Looking for people?

Ok, so some time ago you where living in Zaragoza and you knew a really nice guy/girl/other. Now you have lost contact and want to find this person; so what to do?

Easy, since the webmaster in this site lives in Zaragoza, he could help me to find him/her, after all there are only 700.000 persons, right?

Well, not at all. This page is the best way to find someone. Just write a note (make sure to include your e-mail address as well as post mail, phone number) and wait for he/she (or a friend or a friend of a friend...) to read it.

You may want to read the old page too; maybe there is a message for somebody you know...

Your real name:

Your e-Mail:

Your request:

Tricia Spangler c/o Bret Duchesneau (bret.w.duchesneau@gsc.gte.com ), is looking for someone:

Tricia Spangler is trying to locate Pamela Owens. Pamela was a second grade teacher at the DoDDS Zaragoza Elementary School on Zaragoza Air Base in 1987 and was last known heading to Italy in or around 1989. Anyone knowing or having information as to the whereabouts of Pamela, please contact Tricia Spangler at magishka@aol.com or write to Tricia at 6336 Evergreen Drive, Rome, New York 13440. And Thank you in advance. Bret Duchesneau, California, USA

This came from @ on Sunday, December 7, 1997 01:08:19

Jesus (318902@cepsz.unizar.es), is looking for someone:

Hola soy estoy buscando a un amigo que no veo hace tiempo se llama Lucas

This came from @ on Wednesday, December 10, 1997 16:33:02

Dorothy Cormier (dorcor@ziplink.net), is looking for someone:

I am looking for former students of Mr. John F. Nash when he was a teacher and superintendent of Southington Regional School in Ohio.

This came from @ on Thursday, December 11, 1997 19:00:53

Peter Paulièek (www.tradimex@tt.psg.sk), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on Friday, December 12, 1997 11:39:42

gunnar martinsen (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on Sunday, December 14, 1997 13:54:25

gunnar martinsen (gunnmart@online.no), is looking for someone:

I'm looking for Montse Montamat, who used to live in Barcelona 10 years ago, studying, living together with her sister Mercè. She`s originally fom Tarragona. I*ve lost her address, and i'm not able to find her again. (She will be around 30++ years)

This came from @ on Sunday, December 14, 1997 13:59:21

gunnar martinsen gunnmart@online.no (gunnmart@online.no), is looking for someone:

I'm looking for Montse Montamat, who used to live in Barcelona 10 years ago, studying, living together with her sister Mercè. She`s originally fom Tarragona. I*ve lost her address, and i'm not able to find her again. (She will be around 30++ years) My address is gunnmart@online.n, gunnmart@online.noo

This came from @ on Sunday, December 14, 1997 14:02:07

D Doren (ddoren@bigfoot.com ), is looking for someone:

I am looking for the moliner family, they live in Monteprincipe, Boadilla del Monte (madrid) Spain. Qierro encontra la familia Moliner, viven cerca de madrid en boadilla del monte. qierro e-mail address.

This came from @ on Sunday, December 14, 1997 17:07:02

Reinhard Köhler (reinhardk@ia96.de, reinhard.koehler@neuburg.baynet.de), is looking for someone:

Soy el "loco alemán" de Regensburgo(al menos el bote que me daban)y unico Erasmus que fue socio del REAL Zaragoza. Busco a mis amigos de quarto y quinto del ano 94/95 de CC.EE. en Zaragoza, a Nacho, Pablo, Tomas, Gabi, Merce, Marisa, Marta, Maria, Paqui, Santi, Angel, Miguel y a todos que se aun requerdan de mi quieren enviarme un mensaje via Correo electronico o quieren enviarme una postal a Reinhard Köhler, Liskircher Str. 15, 93049 Regensburg, Alemania

This came from @ on Friday, December 19, 1997 15:44:30

Denise McMillen (deanie@postoffice.ptd.net), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on Wednesday, December 24, 1997 01:18:56

Denise McMillen (deanie@postoffice.ptd.net), is looking for someone:

I am looking for my biological father named Marvin Delbert Money. His hometown is Dothan, Alabama. His last known address was Houston, Texas. He has been married 6 times (at least). He has not kept in touch with his siblings, parents, or children. I have located one older brother Danny (age 45), one sister Kathy (age 40), and one sister Janice (age 37). I am the youngest (known) age 35. If anyone reading this knows him please e-mail me OR if anyone reading this is a sibling or ex-wife PLEASE e-mail. Thank you for your time.

This came from @ on Wednesday, December 24, 1997 01:24:50

Denise McMillen (deanie@postoffice.ptd.net), is looking for someone:

I am looking for my biological father named Marvin Delbert Money. His hometown is Dothan, Alabama. His last known address was Houston, Texas. He has been married 6 times (at least). He has not kept in touch with his siblings, parents, or children. I have located one older brother Danny (age 45), one sister Kathy (age 40), and one sister Janice (age 37). I am the youngest (known) age 35. If anyone reading this knows him please e-mail me OR if anyone reading this is a sibling or ex-wife PLEASE e-mail. Thank you for your time.

This came from @ on Wednesday, December 24, 1997 01:26:31

Barcy (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on Thursday, December 25, 1997 21:05:08

Barcy ???? (helsy@offratel.nc), is looking for someone:

All information about this familly.

This came from @ on Thursday, December 25, 1997 21:06:50

Barcy ???? (helsy@offratel.nc), is looking for someone:

All information about this familly.

This came from @ on Thursday, December 25, 1997 21:07:29

Devan Pettersson (ace_pettersson@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

I'm looking for my biological father, Khaleed Khan who has children with Trudie Pettersson (1 boy) and then with Sindee (/Cindy?)(at least 1 child), or his brothers Haroon Khan and Sharif Khan, one of whom is a doctor. Khaleed was born in Trinidad & Tobago and his parents were originally from India. He has lived in Winnipeg and Edmonton.

This came from @ on Friday, December 26, 1997 03:54:09

RANDALL A. Hembree (rhembree@infinet.com), is looking for someone:

I'am looking for my son , His name is Randon Charles Antonyo Hembree. He was born on Nov.3, 1975 in Dayton Ohio. His mothers Madien Name was Nancy Elaine Bishop , from Guthrie Ky. He has a Grandfather that lives in Atlanta Ga. By the name of Ralph Bishop. The last time I seen Tony was in Eaton Oh , in 1977. When I had to return to New London Ct. where I was stationed in the Navy . If anyone knows of him or anyone that I have talked about please e-mail . Thank-You

This came from @ on Friday, January 2, 1998 18:30:15

Randall Hembree (rhembree@infinet.com), is looking for someone:

Looking for anyone that may have been stationed onboard USS Charles P. Cecil DD-835 in New London Ct. on or about 1976- 1977. I remember a couple of friends , Steve McGughlin , Joe Morbeto anyone stationed on there please e-mail me . Thank-you

This came from @ on Saturday, January 3, 1998 06:55:38

H.M.ISMA_X (ismax@cyberdude.com), is looking for someone:

hola, me llamo isma_X y busco a Eva, que estudio el anio pasado en Bilbao, me parece que este anio esta aqui, en Zaragoza.

This came from @ on Thursday, January 8, 1998 09:37:41

jorge monreal (i am looding for), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on Thursday, January 8, 1998 22:15:56

rafael montejano (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on Sunday, January 11, 1998 05:35:11

Luis Jose Alday (acm@cryogen.com), is looking for someone:

Necesito direccion de email de Fernando Munoz Martinez, creo que estudia en ingenieros de zaragoza.

This came from @ on Wednesday, January 14, 1998 13:56:31

Luis Jose Alday (acm@cryogen.com), is looking for someone:

Necesito direccion de email de Fernando Munoz Martinez, creo que estudia en ingenieros de zaragoza.

This came from @ on Wednesday, January 14, 1998 13:56:41

Luis Jose Alday (acm@cryogen.com), is looking for someone:

Necesito direccion de email de Fernando Munoz Martinez, creo que estudia en ingenieros de zaragoza.

This came from @ on Wednesday, January 14, 1998 13:56:51

Luis Jose Alday (acm@cryogen.com), is looking for someone:

Necesito direccion de email de Fernando Munoz Martinez, creo que estudia en ingenieros de zaragoza.

This came from @ on Wednesday, January 14, 1998 13:57:00

??? (pps@posta.unizar.es), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on Friday, January 16, 1998 11:37:12

James (Wyoboxer), is looking for someone:

I'm trying to find Pablo Rivero, or Sergio Rivero, they are brothers, and they both came to Cody, Wyoming, as an exchange student, and they stayed with The Spomer family, Pablo called me Rocky, we had alot of fun when they came to the United State's, and I have not talked to them for over 3 year's now. I called Pablo Tom Cruise. I would realy like to get back in touch with them, so if you have any idea who they are please e-mail me back. If they have e-mail addresses, I would like that to, or a phone number, or there street address. Thank you for my concern. James, and Reuben Spomer......

This came from @ on Thursday, January 22, 1998 08:13:23

Emily D. (bryem@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

Hi. I'm looking for a person by the name of Jeanie Harper. She lived in Princeton, Mn for a few months back in 95. Last I heard she was living in the twin cities area. She lived with her mother's boyfriend and moved without notice when they broke up. Her name is Jeanie because her sisters liked the show I Dream of Jeanie.

This came from @ on Sunday, January 25, 1998 20:34:54

LIDIA OBIOLS (LOBIOLS@HOTMAIL.COM), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on Wednesday, January 28, 1998 18:41:21

jesus canchola (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on Friday, January 30, 1998 09:04:01

pedro medario (599789@apullo.es), is looking for someone:

Estoy solo, necesito amigas que me acompanyen y me hagan huir de esta situacion que realmente no se si sere capaza de soprtar mucho tiempo mas. Gracias a todo aquel que me pueda comprender

This came from @ on Tuesday, February 10, 1998 10:45:00

Garcia Manso (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on Wednesday, February 25, 1998 13:39:47

Akun (akun@escobilla.water.es), is looking for someone:

Oye, que tengo una duda. Que es eso del punto H? Porque el G, bien y el R tambien, incluso el P. Pero el H? Eso es mi novia, que es una salida...

This came from @ on Monday, March 30, 1998 19:13:55

Eduardo y Marina Pérez (Perezrom_e@lanet.losandes.com.ar), is looking for someone:

buscamos a ADRIAN y MARGUERITE AISA. él es profesor de ingeniería hidráulica en la U de Zaragoza

This came from @ on Sunday, April 19, 1998 02:09:02

Lyn fragoso (lfrag10651@aol.com), is looking for someone:

My husband, Manuel Fragoso Paz, originally from Ferrol is trying to find an old friend Elias Gonzalez Cereijo who is originally from Orense, San Juan de Rio , Medos...He and my husband worked together in Dragados Construction in Teya near Barcelona during 1967 and 1968. My husband has talked about this man for years...We will be in Spain this summer during July and August and would like to contact and meet with him....please if you can not help do you know anyone or web what would....thank you so much for you help.....

This came from @ on Wednesday, April 29, 1998 02:38:33

Robert Barnes (barnerb@talkam.net), is looking for someone:

I am searching for Charles A. Shepard who left his children behind many years ago. I have contact with one of his sons.

