The Pre-Raphaelites (10)

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Burne-Jones- Temperantia, 1872, watercolor, now in a private collection.

(106 Kb)
Burne-Jones- Pan and Psyche: 1872-74, oil, Now at the Fogg Art Museum at Harvard University.

(167 Kb)
Burne-Jones- The Beguiling of Merlin, 1874, oil, Now at the Lady Lever Art Gallery.

(127 Kb)
Burne-Jones- The Arming of Perseus (unfinished), 1885, oil, now in a private collection.

(179 Kb)
Hunt- The Lady of Shalott, 1889-92.
Yes, this is also at page 2 but this is a different scan.

(146 Kb)
Morris- Queen Guenevere (finished by Rossetti and Madox Brown), 1858, oil.
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Note: All the pictures on this page were contributed (and scanned) by
Carol Gerten-Jackson