #endif ); exit (0); } /* * Silly rewrite of 'bzero'. I do so * because some machines don't have * bzero and some don't have memset. */ static void clearmem(start, cnt) char *start; int cnt; { while(cnt--) *start++ = '\0'; } main () { struct itimerval itv; clearmem (&itv, sizeof (itv)); printf ("Running %s for %d seconds of virtual time ...\n", #ifdef FCRYPT "UFC-crypt", #else "crypt(libc)", #endif ITIME); #ifdef FCRYPT init_des (); #endif signal (SIGVTALRM, Stop); itv.it_value.tv_sec = ITIME; itv.it_value.tv_usec = 0; setitimer (ITIMER_VIRTUAL, &itv, NULL); for (cnt = 0;; cnt++) { #ifdef FCRYPT fcrypt ("fredfred", "eek"); #else crypt ("fredfred", "eek"); #endif } }