This came from @ on Monday, May 11, 1998 17:23:34

allan poulter (apoulo750@hargrey.com), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on Tuesday, May 12, 1998 23:07:48

Erlend Haugen (erlend.haugen@shf.no), is looking for someone:

Looking for Esther Anzola Perez (23). Met her in Luzern four or five years ago. I think she`s studying mathematics. Please contact Erlend Haugen at erlend.haugen@shf.no

This came from @ on Monday, May 25, 1998 17:25:22

??? (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on Wednesday, May 27, 1998 02:00:30

??? (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on Wednesday, May 27, 1998 02:01:01

Patricia Goncalves (nello@zebra.uem.mz), is looking for someone:

Looking for the "DIENSTKOCH" FAMILY from Lima Peru. Pls, contact me ICQ # 13614396. Cheers Tuxa

This came from @ on Tuesday, June 9, 1998 22:24:17

Rafael De Miguel Gonzalez (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on Thursday, June 11, 1998 06:30:32

Rafael de Miguel Gonzalez (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on Thursday, June 11, 1998 06:31:31

Patricia Goncalves (patricia_goncalves), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on Sunday, June 21, 1998 23:45:16

Patricia Goncalves (patricia_goncalves@yahoo.com), is looking for someone:

Looking for Jasmin Howanietz (Germany), Alexandra Unterberger (New Zealand), Martin Leitner (Austria),Karin Dienstkoch (Peru), David Jahrmann (Austria), Gernot Leitner (Austria), Maxi Huber (Germany), Johanna Wittmann (Germany).

This came from @ on Sunday, June 21, 1998 23:48:02

Sergio Ruben Uliaque (suliaque@.tvicom.com.ar), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on Monday, June 22, 1998 01:19:40

s. khadijah johnson (khadijah@umsl.edu), is looking for someone:

I am searching for an individual named Lee Martinez who lived in Denver Colorado in 1963. He would have been acquainted with a Bethina Anderson(Anthony) nicknamed "Tex". Ms. Anthony was originally from Texas and later ended up in New York. The family of Ms. Anthony has some information for Mr. Martinez who I would guess to be approximately 55-65 years of age now. Since the family of Ms. Anthony has no e-mail address. Please contact me if this you or anyone you know. Thank You s. khadijah johnson st.louis mo 63136 khadijah@umsl.edu Peace and Blessings!

This came from @ on Thursday, July 2, 1998 22:08:19

jose antonio (???), is looking for someone:

hola ¿hay alguien por ahí?

This came from @ on Monday, July 20, 1998 21:00:19

jose antonio (???), is looking for someone:

hola ¿hay alguien por ahí?

This came from @ on Monday, July 20, 1998 21:00:50

Andre (anlima@hotmial.com), is looking for someone:

Hello!!! I'm looking for someone for a relationship; I'm Brazilian 24 years old, white, borwn eyes. I'd like to know romantic men. I hope to hear you Bye!!

This came from @ on Thursday, July 23, 1998 21:03:18

Andre (anlima@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

Hello!!! I'm looking for someone for a relationship; I'm Brazilian 24 years old, white, borwn eyes. I'd like to know romantic men. I hope to hear you Bye!!

This came from @ on Thursday, July 23, 1998 21:05:19

Andre (anlima@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

Hello!!! I'm looking for someone for a relationship; I'm Brazilian 24 years old, white, borwn eyes. I'd like to know romantic men. I hope to hear you Bye!!

This came from @ on Thursday, July 23, 1998 21:06:01

Andre (anlima@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

Hello!!! I'm looking for someone for a relationship; I'm Brazilian 24 years old, white, borwn eyes. I'd like to know romantic men. I hope to hear you Bye!!

This came from @ on Thursday, July 23, 1998 21:07:07

Andre Luis (anlima@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

Hello!!! I'm looking for someone for a relationship; I'm Brazilian 24 years old, white, borwn eyes. I'd like to know romantic men. I hope to hear you Bye!!

This came from @ on Thursday, July 23, 1998 21:08:23

Andre (anlima@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

I'd like to know romantics men. I'm Brazilian man, 24 years old, white, romantic, brow eyes, thin/slin. I'll love to receive your message.

This came from @ on Thursday, July 23, 1998 21:14:19

Andre (anlima@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

I'd like to know romantics men. I'm Brazilian man, 24 years old, white, romantic, brow eyes, thin/slin. I'll love to receive your message. My email address is: anlima@hotmail.com

This came from @ on Thursday, July 23, 1998 21:15:24

Andre (anlima@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

Hello!!! I'm looking for someone for a relationship; I'm Brazilian 24 years old, white, borwn eyes. I'd like to know romantic men. I hope to hear you Bye!! My email address is: anlima@hotmail.com

This came from @ on Thursday, July 23, 1998 21:17:47

Andre (anlima@), is looking for someone:

Hello!!! I'm looking for someone for a relationship; I'm Brazilian 24 years old, white, borwn eyes. I'd like to know romantic men. I hope to hear you Bye!! My email address is: anlima@hotmail.com

This came from @ on Thursday, July 23, 1998 21:19:27

Andre (anlima@), is looking for someone:

My email adrress i: anlima@hotmail.com Hello!!! I'm looking for someone for a relationship; I'm Brazilian 24 years old, white, borwn eyes. I'd like to know romantic men. I hope to hear you Bye!! My email address is: anlima@hotmail.com

This came from @ on Thursday, July 23, 1998 21:20:35

Brazilian guy (???), is looking for someone:

My email adrress i: anlima@hotmail.com Hello!!! I'm looking for someone for a relationship; I'm Brazilian 24 years old, white, borwn eyes. I'd like to know romantic men. I hope to hear you Bye!!

This came from @ on Thursday, July 23, 1998 21:21:57

Brazilian Boy (anlima@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

Hello!!! I'm looking for someone for a relationship; I'm Brazilian 24 years old, white, borwn eyes. I'd like to know romantic men. I hope to hear you Bye!!

This came from @ on Thursday, July 23, 1998 21:23:38

Brazilian Boy (mac123@base.com.br), is looking for someone:

Hello!!! I'm looking for someone for a relationship; I'm Brazilian 24 years old, white, borwn eyes. I'd like to know romantic men. I hope to hear you Bye!!

This came from @ on Thursday, July 23, 1998 21:25:10

alberto torresagasti (alsator@satlink.com), is looking for someone:

Soy descendiente de Santiago Torresagasti, nacido en Bilbao. Busco posibles familiares en el país vasco, al solo efecto de reconocernos. Resido en Resistencia, Provincia del Chaco, Re- pública Argentina.

This came from @ on Friday, August 14, 1998 02:19:09

aljeshi nony (the_nony@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

i am searching for brian basnight,he is working at uss trenton(lpd-14),virginia .I am trying to find his phone number and adrress

This came from @ on Sunday, August 16, 1998 19:12:49

FERNANDO LEDESMA (FLD00002@teleline.es), is looking for someone:

busco gente

This came from @ on Saturday, August 22, 1998 17:04:19

Rita (rjleyva@northlink.com), is looking for someone:

Marcus, in Tokyo....we are finally online and have been looking for you. Please respond soon.

This came from @ on Tuesday, September 1, 1998 22:32:07

eee (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on Saturday, September 5, 1998 10:57:13

Wendi Nicole Johnson (clayjohnson@galis.com), is looking for someone:

I would like to locate a young boy(now a young man)that I knew from eleven years ago. His name is Kyle Hardin. He lived in Cottondale, Alabama about eleven years ago at Five years old.

This came from @ on Sunday, September 13, 1998 00:51:26

Naciby Nunez (pichona83@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

i'm looking for jorge rivera's hotmail address, he lives in Lima,Peru.

This came from @ on Wednesday, September 16, 1998 16:52:00

Garnet m."sonny' Sleighter (sunees@aol.com), is looking for someone:

Jenny Johns

This came from @ on Wednesday, September 23, 1998 03:21:26

Noemi Lana-Renault (ZZA98NL@Sheffield.ac.uk), is looking for someone:

URGENTE!!Hola, soy de Zaragoza y estoy estudiando en Sheffield. Me gustaria contactar con Miguel Peinado, un alumno que ha terminado Ingenieria de telecomunicaciones y estaba terminando tambien el proyecto.Ah, y que se viene a trabajar a Londres. Please, le podriais dar mi email o bien enviarme el suyo. Muchisimas gracias.

This came from @ on Sunday, October 4, 1998 16:43:14

Mónica Pfeiffer (monipfeiffer@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

Me encanta la Animación. Mi sueño es trabajar en los Disney Studios. Si tienen algo novedoso sobre este tema mándenlo ok?Gracias por leer mi mail. Con cariño: MONI

This came from @ on Friday, October 23, 1998 05:37:33

Angela Gallen (angela.gallen@strath.ac.uk), is looking for someone:

Hola chicos! Me gustaria encontrar la gente de la universidad de Zaragoaza. Soy de Escocia y estudio espanol desde hace un ano en mi curso de las estudias empresariales y idiomas modernas. Espero de venir en Espana muy pronto.

Dabiz (460318@cepsz.unizar.es), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on Thursday, November 26, 1998 17:12:17

Sergio ISPAS (vipas@codec.ro), is looking for someone:

I am coming to Zaragoza in February for preparing my Diploma and I do not have any friend there. By the way, I am from Romania, I am a 23 old boy black hair, tall and I think a quite interesting boy. Please write me and help me to know something about you, people and about your beautiful town. I have never been to Spain before and I want now to learn Spanish because it is my favourite language. I wait impatiently for your answer. See you.

This came from @ on Tuesday, December 1, 1998 15:48:10

Sergio Ispas (vipas@codec.ro), is looking for someone:

I am looking for anybody, girl or bof who live in Zaragoza and who want to meet after 2 months there a Romanian boy who is coming with a scholarship to one of your Universities. I am waiting for your answers. see you.

This came from @ on Tuesday, December 1, 1998 15:52:54

SUSANA (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on Saturday, December 5, 1998 00:37:26

Ispas Sergiu (vipas@codec.ro), is looking for someone:

I want to talk with students from Zaragoza in order to find out details about their University.Please write me because I will come in February to Zaragoza University.

This came from @ on Sunday, December 6, 1998 10:24:50

Allen Atwood, MSgt, Ret, USAF (AAtwood@webtv.net), is looking for someone:

Looking for anyone assigned to Det 9, 67ARRS during 1975-1978. I was the Det Admin Clerk. Email me at AATwood@webtv.net

This came from @ on Wednesday, December 30, 1998 04:43:27

John Dole (soyyo73@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

Busco a Consuelo Caja Marquez, se que estudia 4º o 5º de Telecos. Comunicaté con mí.

This came from @ on Saturday, January 9, 1999 01:49:13

John None (soyyo73@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

Busco a Consuelo Caja Marquez. Creo que estudia 4º de Telecos. Hace ya unos cuantos años que la busco. Escribe.

