The Pre-Raphaelites (7)

Some paintings by Dante Gabriel Rossetti

Lady Lilith, 1868, Delaware Art Museum (85 Kb)

The Beloved (The Bride), 1865-66, Tate Gallery in London (89 Kb)

The Blessed Damozel, 1875-78, Fogg Art Museum at Harvard University (59 Kb)

Predella added to, "The Blessed Damozel", 1879, Fogg Art Museum at Harvard University (46 Kb)

The Girlhood of Mary Virgin, 1848-49, Tate Gallery in London (70 Kb)

Veronica Veronese, 1872, Delaware Art Museum (74 Kb)

A Sea Spell, 1877, Fogg Art Museum at Harvard University (69 Kb)

Dante's Dream at the Time of the Death of Beatrice, 1871, Walker Art Gallery at Liverpool (88 Kb)

Fazio's Mistress, 1863, Tate Gallery in London (49 Kb)

Il Ramoscello, 1865, Harvard University Art Museum (60 Kb)

La Bella Mano, 1875, Delaware Art Museum (69 Kb)

La Pia de' Tolomei, 1868-80, Spenser Museum of Art at the University of Kansas (108 Kb)

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Note: All the pictures on this page were contributed (and scanned) by Carol Gerten-Jackson
