The Pre-Raphaelites (6)

Some paintings by John William Waterhouse

My Sweet Rose, Bridgeman Art Library (62 Kb)

Ophelia (yet another) (59 Kb)

The Awakening of Adonis (90 Kb)

The Shrine, Bridgeman Art Library (159 Kb)

Some paintings by Sir Edward Burne-Jones

The Angel, 1881, oil on panel, Glasgow Art Gallery and (67 Kb)

The Wheel of Fortune, 1875-83, Musee d'Orsay in Paris (141 Kb)

The Morning of the Resurrection, 1882 (136 Kb)

Some paintings by Dante Gabriel Rossetti

Ecce Ancilla Domini (The Annunciation), 1850, Tate Gallery at London. (50 Kb)

La Ghirlandata, Bridgehall Art Library at London (77 Kb)

Monna Vanna, 1866 (75 Kb)

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Note: All the pictures on this page were contributed (and scanned) by Carol Gerten-Jackson