This came from @ on Saturday, January 9, 1999 01:55:55

Pilar (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on Monday, January 11, 1999 18:09:16

??? (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on Friday, January 29, 1999 21:18:43

??? (183771@cepsz.unizar.es), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on Saturday, January 30, 1999 23:20:45

jose Rinaldo de souza (rinosoares@yahoo.com), is looking for someone:

I'm lookin for SHANE PITTS. we went to high school together in aurora, colorado,USA. I was an exchange student at that time and we got to be good friends. but i haven't heard from him for more than 10 years. his family is from massachusets, i think and I think they have moved back to boston. shane had a younger brother called shanon who died some years ago. if someone knows about shane please contact me at rinosoares@yahoo.com

This came from @ on Friday, February 5, 1999 04:44:09

Looking for Lucinda (Looking_for_Lucinda@excite.com), is looking for someone:

The first time I met Lucinda (in the elevator of the office we worked in) I could not even talk. I just mumbled a clumsy reply to her remark that she liked working late. The months thereafter I really felt in love with Lucinda, though I did not let her know. Until I got a new job and the moment was to come that I would never see her again. So I started sending her e-mails, expressing my warm feelings for her. After a few weeks she called me to make an appointment (I would not call it a date!) The same night I met her in her office after working hours. So finally I got the chance to tell my story. She did not seem impressed. After 30 minutes I left rather disappointed, but incredibly happy in a way. In my new job, I kept sending her e-mail, to which she replied consequently. However, on a certain day Lucinda accepted a job in the UK. Now she was even further away! (And I still loved her sooo much) Happily I could still reach her by e-mail and she kept sending me her replies. Till december 11. After that day I lost contact. I don't what happened, where she is, if she's allright and so on. I really start feeling very desperate and I'm worried. If I only knew she is doing fine... Looking_for_Lucinda is desperately L o o k i n g f o r L u c i n d a

This came from @ on Tuesday, February 9, 1999 08:27:13

Andy Mansfield (???), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on Thursday, February 11, 1999 18:36:45

bob spencer (spencer@ttlc.net), is looking for someone:

Looking for anybody who was in the LOX plant at Zaragoza Air Base.In particular Tom Gagnon, Ricky d Williamson, "O'B", and John and Tula Westra

This came from @ on Saturday, February 20, 1999 02:05:32

Pau Segado (psegado@mx2.redestb.es), is looking for someone:

Si la gente te importa y quieres poner en marcha un proyecto humanista en Zaragoza hablemos. Pau Segado . E-mail: psegado@mx2.redestb.es Tlf. 617 54 20 93

This came from @ on Saturday, February 20, 1999 11:39:23

Raf Rasile (raphael.rasile@methods.co.uk), is looking for someone:

Looking for Marta Perez Munoz for a full and frank account of my past mistakes. Have grown up and realised that there was only one thing wrong, me. Not looking for reconcilliation just to let you know a few things that i should have done a while ago. never mind. You know who you are.

This came from @ on Wednesday, March 3, 1999 16:24:50

Miguel Angel Dominguez Ugarte (mickey_32@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

Estoy buscando a una amiga, se llama Milagros Gonzalez, vive o vivia en Maracaibo Colombia, si alguien sabe de ella, o la conoce, por favor escribame se lo agradecere infinitamente, muchas gracias!!!.

This came from @ on Thursday, March 25, 1999 00:39:19

Lazaro Roldan (scale112@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

girls only 18 to 45

This came from @ on Friday, April 2, 1999 00:18:11

Agus (acano30@tid.es), is looking for someone:

Hola estoy buscando a susana, para ponernos en contacto, vive en zaragoza, venga susana dame un toque.

This came from @ on Monday, April 5, 1999 19:38:07

Dana Dennis Smith (dejadana@bellsouth.net), is looking for someone:

I am looking for Alessandro Gracia Polo or Genaro Guadarrama.They are brothers and were living in Cancun,Mexico in 1991. Please if anyone knows where I can reach them Email me back. THANK YOU.

This came from @ on Tuesday, April 13, 1999 17:47:32

Dana Dennis Smith (dejadana@bellsouth.net), is looking for someone:

I am looking for Alessandro Gracia Polo or Genaro Guadarrama.They are brothers and were living in Cancun,Mexico in 1991. Please if anyone knows where I can reach them Email me back. THANK YOU.

This came from @ on Tuesday, April 13, 1999 17:58:13

Dana Dennis Smith (dejadana@bellsouth.net), is looking for someone:

I am looking for Alessandro Gracia Polo or Genaro Guadarrama.They are brothers and were living in Cancun,Mexico in 1991. Please if anyone knows where I can reach them Email me back. THANK YOU.

This came from @ on Tuesday, April 13, 1999 17:58:45

Daneil Zaragoza (PJEWL121@aol.com), is looking for someone:

Please help me fine where my love is. I can't find him anywhere

This came from @ on Friday, April 16, 1999 07:21:31

Georgescu MArius (wchelp@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on Wednesday, May 12, 1999 15:52:09

CHUCK COBB (RAIVIK@AOL.COM), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on Saturday, June 12, 1999 14:18:22

James Connors (jconnors@ttu.edu), is looking for someone:

I am looking for an old friend, Damion Black, who I group up with in Bethel Park, in Pennsylvania.

This came from @ on Saturday, June 12, 1999 23:51:44

me (heyperson@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

i would like to find C. Miller. he is 14 and he lives in alberta.

This came from @ on Tuesday, June 29, 1999 20:40:56

Freydis Steinbeck Flogeland (capulet@online.no), is looking for someone:

I am trying to find a girl named Kara O'Malley who lived in the city of Kongsberg, Norway around 1984-1986/87. I remember that her daddy Martin died and then they went beck to the US. Kara became a cheerleader at her high school and she kept in touch with our class and especially a girl named Mari Munthe Kaas. The shcool we went to was called Raumyr, and Kara lived about 100 meters away from me in Tunmarcks Road. Kara, if you read this pleae send me an e- mail we used to be great friends and I'd like to know what happened to you, and how your life turned out.

This came from @ on Tuesday, July 13, 1999 17:28:22

Stephen Passalacqua (apachesquaw@mindspring.com), is looking for someone:

I continue my 13 year search for my son Christian Lee Passalacqua taken by his mother, Marillian (Marilian) Perez to Los Angeles, California and not leaving a forwarding address. All my effords to find my son have been fruitless, but that has not stopped me and I am in the hopes that someday he will see my name on the web and call me. Christian Passalacqua 's birthday is Dec. 11, 1977

This came from @ on Saturday, July 17, 1999 00:23:18

Stephen Passalacqua (apachesquaw@mindspring.com), is looking for someone:

I continue my 14 year search for my son Christian Lee Passalacqua taken by his mother, Marillian (Marilian) Perez to Los Angeles, California and not leaving a forwarding address. All my effords to find my son have been fruitless, but that has not stopped me and I am in the hopes that someday he will see my name on the web and call me. Christian Passalacqua 's birthday is Dec. 11, 1977

This came from @ on Saturday, July 17, 1999 00:23:52

Brenda Hannah (Brenda_Kay1@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

My grandson was supposed to have moved at this address and I don't know who lives there besides him his mom is trying to keep us from seeing him the address is 5861 Highway 16 North Taylorsville NC can you please help me

This came from @ on Thursday, August 12, 1999 13:12:52

Brenda Hannah (Brenda_Kay@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

Can you help me we love him so much but of course dads don't have much rights even though they pay child support

This came from @ on Thursday, August 12, 1999 13:15:50

Dennis Brumley (Brumly1547@cs.com), is looking for someone:

Would like my relatives e-mail address. The Kallenbach's or any Brumley's out in the world. Here in Rhode Island Dennis

This came from @ on Sunday, August 15, 1999 05:05:03

aaron patterson (slimgoodyny@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

im looking for my brother his name is robert chiu jr. his nickname is robbie, last i heard he was living in queens ny

This came from @ on Tuesday, August 24, 1999 09:10:00

Pete Ahern (Studentman@aol.com), is looking for someone:

I'm trying to locate a lady I knew in grammar school back in East Islip, NY in the '60's. Her name was Rita Zwick. I last saw her before I moved to California many years ago. It's probably small potatoes but I treated her badly when we were both in the eigth grade and it's always bothered me that I never had the chance to apologize. That is what its all about, apologizing for childish cruelty.

This came from @ on Saturday, August 28, 1999 19:37:23

Brandon Hower (Oilerpa@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

I am looking for an old friend. I lost touch with her years ago. We used to live in Pottsville, Pennsylvania. Please contact me if you have any info. Her name is Mindy Mehling. Thank you.

This came from @ on Tuesday, August 31, 1999 20:34:59

J. Watts (pimp-grrrl@webtv.com), is looking for someone:

I am looking for Marc Stevenson, I know he was once in the Navy and might still be. He is approx. 19 years old, and from a small town in Illinois, called Momence. If anyone knows where he is, or someone who would, please let me know.

This came from @ on Thursday, September 2, 1999 09:03:15

Jared Goughnour (TH153@AOL.com), is looking for someone:

I'm looking for a Lisa Wilson in either North Corolina or South carolina She is majoring in marine biology she is from Pennsylvania originally

This came from @ on Friday, September 3, 1999 03:09:27

marian hinton (lindawade@excite.com), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on Tuesday, September 7, 1999 10:15:18

Marrian Terrell Hinton (lwade@excite.com), is looking for someone:

Hi Marian whats up I got your call i just been so busy and burned out. i just come back from Dallas for training for Excel Communication. Sorry I did get chance to come back that Friday night but actually when i went to get dress We found Wade had someone elses luggage. So you know how I felt and having the babies also I didn't get may clothes until the next evening. I kinda felt felt like the old mother in the shoe. You know how it is dealing with (2). It is not easy although they seem to be having a great time. How is your mom tell her hello!. I think that i will just have to take a short trip by myself. Because wade seem to be getting jelouser and jelouser. smile! well i hope you rec'd this message I have been trying to by find your e-mail address but not to luc

This came from @ on Tuesday, September 7, 1999 10:28:20

Marrian Terrell Hinton (lwade@excite.com), is looking for someone:

Hi Marian whats up I got your call i just been so busy and burned out. i just come back from Dallas for training for Excel Communication. Sorry I did get chance to come back that Friday night but actually when i went to get dress We found Wade had someone elses luggage. So you know how I felt and having the babies also I didn't get may clothes until the next evening. I kinda felt felt like the old mother in the shoe. You know how it is dealing with (2). It is not easy although they seem to be having a great time. How is your mom tell her hello!. I think that i will just have to take a short trip by myself. Because wade seem to be getting jelouser and jelouser. smile! well i hope you rec'd this message I have been trying to by find your e-mail address but not to lucky. Tell Kristen Hello! Love Linda

This came from @ on Tuesday, September 7, 1999 10:28:57

paul blake (blakepaul38@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

man on man request.....gay only in NJ and need it bad dude go to gay chat AKA NJ dude..... want all that and more dudes...

This came from @ on Wednesday, September 8, 1999 04:02:44

Sue Wood (sakidog@nls.net), is looking for someone:

I am trying to locate either Gary Winkelmann, or Esther Winkelmann. Gary is retired from the Marine Corps and living in California.

This came from @ on Sunday, September 12, 1999 00:18:43

Yvonne Gray Cutlack (cutlaack@internetnorth.com.au), is looking for someone:

Michael Hardison, San Franscisco, Hi Mike contact us/me /I'm the post person/ we'd die to hear from you/lots of changes in everyones lives..please contact.G

This came from @ on Sunday, September 12, 1999 08:35:54

Rich Buck (perkchef@ebtv.net), is looking for someone:

I'm looking for imformation on where to find the grease man, what radio station he might be with, or just what he's doing in general. Thanks

This came from @ on Thursday, September 23, 1999 21:48:10

Sarah Ertmann (guysbeachandsunshine@yahoo.com), is looking for someone:

i am looking for an old kindergarten friend named Nathan Simmons. We were in teh same kindergarten class at Lomerena School in Laguna Hills, California. Havent talked to him since i was 6 years old. Would love to ge tin touch with him. Please find him, Thank You, Sarah Elizabeth Ertmann (age now 15)

This came from @ on Monday, September 27, 1999 02:24:40

Laurie tallaksen (laurster1@webtv.net), is looking for someone:

l'm looking for a freind of mine that was stationed in Jacksonville Fla(Navy).He was moved to Spain back in April of 99.l had worked with him for about a year and would like to see how he is,his name is Randy Lunsford,if anyone knowing this person,please tell him l'm looking for him and give my e~mail! Thanks

This came from @ on Monday, September 27, 1999 19:19:36

Maxi (deliso@copetel.com.ar), is looking for someone:

where is Nahuel Dominguez?

This came from @ on Monday, September 27, 1999 20:22:37

Cindy Pitts (cindy67p@webtv.net), is looking for someone:

I'm looking for a friend, her name ,at the time I knew her was Catherine Zeppiei. We met in Groton Ct. in 1988 Our husbands were on the SSBN. Uss. Tennessee. Her husbands name was Frank Milicia, they are no longer married. I just want to talk to her and see how she is.

This came from @ on Tuesday, September 28, 1999 05:02:37

WAYNE C. BRITT (WWW@.WAYBRT.COM), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on lunes, 27 diciembre 1999 21:45:16

WAYNE BRITT (WWW@.WAYBRT.COM), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on lunes, 27 diciembre 1999 21:49:20

Marian Georgescu (???), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on martes, 28 diciembre 1999 15:21:58

Marcelo Henrique S. Carias (tecnovirt2@uol.com.br), is looking for someone:

nacho mp3 Iron Maiden download

This came from @ on jueves, 30 diciembre 1999 22:57:49

elizabeth gardner (Cookielips@webtv.net), is looking for someone:

find Gail Louise Hansom or Lawrance Eugene Olun

This came from @ on s‡bado, 1 enero 2000 00:59:44

Teresa Almond Welch (tess@innocent.com), is looking for someone:

I am looking for Manolo Mirabel (Mirabal?), and Deborah Sue Almond Mirabel. Manolo is about 40, Deborah went my DeeDee when I saw her last, about 12 years ago. Please contact me, I'd love to see you next year when I make it back to Zaragoza for the first time in 20 yrs.

This came from @ on lunes, 17 enero 2000 01:50:54

Teresa Almond Welch (tess@innocent.com), is looking for someone:

I am looking for Manolo Mirabel (Mirabal?), and Deborah Sue Almond Mirabel. Manolo is about 40, Deborah went my DeeDee when I saw her last, about 12 years ago, she is now 19 years old. Please contact me, I'd love to see you next year when I make it back to Zaragoza for the first time in 20 yrs.

This came from @ on lunes, 17 enero 2000 01:51:10

David Johnson (dj4@gci.net), is looking for someone:

I am looking for a lady from Zaragoza, Spain. She used to live with her mother in 1985-1988 when we got married. The address was #20 Zapatas. Her name was Maria Isabel Varela Otero. Her sister married a guy from ZAB and moved to the states around 1986.His name was Mark Smith. She frequented La Discoteca Scratch in town. She also travelled to Palm Majorca to model. If anyone knows who and where she is , please email me, I really want to know she's okay. I would love to see her agian!!

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 19 enero 2000 16:36:21

Blanca Prieto (crzybm@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

Looking for a spynunez@hotmail.com

This came from @ on s‡bado, 22 enero 2000 20:41:13

Godwin Oboh (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on lunes, 31 enero 2000 23:17:23

Evelyn Smith (Hill) (eviehill@webtv.net), is looking for someone:

anyone from South Browad High school, Hollywood Fla. 1952-1955

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 2 febrero 2000 19:27:08

susana keeler klipstein (???), is looking for someone:

quiero comunicarme con Alberto Munoz Escola, que vive en Zaragoza, Espana.

This came from @ on s‡bado, 5 febrero 2000 08:29:12

susana keeler klipstein (???), is looking for someone:

quiero comunicarme con Alberto Munoz Escola, que vive en Zaragoza, Espana.

This came from @ on s‡bado, 5 febrero 2000 08:29:21

susana keeler klipstein (???), is looking for someone:

quiero comunicarme con Alberto Munoz Escola, que vive en Zaragoza, Espana.Feliz cumpleanos Alberto!

This came from @ on s‡bado, 5 febrero 2000 08:39:38

susana keeler klipstein (???), is looking for someone:

quiero comunicarme con Alberto Munoz Escola, que vive en Zaragoza, Espana.Feliz cumpleanos Alberto!

This came from @ on s‡bado, 5 febrero 2000 08:39:47

Susi Keeler Klipstein (???), is looking for someone:

Quiero comunicarme con Alberto Munoz Escola. Feliz cumpleanos Alberto!

This came from @ on s‡bado, 5 febrero 2000 08:48:05

mamen (mamen_rodri@teleline.es), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on lunes, 28 febrero 2000 08:04:46

Raphael Rasile (raf@skateboarder.co.uk), is looking for someone:

Marta Perez Munoz Just one to say SORRY but cannot get hold of you anywhere. No strings just wanted to mee. If you read this email me on raf@skateboarder.co.uk

This came from @ on martes, 29 febrero 2000 07:37:09

S.O.S. (KELOKALAMELO@upsa.es), is looking for someone:

I´m looking for Jaime Garriga Beloso. I know he´s a student there, at CPS in Zaragoza ... he´s the father of my (our) future baby... I think he´s changed his phone number, but he doesn´t know that it´s very very important for me to find him. Please, I keep waiting news about him. Thank you.

This came from @ on lunes, 13 marzo 2000 14:13:48

??? (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on martes, 14 marzo 2000 07:56:43

Justin Sage (jmsage@webtv.net), is looking for someone:

Looking for Alison Brady (San Diego,CA), Deana Delatoba (San Diego), Crystal MacMillan (Temecula, CA), Steve Del Sol (San Diego), Chad Cole (Linda Vista,CA). Old friends of mine.

This came from @ on s‡bado, 18 marzo 2000 14:19:39

jennifer kleckner (wildcat60970@yahoo.com), is looking for someone:

michael hardison loda, il

This came from @ on jueves, 23 marzo 2000 12:16:11

Alice Fortuño Hooper (JHooper103@aol.com), is looking for someone:

I'm looking for distant relations in Cataluña, Spain. My ancestors were named Fortuño, Nogueras, or Ferrus. I descended from Jaime Fortuño and Eduvigis Nogueras who emigrated before 1860, Tomas Fortuño, Jaime's father, and Teresa Ferrus, his mother. Can you advise me on how to search Cataluña for family members?

This came from @ on martes, 4 abril 2000 15:30:17

Julie King (cream@aol.com), is looking for someone:

To find Beunka Pippen's picture.

This came from @ on jueves, 6 abril 2000 08:00:08

julie king (cream@aol.com), is looking for someone:

community.webtv .net/nicasio/THE GRACIA AND FRIENDS

This came from @ on jueves, 6 abril 2000 08:02:12

Stephen Passalacqua (apachesquaw@mindspring.com), is looking for someone:

I am in search of a few of my old friends Ricardo Basora (Ric Basora )who studied with me at World University. Ralph Nuñez ( Ralph Nunez ) or officially known as Rafael Nuñez was an old college and military buddy. Jerry Barnett or was that Gerry Barnett was a militaty buddy stationed with me at Ft. Bragg. If you have any info on any of these guys I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks Steve ( Apache )

This came from @ on lunes, 17 abril 2000 21:25:22

David Roscom (droscom@webtv.net), is looking for someone:

I am looking for people with the last name of Roscom if thats you or if know someone email me at droscom@webtv.net

This came from @ on s‡bado, 22 abril 2000 20:47:05

Oswaldo Pedroto (oswaldopedroto@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

Estou procurando minhas raízes na Europa. Minha ascendência é portuguesa (meu pai, Celso Maurício, nasceu em Portugal e veio para o Brasil ainda criança).

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 24 mayo 2000 14:21:05

melissa jones (chantilylace69), is looking for someone:

IM Trying to find a freind that I have known for a long time. I BELIEVE he is living in oregan. he was in the marines at one time. he is from oklahoma. his name is Shawn . IF ANYONE MIGHT KNOW OF HIM PLEASE CONTCT ME. Looking for a marine by the name of shawn shultzanburg.

This came from @ on martes, 13 junio 2000 02:14:14

Terrie Ann Lassell (halfpint00@sympatico.ca), is looking for someone:

Terri is trying to find her father that she hasn't seen in a long time.

This came from @ on lunes, 19 junio 2000 21:41:58

??? (claudia_capaccio), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on lunes, 10 julio 2000 14:09:30

Brian Moore (firbapyouth@yahoo.com), is looking for someone:

I am searching for a girl I met in 1982. We met at Great America amusement park while standing in line to get on the ride Demon. Her name is Jenny. She had a fake tatoo that day and I started giving her a hard time about it that is how we met. We wrote to each other for a while but lost contact. I remeber she was from Wisconsin, I do not remeber what town though. There are a couple of other things that only she would know if I get a reply form this. I hope to talk to her soon. Brian Moore

This came from @ on s‡bado, 29 julio 2000 17:44:04

Raymond (rp1972@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

I'm looking for a men named Manuel Munoz. He is about 55/60 years (maybe some older or younger) old now. i know he lived in Valencia. he has a son who has the same name as he has and that son should be about 30 years old right now(could be some older or younger)He worked on a oilplatform (i think he is retired now) and i also know he has bin in the 70's in holland several time's. (for sure in dec. 1971) If you know who i'm talking about or you are one of these persons please contact me!!!!!!!!!!! it's really important to me!!!!!!!

This came from @ on domingo, 30 julio 2000 01:10:58

Elena (elena_franki@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on lunes, 31 julio 2000 13:48:06

Raymond Manuel (heuvel666@icqmail.com), is looking for someone:

same as the request from rp1972@hotmail.com only the name should be manuel leon munoz 60 years from valencia spain. he also just to work for the dutch railway company and he lived in amsterdam greetings raymond

This came from @ on martes, 1 agosto 2000 06:49:35

libia vargas (esmeralda@puj.edu.co), is looking for someone:

Hola!, yo los saludo desde cali-colombia y deseo conocer ami gos de 55 a 65 años, para compartir mi amistad, pretendo a un caballe ro que sea cariñoso, romantico, y atractivo, que sea mexicano o de miami. Yo soy una mujer sana, responsable, cariñosa, me gusta la musica, leer, mido 1.68 cms, tengo ojos cafes, pelo rubio, piel blanca, delgada, modista profesional. gracias, y porfavor escriba pronto!. adios.

This came from @ on martes, 1 agosto 2000 21:54:32

libia vargas (esmeralda@puj.edu.co), is looking for someone:

Hola!, yo los saludo desde cali-colombia y deseo conocer ami gos de 55 a 65 años, para compartir mi amistad, pretendo a un caballe caballero que sea cariñoso, romantico, y atractivo,que sea me xicano o de miami. Yo soy una mujer sana, responsable, cariñosa, me gusta la musica, leer, mido 1.68 cms, tengo ojos cafes, pelo rubio, piel blanca, delgada, modista profesional. gracias, y porfavor escriba pronto!. adios.

This came from @ on martes, 1 agosto 2000 21:57:18

libia vargas (esmeralda@puj.edu.co), is looking for someone:

Hola!, yo los saludo desde cali-colombia y deseo conocer ami gos de 55 a 65 años, para compartir mi amistad, pretendo a un caballe caballero que sea cariñoso, romantico, y atractivo,que sea me xicano o de miami. Yo soy una mujer sana, responsable, cariñosa, me gusta la musica, leer, mido 1.68 cms, tengo ojos cafes, pelo rubio, piel blanca, delgada, modista profesional. gracias, y porfavor escriba pronto!. adios.

This came from @ on martes, 1 agosto 2000 21:57:50

Randy Lunsford (n_u_deep_oo@yahoo.com), is looking for someone:

Lookin' for an old girlfriend of mine ,her name is Bobbie Jo Turner .She is about 5'7 and blonde and about 135lbs .Last known adress was Kngs Grant. Wilimington ,N.C.Any info please E.mail me .She should be around 24 years of age by now ,t/y

This came from @ on s‡bado, 5 agosto 2000 16:24:25

Stacia Mari (sweetlady705@webtv.net), is looking for someone:

Looking for a webtv or internet address for Jeff Munson

This came from @ on lunes, 21 agosto 2000 02:20:15

Stacia Mari (sweetlady705@webtv.net), is looking for someone:

Looking for a webtv or internet address for Jeff Munson

This came from @ on lunes, 21 agosto 2000 02:21:44

Linda S. Ziegenfuss-Keller (ladywon@webtv.net), is looking for someone:

I am trying to find an old friend. His nameis John Bullock, last lived in Evansville, Indianna. His email was jbullock@evansville.net. Seems to have just faded off the face of the earth.

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 23 agosto 2000 08:40:29

Raymond Manuel (heuvel666@icqmail.com), is looking for someone:

I'm looking for a men named Manuel leon Munoz. He is about 60 years old now. i know he lived in Valencia Spain. he has a son who has the same name as he has and that son should be about 30 years old right now(could be some older or younger)He worked on a oilplatform (i think he is retired now) and i also know he has bin in the 70's in holland several time's.he also just to work for the dutch railway company and he lived in amsterdam (for sure in dec. 1971) If you know who i'm talking about or you are one of these persons please contact me!!!!!!!!!!! it's really important to me!!!!!!! greetings raymond

This came from @ on jueves, 31 agosto 2000 00:20:32

Raymond Manuel (heuvel666@icqmail.com), is looking for someone:

I'm looking for a men named Manuel leon Munoz. He is about 60 years old now. i know he lived in Valencia Spain. he has a son who has the same name as he has and that son should be about 30 years old right now(could be some older or younger)He worked on a oilplatform (i think he is retired now) and i also know he has bin in the 70's in holland several time's.he also just to work for the dutch railway company and he lived in amsterdam (for sure in dec. 1971) If you know who i'm talking about or you are one of these persons please contact me!!!!!!!!!!! it's really important to me!!!!!!! greetings raymond

This came from @ on jueves, 31 agosto 2000 00:21:06

Pamela Phillips (purepg@.webtv.net), is looking for someone:

there was a guy naed mike modern who lved in detroit when he was about 17to19 or so he had a sister named pam who lived in st. clair shores michigan. my name is pam phillips at the time mike just got out of a band called slate.we dated for a while and used to go to hwell michigan every now and then he had long dark hair at the time i lived on te only dead end across from a school in redford mi.i hope you find and read this would love to hear from you by the way last i heard you moved to florida.purepg.webtv net.

This came from @ on lunes, 4 septiembre 2000 00:42:29

Rogério (praa@uol.com.br), is looking for someone:

Hello !!! I'm a brazilian guy who intends to live in Edmonton. I am starting my application to get the immigration visa. I am looking for someone that lives there and can help me !!!

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 6 septiembre 2000 20:12:06

Rogério (praa@uol.com.br), is looking for someone:

Hello !!! I'm a brazilian guy who intends to live in Edmonton (Canada). I am starting my application to get the immigration visa. I am looking for someone that lives there and can help me !!!

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 6 septiembre 2000 20:15:31

Valerie Lane (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on jueves, 7 septiembre 2000 20:13:21

Alessandro Ricco (risultato30@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 13 septiembre 2000 17:51:03

pipi (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on martes, 19 septiembre 2000 03:15:13

??? (???), is looking for someone:

me dirijo a UDs a los efectosde comunicarles que estoy en argentina, y el servicio que presot es gratuito, + si buscan a alguien en argentina, algun pariente , amigo, etc, ponganse en contacto que sera un placer ayudarlos www.misraices.com.ar

This came from @ on jueves, 21 septiembre 2000 06:38:38

www.misraices.com.ar (???), is looking for someone:

me dirijo a UDs a los efectosde comunicarles que estoy en argentina, y el servicio que presot es gratuito, + si buscan a alguien en argentina, algun pariente , amigo, etc, ponganse en contacto que sera un placer ayudarlos www.misraices.com.ar

This came from @ on jueves, 21 septiembre 2000 06:39:17

searchin people (???), is looking for someone:

me dirijo a UDs a los efectosde comunicarles que estoy en argentina, y el servicio que presot es gratuito, + si buscan a alguien en argentina, algun pariente , amigo, etc, ponganse en contacto que sera un placer ayudarlos www.misraices.com.ar

This came from @ on jueves, 21 septiembre 2000 06:41:01

llamosas julio cesar (tulo@searchingpeople.com.ar), is looking for someone:

me dirijo a UDs a los efectosde comunicarles que estoy en argentina, y el servicio que presot es gratuito, + si buscan a alguien en argentina, algun pariente , amigo, etc, ponganse en contacto que sera un placer ayudarlos www.misraices.com.ar

This came from @ on jueves, 21 septiembre 2000 06:42:01

Kristijan Molnar (skykris@mailbox.co.yu), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on lunes, 25 septiembre 2000 19:20:37

Anitra Huddleston (anitra75@yahoo.com), is looking for someone:

MARCELLAS MCNEIL...your daughter misses you and wants to met you really bad. She is 4 now and hasn't seen you for almost 4 years. I guess this is a waste of time though huh? She will have to go on sally or ricki lake to find you?

This came from @ on lunes, 25 septiembre 2000 22:58:00

gabor pataki (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on viernes, 29 septiembre 2000 15:42:55

gabor pataki (patakigabor@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on viernes, 29 septiembre 2000 15:43:42

gabor pataki (patakigabor@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

I am intressted of working on oil platform. Thank you very much for any information.

This came from @ on viernes, 29 septiembre 2000 15:45:53

randy lunsford (a_nice_guy_4u2c@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

looking for an old girlfriend ,her name is Bobbiejo Turner she lives in wilmington north carolina ,she is 24 years of age and is 5;8 blonde hair last know address was the Kings Grant area she drove a black geo storm so any info is helpfull ......

This came from @ on domingo, 1 octubre 2000 20:47:09

timothy owensby (www.timothy), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on domingo, 1 octubre 2000 22:29:11

??? (???), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on domingo, 1 octubre 2000 22:35:23

trudy (moss), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on martes, 3 octubre 2000 02:14:11

melissa reid (shagonwagon2000@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on martes, 3 octubre 2000 02:16:03

NORA MORALES FORTUñO (ARON33@PRTC.NET), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 4 octubre 2000 05:20:03

NORA MORALES FORTUñO (ARON33@PRTC.NET), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 4 octubre 2000 05:22:08

lisa marie johnson (johnson_56@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

I am looking for a young lady named Maria Jaime. She is about 17 years old. She is mexican. I have heard that she lives in Minnesota. If you know where she lives please e-mail me at johnson_56@hotmail.com. Thanks, Lisa

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 4 octubre 2000 18:51:36

Rajesh (shitalbavishi@yahoo.com), is looking for someone:

Hi! i am 22 years old,staying in mumbai ant looking 4 handsom person and please contect very fast

This came from @ on martes, 10 octubre 2000 05:12:11

Jose O Nogueras (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on viernes, 13 octubre 2000 23:28:04

Jose M. Nogueras (Ntigger1984@aol.com), is looking for someone:

I want to find my grandfather that I haven't seen in 10 years I was wondering if he is alive dead or what I am trying to look for him over 3 years now and my dad wants to see him to his name is Jose O. Nogueras just like my dads name and mines except mines Jose M. Nogueras. I wish I could find him

This came from @ on viernes, 13 octubre 2000 23:31:07

Manuel (*.*), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on s‡bado, 14 octubre 2000 22:22:33

polona (jan.cuk@siol.net), is looking for someone:

I am preparing my final work at University about Juan Ramon Jimenez, so if someone has some useful datas please mail me! Anything - seminars, diplomas, articles... I am specialy interested in his work Platero y yo. Thanks a lot! Polona, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

This came from @ on domingo, 15 octubre 2000 19:40:07

Carrie Ryan (CarrieRyan@msn.com), is looking for someone:

I am looking for Raphael Marquez. He is from Madrid, Spain. However he also has a residence in Portugal. He was a teacher at San Louis Universidad in Madrid. He taught Biology. Thank you Carrie Ryan

This came from @ on domingo, 22 octubre 2000 16:49:46

ringkon (ringkonbhow@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

please i want this uniersity adress and internet site. university of south carolina-beaufort at hilton head onecollege center hilton head island, south carolina 29928

This came from @ on s‡bado, 28 octubre 2000 17:11:27

ringkon (ringkonbhow@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

please i want this uniersity adress and internet site. university of south carolina-beaufort at hilton head onecollege center hilton head island, south carolina 29928

This came from @ on s‡bado, 28 octubre 2000 17:11:51

Alberto (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 1 noviembre 2000 22:17:43

Alberto (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 1 noviembre 2000 22:17:52

Alberto Martínez Villalobos (villalobos4@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

Hola, aprovecho este medio para contactar linda chica que quiera enseñarme esta o cualquier ciudad española. Soy mexicano de 27 años y estoy planeando tener unas vacaciones y deseo pasarlas con alguien agradable. Saludos

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 1 noviembre 2000 22:21:22

Galen Muhammad (ALLAH_GOD_1@HOTMAIL.COM), is looking for someone:

I am trying to locate graduates from Suitland Sr. High school-class of 1981. We are planning our 20-yr. class reunion and (of course) cannot locate everyone. Please contact me as I am one of the committee members.

This came from @ on lunes, 06 noviembre 2000 21:52:28

fernando ledesmA (fer_ledesma@yahoo.com), is looking for someone:

whats up everbody i want to meet people from other countries please writte me back

This came from @ on martes, 07 noviembre 2000 21:57:29

rizwan (rizzwan18@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

Hello Dear, I'm Rizwan/M. I'm 24/5'-11"/68. I have a fair complexion with a cute look and a good physical built. My friend calls me munna. I have taken B.Sc. now a days I m doing the jave and oracle. I'm from Pakistan and live in Lahore. I feel myself very alone. I want to make friendship with u; so that I could know how is your life furthermore how is your country condition, culture, religion, and other things. My best wishes for u. Please u touch me by email. Bye

This came from @ on jueves, 09 noviembre 2000 22:09:46

rizwan (rizzwan18@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

Hello Dear, I'm Rizwan/M. I'm 24/5'-11"/68. I have a fair complexion with a cute look and a good physical built. My friend calls me munna. I have taken B.Sc. now a days I m doing the jave and oracle. I'm from Pakistan and live in Lahore. I feel myself very alone. I want to make friendship with u; so that I could know how is your life furthermore how is your country condition, culture, religion, and other things. My best wishes for u. Please u touch me by email. Bye

This came from @ on jueves, 09 noviembre 2000 22:11:54

Teresa Rhodes (Watts) (teresarhodes50@netscape.net), is looking for someone:

Searching for Brothers Mike L Watts & Mark A Watts or daughter of Mark Watts Kara B Watts.

This came from @ on s‡bado, 11 noviembre 2000 22:48:25

Dejan (@dejan.co.yu), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on domingo, 12 noviembre 2000 00:08:04

sarah (nicer2002), is looking for someone:

what's up. long time no see.write back soon.

This came from @ on lunes, 13 noviembre 2000 18:44:55

sarah (nicer2002@yahoo), is looking for someone:

Looking for Fernando Canchola. What's up. Long time no see. Write back soon!

This came from @ on lunes, 13 noviembre 2000 18:52:23

sarah (nicer2002@yahoo), is looking for someone:

Looking for Fernando Canchola. What's up. Long time no see. Write back soon!

This came from @ on lunes, 13 noviembre 2000 18:52:30

sarah (nicer2002@yahoo), is looking for someone:

Looking for Fernando Canchola. What's up. Long time no see. Write back soon!

This came from @ on lunes, 13 noviembre 2000 18:52:36

Bernadine Albert (sexynsensuous@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

I am looking for Alan Chulhan because I have 7year old daughter for him name Chelsea Albert....the last known address was in Houston, Texas....His last know occupation was a Truck Driver, He should be about 45 years of age...If anyone know where I can find him please call 281 536 2376 or 713 738 3673 or submit information to 5638 Selinsky Rd. Apt 44, Houston, Tx 77048. thanks

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 15 noviembre 2000 06:50:24

teke (dbz_anighoro), is looking for someone:

hello my name is john

This came from @ on s‡bado, 18 noviembre 2000 16:42:01

toño (elultimotorero@latinmail.com), is looking for someone:

quiero recibir citas con chicas, y fotos guarras muy guarras de cualquiera

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 22 noviembre 2000 14:02:41

toño (elultimotorero@latinmail.com), is looking for someone:

quiero recibir citas con chicas, y fotos guarras muy guarras de cualquiera

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 22 noviembre 2000 14:04:42

Dr.Ellis Sampram (Ellissam@mailcity.com), is looking for someone:

I am looking for a fashion designer call Andre´ Gracia in Belgium who designs clothes with trademark of the same name.

This came from @ on jueves, 23 noviembre 2000 14:44:42

Dr. Ellis Sampram (Ellissam@lycos.com), is looking for someone:

I am urgently looking for a fashion designer probably called Andre´ Gracia who designs clothes with trademark Andre´Gracia i Belgium.

This came from @ on jueves, 23 noviembre 2000 15:02:04

Ulises Qúiñónez (uquinonez@xanaducandle.com), is looking for someone:

Estoy buscando a DANTE ACEVEDO ingeniero civil químico de CHILE, Dante trabajó (o trabaja) en BIMBO DE CHILE (o IDEAL. Con Dante trabajamos durante un mes en BOGOTÁ, y me gustaría reabrir la comunicación.

This came from @ on viernes, 24 noviembre 2000 18:35:41

cynthia whaley (syn_syn_3000@webtv.net), is looking for someone:

I would like to find an old friend named Jeremy from conneticate..He is bout 18 or 19 now he was in a band he's dad died not 2 long ago I would say a year n I really do miss him so could u please help me find him his nic was skarhead or something like that,please help me

This came from @ on domingo, 26 noviembre 2000 10:37:46

austin gunn (ghool2002@yahoo.com), is looking for someone:

Hello, i,m looking for someone for a relationship. I,m 20,an electrical engineering technician.

This came from @ on s‡bado, 09 diciembre 2000 13:16:13

??? (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on s‡bado, 09 diciembre 2000 13:17:19

Nati Ali (Nati15@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on s‡bado, 09 diciembre 2000 13:52:49

Martha Lopez (Martha15@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on s‡bado, 09 diciembre 2000 13:57:43

Paula Byatt (lbyatt@aol.com), is looking for someone:

I'm looking for the postal address of my uncle. His name is Michael Kelly and he is married to endy. They live in Widnes in Cheshire I think

This came from @ on lunes, 11 diciembre 2000 22:31:00

Jorge Luis BanG (luis656@latinmail.com), is looking for someone:

hello i am peru excuse me please i spak and write english very bad. translate please busco pareja que sea de europa hasta pronto

This came from @ on s‡bado, 16 diciembre 2000 04:49:12

??? (lili_magia@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on s‡bado, 16 diciembre 2000 11:29:01

??? (lili_magia@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on s‡bado, 16 diciembre 2000 11:30:28

Beverly Hogaboom, Kranz, Ahern (Femalejazz@aol.com), is looking for someone:

Looking for a Cynthia (Cindi) Jones-Fox who lived in Pendleton, Ind. About 54, 55 yrs old, white female, I use to go to Oswego High School with

This came from @ on viernes, 05 enero 2001 00:49:51

Milca (de_matis@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

Porqué si son españoles tienen una página en Ingles? acaso rechasan su lengua. Si es así me apenaria mucho que "la madre patria" pensara así. Yo estoy mandando e-mail a algunas universidades de Madrid para postular a una beca desde Chile con el fin de hacer un postitulo en diseño gráfico, pero nadie me respode, es que además son racistas?

This came from @ on viernes, 05 enero 2001 03:09:43

Kelly Evers Strozier (strozik@mail.santarosa.k12.fl.us), is looking for someone:

Looking for Suitland High School Class of 1973 reunion information.

This came from @ on jueves, 11 enero 2001 18:52:29

Samantha Leslie (samm-antha@webtv.net), is looking for someone:

I am looking for CRYSTAL ERNST. We grew up together and she moved away to Kentucky when we were 14-ish. She has 3 sisters and 1 brother. I heard that she went into the armed forces but I'm not for sure. She will about 21. I can't find any addresses from when she moved and I have lost track of all our old friends. Please if you have any information email me. I would be very grateful. Thank you.

This came from @ on s‡bado, 13 enero 2001 02:58:14

mohibali (mohibali73@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

i have intrest in sex

This came from @ on s‡bado, 13 enero 2001 21:50:23

ortiz (porky_h2ohotmail.com), is looking for someone:

who was willard emma?

This came from @ on domingo, 21 enero 2001 18:08:56

christopher campbell (ccamp22485@aol.com), is looking for someone:

im looking for my brother jason campbell we havent spoken to him in several months i want to know how he is

This came from @ on lunes, 22 enero 2001 04:04:53

Alejandra (Rhamdra@aol.com), is looking for someone:

Hace como un mes que mude a Denver, Colorado y me muero por conocer gente de Argentina por estos lares.

This came from @ on s‡bado, 27 enero 2001 01:18:12

Emily Bilsky (www.Angeliteomm@aol.com), is looking for someone:

I am looking for my biological father Morris Dazier Possibly in Los Angeles Ca.

This came from @ on jueves, 01 febrero 2001 02:49:44

Emily Bilsky (www.Angeliteomm@aol.com), is looking for someone:

I am looking for my biological father Morris Dazier Possibly in Los Angeles Ca.

This came from @ on jueves, 01 febrero 2001 02:49:51

janu (Alinauroze@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

i lost my friends ,but i have his phone no so kindly tell me his adress. Thanx

This came from @ on viernes, 02 febrero 2001 14:20:03

Pamela Phillips (purepg@webtv.com), is looking for someone:

looking fo Mike Modern lived in Detroit M.I. around 25 years ago has a sister named Pam who lived in S.T. Clair Shores. we dated for a little bit untill you moved to Florida where I now reside for the last 14 years. i am from Redford M.I.We use to go out to Howell M.I. and party for the weekends with my friends.you lived in Detroit at the time with a guy ,I think his name Kieth Miller,I think not sure at all about your roommates name Mike you use to play in a band called slate.WE met when you were dating my friend name Jeannie,somehow we started seeing each other, I must have made you forget all about her!!!You had long shoulder length hair and i had strawberry blonde. hope you find this letter or someone who knows you.would loveto here from you. also at the time you had a tarachela spider yak! hope to talk to you soon Pamela Phillips

This came from @ on domingo, 04 febrero 2001 22:32:48

??? (???), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on domingo, 04 febrero 2001 22:54:55

louis (louis_oke@yahoo.com), is looking for someone:

I am looking for Parius

This came from @ on jueves, 08 febrero 2001 15:43:39

hani (hani2k1@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

hi how r u i lke people i want to make friendshaip do u want ??? i m waiting for yr mail

This came from @ on lunes, 12 febrero 2001 14:16:06

hasnain fraz (raohasnain@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

search the adress in lahore pakistan by telephone number

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 14 febrero 2001 19:28:15

hasnain fraz (raohasnain@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

this is phone number 042-7847171 i want to find adress & location in pakistan lahore soon

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 14 febrero 2001 19:34:29

??? (???), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on viernes, 16 febrero 2001 18:31:19

bonnie hunter (bonitanighthawk), is looking for someone:

I am trying to find my niece Amanda sue grant she is 16 yrs. old I haven't seen her for about 9 years please help me find her the last place she was in was Fort walton beach Florida

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 21 febrero 2001 16:34:21

Stephen C. Passalacqua (apache13@mindspring.com), is looking for someone:

I have searched for over 16 years for my son Christian Lee Passalacqua taken by his mother, Marillian (Marilian) Perez to Los Angeles, California and not leaving a forwarding address. All my effords to find my son have been fruitless, but that has not stopped me. I am in the hopes that someday he will see my name on the web and call me. His brother (Paul,age 19) and sisters (Stephanie & Eva, age 13) also wish to hear from him. Christian Passalacqua 's birthday is Dec. 11, 1977

This came from @ on jueves, 22 febrero 2001 18:25:22

Ron Gauthier (gutch@attcanada.ca), is looking for someone:

This persons name is Randy Rinaldo and he resides in timmins ontario Canada.

This came from @ on lunes, 26 febrero 2001 03:20:04

Dwayne moquete sancho (moqueteballis@aol.com), is looking for someone:

busco un familiares de mi mama que estan en barcelona y por favor si conocen a alguien con ese apellido por fovor mandar me un e-mail gracias.

This came from @ on lunes, 26 febrero 2001 17:19:56

katherine paula quist (katherine_campbe@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

I am looking for a lady named CARMEN FERNANDEZ GONZALEZ. Her date of birth is 5.4.52. She comes from SANTA COLOMA DE FARNES,GERONA. I believe she spent some time in 1977 in Germany and the North of England.I also know she has 2 sisters and 1 brother. Please if you are carmen or think you know her of her family please contact me on my e.mail address above. I would really like to talk with you. Katherine Quist.

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 28 febrero 2001 06:15:29

Suitland Sr. High Reunion Committee (Suitland_1981@Onebox.com), is looking for someone:

We are looking for Suitland Sr. High graduates from the class of 1981. We are planning our 20-year class reunion and need to contact as many of our classmates as possible!! The dates are set for July 27-29, 2001. Contact us at the given e-mail address and/or check out our website @ Classof1981.50megs.com. You may also leave your contact info @ 202.777.2642 x3184.

This came from @ on viernes, 02 marzo 2001 17:42:37

Suitland Sr. High Reunion Committee (Suitland_1981@Onebox.com), is looking for someone:

We are looking for Suitland Sr. High graduates from the class of 1981. We are planning our 20-year class reunion and need to contact as many of our classmates as possible!! The dates are set for July 27-29, 2001. Contact us at the given e-mail address and/or check out our website @ Classof1981.50megs.com. You may also leave your contact info @ 202.777.2642 x3184.

This came from @ on viernes, 02 marzo 2001 17:42:53

Suitland Sr. High Reunion Committee (Suitland_1981@Onebox.com), is looking for someone:

We are looking for Suitland Sr. High graduates from the class of 1981. We are planning our 20-year class reunion and need to contact as many of our classmates as possible!! The dates are set for July 27-29, 2001.

Contact us at the given e-mail address and/or check out our website @ Classof1981.50megs.com. You may also leave your contact info @ 202.777.2642 x3184.

This came from @ on viernes, 02 marzo 2001 17:46:51

Bonnie Hunter (Bonitanighthawk@aol.com), is looking for someone:

I am looking for my niece Amanda Sue Grant She is 16 yrs. old .her mother's name is tonya last known address was Fort walton Beach Florida Please help me. Thanks

This came from @ on lunes, 05 marzo 2001 06:03:55

Bonnie Hunter (Bonitanighthawk@aol.com), is looking for someone:

I am looking for my niece Amanda Sue Grant She is 16 yrs. old .her mother's name is tonya last known address was Fort walton Beach Florida Please help me. Thanks

This came from @ on lunes, 05 marzo 2001 06:11:30

??? (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on martes, 06 marzo 2001 18:15:09

charles cameron (Ccam105793@aol.com), is looking for someone:

Please find, One called Ramon Mirabel, a Dominican citizen now living in U.S.(Florida). Yours, C.M.C.

This came from @ on viernes, 09 marzo 2001 20:06:56

jack (kunal595@yahoo.com), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on domingo, 11 marzo 2001 16:02:43

Esmeralda Ledesma (gtelmo96), is looking for someone:

I'm looking for Efrine Ledesma

This came from @ on lunes, 12 marzo 2001 14:39:10

reginald renee scott mebee (mcdog00yahoo.com), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 14 marzo 2001 04:10:31

??? (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 14 marzo 2001 04:11:01

??? (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 14 marzo 2001 04:11:11

reggie renee scott mcbee (mcdog00yahoo.com), is looking for someone:

looking for Charile Edward Epps

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 14 marzo 2001 04:15:07

BALIJA (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on s‡bado, 17 marzo 2001 05:55:34

ISMETA (MBALIJA@AOL.COM), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on s‡bado, 17 marzo 2001 05:56:17

Nawab (badboynawab@yahoo.com), is looking for someone:

Hi, Everybody Iwant 2 make girl friends Plz mail me and your photo Too.k bye

This came from @ on lunes, 19 marzo 2001 11:13:06

Vincent Sandoval (Zero_fx420@Hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

I am looking for a female friend around 15-18 years of age, I'm 5'6 weigh around 125lbs, have hazel eyes, black hair and like to skateboard, if anyones finds this interesting please e-mail me at: Zero_fx420@Hotmail.com. Or if you just want to chat. okay? bye.

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 21 marzo 2001 21:44:18

carlos carriga (magie1966@yahoo.com), is looking for someone:

i am looking for this person i need to find him because i found his brother

This came from @ on viernes, 23 marzo 2001 16:02:29

John Francis (john.francis@webstack.net), is looking for someone:

Looking for Susan or Sandra Kohlus, SBHS 1961

This came from @ on s‡bado, 24 marzo 2001 02:39:23

??? (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on s‡bado, 24 marzo 2001 10:47:52

KIMBER GODWIN (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on domingo, 25 marzo 2001 03:25:35

jashmin mashruwala (jashmin_mashruwala@yahoo.com), is looking for someone:

looking for someone ???

This came from @ on domingo, 01 abril 2001 15:25:36

Angie (angmas509@aol.com), is looking for someone:

I am looking for someone who had the screen name of Mikanoko and he was from Utah. He was a tattoo artist and a body piercer

This came from @ on domingo, 01 abril 2001 21:31:01

nasir ali (pnaser_ali@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

i am 24 male from pakistan and i am doing mcs(master in computer sciences ). i love to make new friends all over the world . i believe in honesty and truth . pleas only true peoples mail me . ok take care of your self bye

This came from @ on lunes, 02 abril 2001 08:09:40

Najam farooq (najamfarooq@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

I am a lonely person and some time I feel that there must be a friend by which I can share my lonele and share my problem. I am 23 year old. Computer is my field. History has been my favourite subject I am found of tourism and horeling.

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 04 abril 2001 15:25:46

ROBERTO (ROBERGUERO@YAHOO .NET), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on s‡bado, 07 abril 2001 01:37:47

bonita hunter bonnie (bonitanighthawk@aol.com), is looking for someone:

I'm looking for my niece Amanda Sue Grant [her mom's name is Tonya ] I havenot seen her in about 10 years last know address was Mary Easter Fort Walton Beach Fla. Amanda is 16 years old. Please Help me.

This came from @ on s‡bado, 07 abril 2001 06:24:18

F. Abad (diossh@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

Ignoro por dónde para Beth Benjamin, de Minnesota (EE UU), desde que se fue de Alicante. Culquier información al respecto, en la dirección arriba indicada.

This came from @ on s‡bado, 14 abril 2001 11:25:42

Haley (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on s‡bado, 14 abril 2001 16:47:18

eddi mues (eddi.mues@scaniafinance.es), is looking for someone:

I am looking for the e-mail of Jo Hombroux from Belgium, living close to Leuven.

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 18 abril 2001 11:30:40

andres felipe (azuleta89@latinmail.com), is looking for someone:

she ie a girl beatifull, eyes green black she speck spanish whi my live in colombia and love friends they world, i am 14 years old, i don"t girlfriend.

This came from @ on jueves, 19 abril 2001 00:11:52

Nana (ninazouzou2yahoo.com), is looking for someone:

I would like to know more information about Libian embassy in canada(ottawa) THANKS!

This came from @ on jueves, 19 abril 2001 14:27:40

Ricardo Brun Cruz (rickybrun12@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

Stephen C. Marsh. He study in Irondequoit High School, Rochester, N.Y. 1971 Class.He was living in Boston in the 80´.

This came from @ on viernes, 20 abril 2001 19:49:58

??? (rickybrun@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

I´m trying to find a friend . Stephen C. Marsh. he Study at Irondequoit H.S., in Rochester N.Y.(class 1971)

This came from @ on viernes, 20 abril 2001 19:53:34

claudia espina (tadeosta@yahoo.com), is looking for someone:

I'm searching for martin varas "tibu" he is from Argentina, and I think he is living in Conetticut right now. estoy buscando a Martin Varas " Tibu" el es de argentina y creo que esta viviendo en Conetticut ahora.

This came from @ on martes, 24 abril 2001 02:06:56

claudia espina (tadeosta@yahoo.com), is looking for someone:

I'm searching for martin varas "tibu" he is from Argentina, and I think he is living in Conetticut right now. estoy buscando a Martin Varas " Tibu" el es de argentina y creo que esta viviendo en Conetticut ahora.

This came from @ on martes, 24 abril 2001 02:07:15

claudia espina (tadeosta@yahoo.com), is looking for someone:

I'm searching for martin varas "tibu" he is from Argentina, and I think he is living in Conetticut right now. estoy buscando a Martin Varas " Tibu" el es de argentina y creo que esta viviendo en Conetticut ahora.

This came from @ on martes, 24 abril 2001 02:07:35

David (deorozco22@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

Hola me llamo Elias vivo en New Jerser tengo 22 y trabajo en diseno grafico me gusta mucho salir los fines de semana... bueno me gustaria conocerte y algo mas escribeme no lo dudes David Elias

This came from @ on viernes, 27 abril 2001 22:51:50

David (deorozco22@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

Hola me llamo Elias vivo en New Jerser tengo 22 y trabajo en diseno grafico me gusta mucho salir los fines de semana... bueno me gustaria conocerte y algo mas escribeme no lo dudes David Elias

This came from @ on viernes, 27 abril 2001 22:52:26

David Elias (deorozco22@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

Hola me llamo Elias vivo en New Jerser tengo 22 y trabajo en diseno grafico me gusta mucho salir los fines de semana... bueno me gustaria conocerte y algo mas escribeme no lo dudes David Elias

This came from @ on viernes, 27 abril 2001 22:52:44

kristy white (motherfrog19@yahoo.com), is looking for someone:

tiffiany lee allison

This came from @ on s‡bado, 28 abril 2001 13:38:23

Jeremy Justin Lopez (DuneAirPatrol@aol.com), is looking for someone:

Ineed to find my family tree

This came from @ on martes, 01 mayo 2001 01:56:52

Jon (shafiq_jon@yahoo.com), is looking for someone:

Hi, My name is Jon. I am looking for girl who need having sex. I am health good for sex girl who want to having sex but I can do that for. I think about who girl want to be sex about because it is so good sex. Relax, it is just sex. I am talk about sex but who she need sex. If any question who girl need sex send me E-mail or /and do not want sex as do not send E-mail you want. Thank you, Jon

This came from @ on jueves, 10 mayo 2001 04:00:16

Daniel Haigh (haighclan@hotmail.com ), is looking for someone:

can oyu help me find a Capon in cranwell lincoln

This came from @ on viernes, 11 mayo 2001 12:37:18

Dzmitriy (89417@mai.ru), is looking for someone:

> > > May 10, 2001 > > > Dear Sir: > > > ---Your Offer Position as an oilplatform worker--- > > > Your representatives informed me about conpition of the acceptance jn work in your oilplatform department. I would be grateful if you would me futher information including: > > > Sample of the contract(in Englich), yours E-mail and w.w.w. > > I am looking for a good employment a genncy > > Belarus,Minsk > > > Yours sincerely, Makarevich Dzmitry Victorovich > > >

This came from @ on s‡bado, 12 mayo 2001 10:48:00

Aliz Paez (paez.loca@terra.com), is looking for someone:

I would like to know where to find out if the address palacios_91910@yahoo.com has change? I woul also like to know if vl10@qwest.net is still thesame. Thanks for all your help.

This came from @ on s‡bado, 19 mayo 2001 04:06:27

Tonia Gonzales (donandton@msn.com), is looking for someone:

Looking for w/f born in Texas moved to Mississippi Or South Carolina. sep 24 1980 I think her name is Linda Kay Hardy

This came from @ on s‡bado, 19 mayo 2001 16:59:29

june morton (nesscita), is looking for someone:

to find classmate that graduated from miami palmetto sr. high in 1978.

This came from @ on domingo, 20 mayo 2001 00:40:53

june morton (nesscita), is looking for someone:

nita lawerence

This came from @ on domingo, 20 mayo 2001 00:45:03

NEDELJKO RADIC (nedeljko_haja@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

I would like know name of oil platform in ITALI /SUD/ american company of mine friend BORIS SMAIC- CROATIA NATIONALITY/RIJEKA

This came from @ on domingo, 20 mayo 2001 17:40:49

eulove (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 23 mayo 2001 04:20:38

douglas m.miles (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on s‡bado, 26 mayo 2001 02:51:45

douglas m miles south carolina (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on s‡bado, 26 mayo 2001 02:53:30

douglas m miles south carolina (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on s‡bado, 26 mayo 2001 02:53:44

trev (kevMcmad@hitoori.com), is looking for someone:

e-mail adrress for aowyn gita sanderson

This came from @ on lunes, 28 mayo 2001 13:24:53

Keith Jacobs (SylverBullet87@aol.com), is looking for someone:

I want a photo of my uncle Brad jacobs who died of a heroin overdose. He use to live in laguna beach. In a apartment across the street to the beach. A gas station is right next to the apartment I think he died around 1995, 1996, or 1997.

This came from @ on martes, 29 mayo 2001 19:16:24

Nicholas Willis (SylverBullet87@aol.com), is looking for someone:

I Need a photo of him. He goes to South Lake Middle School in Irvine, CA. He lives in irvine. His address is 266 Veneto in Westpark.

This came from @ on martes, 29 mayo 2001 19:19:41

Rachel (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 30 mayo 2001 21:14:28

Rachel (none), is looking for someone:

Im looking for my brother Brandon Faber. He is in the military and i havent seen him in 2 years and i miss him. so Brandon if you ever get to see this please contact me at 13842 s 209th ave, buckeye az #623-386-5794

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 30 mayo 2001 21:18:49

mama shabbir (shabbirpk@yours.com), is looking for someone:

i am varey canfeuse i want the friend ship for usa in texas and dfeskishan for our problams and depacil topicas and ather maneuze

This came from @ on jueves, 31 mayo 2001 14:25:53

philip e. kress (philipekress@earthlink.net), is looking for someone:

looking for old boating friend "fletcher" harold fletcher who now maybe lives in florida near or around tampa.need his phone number and address.i will be in st pete over the 4th of july.

This came from @ on domingo, 03 junio 2001 03:39:18

Norma Huertas Martinez (celisivette@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

ESTOY BUSCANDO A MI HERMANO FERNANDO Roldán Martinez.Mejor conocido como (gino).Si alguien lo conose por favor dejenme saver pues no lo veo desde que tenia yo 7 años. una hermana decesperada.

This came from @ on lunes, 04 junio 2001 06:09:01

Elke Wilhelm (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on martes, 05 junio 2001 14:28:05

Henry p. Mullaney (henryp@aero-vision.com), is looking for someone:

I would like to find Francisco Alfonso Bonet He grew up in Valencia, Spain and lived on Granvia Fernando el catholico Ibelieve that to day he would be a lawyer

This came from @ on viernes, 08 junio 2001 01:28:32

jaime fernando garcia (jimmygaco@yahoo.com), is looking for someone:

I wanna havre girlfriend,I am 16 year old,I would have friends

This came from @ on s‡bado, 09 junio 2001 01:17:40

R. A. International (alam_rizwan@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

We need this company email address company name is "NUÑEZ PEINADO MIGUEL" and address is Torre Sandoval 1 2 29015 Málaga SPAIN and activity is Leather, skins and furs. Waiting for your reply Rizwan Alam Chief Executive of R. A. International

This came from @ on s‡bado, 09 junio 2001 12:24:37

R. A. International (alam_rizwan@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

We need this company email address company name is "NUÑEZ PEINADO MIGUEL" and address is Torre Sandoval 1 2 29015 Málaga SPAIN and activity is Leather, skins and furs. Waiting for your reply Rizwan Alam Chief Executive of R. A. International

This came from @ on s‡bado, 09 junio 2001 12:25:18

Bill (???), is looking for someone:

find John Klascik

This came from @ on domingo, 10 junio 2001 18:58:08

Bill (???), is looking for someone:

find John Klascik

This came from @ on domingo, 10 junio 2001 18:58:22

ATARES (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on lunes, 11 junio 2001 10:06:30

BAIG (baigpkus@yahoo.com), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on lunes, 11 junio 2001 17:43:16

??? (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on martes, 12 junio 2001 16:22:19

Maria del Pilar (pili02@excite.com), is looking for someone:

Hi... I am looking for a guy I met in a Cruise. His neame is Kyle and he live in dallas. It was the voyager of the seas. The ship went out on june 10 2001. If you remember me from Puerto Rico pliz e-mail me..

This came from @ on domingo, 17 junio 2001 23:06:55

sibu mejane (zanele@netgate.com.uy), is looking for someone:

i wish to see some birthday photos

This came from @ on lunes, 18 junio 2001 14:18:09

robin allison (beeoer103@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

I am looking for a woman named norma jean. She went to school with my sister peggy bodenheimer. they went to riverdale high school in the late 70's.all i know about norma is that she was good friends with my sister and that she lived in harahan ,la. we lived in harahan on berkley ave. if any one knows this lady please contact me... thank you.

This came from @ on lunes, 18 junio 2001 16:56:47

ce (ce51@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

I'm looking for roommate with apartment. I'm student, I'm study english in SAC, guy/girl anyway

This came from @ on lunes, 18 junio 2001 21:30:08

ce (ce51@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

I'm looking for roommate with apartment guy/girl anyway I'm student, I'm study English in San Antonio C. Do you speak spanish??

This came from @ on lunes, 18 junio 2001 21:33:42

jose antonio sanchez de la peña (cool678@htomail.com), is looking for someone:

i need all kind of grill for friend, love o mayve sex please send you fotos

This came from @ on jueves, 21 junio 2001 15:25:32

jose antonio sanchez de la peña (cool678@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

para todas las chicas del mundo solo chicas que deseen amistad sincera, novio romantico, o algo mas solo respondo con foto de culaquier edad

This came from @ on jueves, 21 junio 2001 15:27:09

??? (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on domingo, 24 junio 2001 05:11:23

dr.saeed (partner7@one.net.pk), is looking for someone:

i am looking for a female friend from america of age between16 to 30.mine age is 32.as iam very hot and also like to marry a female that like love and only love nothing else that. BY BY dr.saeed

This came from @ on domingo, 24 junio 2001 22:31:07

Charile Howel (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on lunes, 25 junio 2001 18:58:14

SHAW (???), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on lunes, 25 junio 2001 19:18:21

SHAWNA (???), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on lunes, 25 junio 2001 19:18:35

ali kharraz (ali_kharraz@caramailm.com), is looking for someone:

dear sirs: im verry happy to wriye you in order to help me iwant to immigrate to your land i hold a diploma in informatique abnd in hairdressing i want to have the experience i speak arabicfench english deutsch... thank you ali bloc4N°105c.p.h-ihchach agadir-morocco my adv is as a con tinuation: name:kharraz pronoun:ali sex:male occupation:hairdresser high:1,70m weight:68kg diplomes:informatique &hairdressing languages:arabic, french, english ;deutsch ,spanish hobbies:novelist;theater;annimation,beach

This came from @ on martes, 26 junio 2001 06:45:19

elke (elw@uria.com), is looking for someone:

Who can tell me anything about the whereabouts of Mr. James F. Park. He used to live in Santa Barbara, USA.

This came from @ on martes, 26 junio 2001 09:13:36

elke (infinity2@yahoo.com), is looking for someone:

I´m looking for Mr. James F. Parker, he used to have a company called Coban Energy Corporation, and lived in Santa Barbara. We would be happy to have any information on his whereabouts. Thank you.

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 27 junio 2001 13:38:52

rashed (kayedhum@yahoo.com), is looking for someone:

i need phone # for saudi women seek men inside saudi arabia

This came from @ on jueves, 28 junio 2001 23:11:44

Justin Bram (???), is looking for someone:

Write to Tom Cruise

This came from @ on s‡bado, 30 junio 2001 15:25:31

Justin Bram (???), is looking for someone:

Tom Cruise

This came from @ on s‡bado, 30 junio 2001 15:31:38

Lidia Obiols Benito (lobiols), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on lunes, 02 julio 2001 07:23:49

elke (infinity22001us), is looking for someone:

This is the correct E-mail address. Thank you, Elke

This came from @ on lunes, 02 julio 2001 14:02:26

elke (infinity22001us), is looking for someone:

I want to know how I can erase the first E-mail address that I wrote here. It´s not my personal address, it´s the one from my job and I don´t want it to come out here anymore. Thanks, Elke

This came from @ on lunes, 02 julio 2001 14:09:02

Marbeda St.Hillaire (msthillaire@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

I want to find Melissa Marshall in Trinidad.

This came from @ on viernes, 06 julio 2001 20:46:28

imane elakbani (hodatrejoli@webtv.net), is looking for someone:

loking for a nice good looking man nice and rish

This came from @ on jueves, 19 julio 2001 08:29:14

imane elakbani (hodatrejoli@webtv.net), is looking for someone:

loking for a nice good looking man nice and rish

This came from @ on jueves, 19 julio 2001 08:35:40

??? (???), is looking for someone:

loking for a nice good looking man nice and rish

This came from @ on jueves, 19 julio 2001 08:38:01

nsere (nsernnn@yahoo.com), is looking for someone:

is looking for someone: loking for a nice good looking woman nice and rish

This came from @ on jueves, 19 julio 2001 18:11:11

Peter Buwu (Buwu@yahoo.com), is looking for someone:

Mandla Chitepo r u alive

This came from @ on viernes, 20 julio 2001 14:18:28

zaka tbasam (zybz199@yahoo.com), is looking for someone:

looking for sex a women

This came from @ on domingo, 22 julio 2001 21:56:02

montez Posey (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on domingo, 22 julio 2001 22:20:08

Montez Posey (tezmania100@mailcity.com), is looking for someone:

I am looking for my father Tom Keeler. I was Born August 10, 1987 I have wanted to see my father for a long time. I just want to Know If he is dead or alive. I really want to meet him.

This came from @ on domingo, 22 julio 2001 22:24:01

Montez Posey (tezmania100@lycos.com), is looking for someone:

I am looking for my father Tom Keeler. I was Born August 10, 1987 I have wanted to see my father for a long time. I just want to Know If he is dead or alive. I really want to meet him.

This came from @ on domingo, 22 julio 2001 22:27:11

cheryl green (Brownaugarcag@prodigy), is looking for someone:

white female SUSAN Gardner that use to live in little rock arkansas with sister that mother and father live in chicago i think but cheryl and susan use to work at Mcdonald on markham together sometime we use to go out to eat together at that i was going with a man name name Don then i has a baby boy at that time some way we lost touch but i would like to find this person

This came from @ on lunes, 23 julio 2001 01:48:54

cheryl green (Brownaugarcag@prodigy), is looking for someone:

white female SUSAN Gardner that use to live in little rock arkansas with sister that mother and father live in chicago i think but cheryl and susan use to work at Mcdonald on markham together sometime we use to go out to eat together at that i was going with a man name name Don then i has a baby boy at that time some way we lost touch but i would like to find this person

This came from @ on lunes, 23 julio 2001 01:49:15

Latricia McFarland (mcflatricia@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

I am looking for a guy name Sean T. Ware. He is my younger brother he is 25 years old and lives in Champaign IL. I have not heard from him in months. If you know him will you please tell him that his family misses him and would love to here from him.

This came from @ on lunes, 23 julio 2001 18:13:13

susana (???), is looking for someone:

ingeniero telecominicaciones vasco oracle

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 25 julio 2001 13:24:04

susana (???), is looking for someone:

ingeniero telecomunicaciones vasco oracle

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 25 julio 2001 13:24:16

chriscoton (speeddemoned13@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

Hi is that Carleigh Grogan who went 2 Graveney school if so please send reply!! Thanks loads Chris...

This came from @ on viernes, 27 julio 2001 23:51:53

chriscoton (speeddemoned13@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

Hi is this Hanna Hutchinson who has a dad called Craig? if so then let me know- reply with yes-no thanks loads anyway Chris....

This came from @ on viernes, 27 julio 2001 23:55:11

Rosemarie Cagampan (rmperronnet@hotmail.com,rm.perronnet@belgacom.net), is looking for someone:

I'm looking for some friends that i get lost contact with. I hope thru this net we can come back to each other and start to get in touch. I was wondering how they are all doing. Hope one or someone can read this message of mine and tell them about this note. They can send me an email to both. I'll be always waiting. Their names are: Ma. Abella W. Bautista, Sanggumay (Sanette) Arriola, Lilian Vicente

This came from @ on lunes, 30 julio 2001 11:16:52

Ernesto (From San Diego, CA) (popsdog26@aol.com), is looking for someone:

Busco a una muchacha muy especial que conoci en Cancun el Miercoles, 25 de Julio, 2001. Su nombre es Natalia y visitaba de Argentina. La conoci en Bulldog's, discoteca de Cancun. Si conocen de ella, favor de informarle de mi direccion de internet. translation - I'm looking for a very special girl whom I met on Wednesday, July 25th, 2001 while vacationing in Cancun. Her name is Natalia and was visiting from Argentina. I met her at Bulldog's night club in Cancun. If anyone knows of her whereabouts, kindly forward her my e-mail address.

This came from @ on lunes, 30 julio 2001 16:55:02

alireza (alireza987@yahoo.com), is looking for someone:

i like all of the word peopel

This came from @ on martes, 31 julio 2001 12:27:58

net (www.lusiouslove@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

ineed to know the email address of kirk manning from jackson,mississippi.

This came from @ on domingo, 05 agosto 2001 03:34:16

??? (???), is looking for someone:

did you get my request?

This came from @ on domingo, 05 agosto 2001 03:35:31

daisy (www.nenea.com), is looking for someone:

look for patty llantin

This came from @ on jueves, 09 agosto 2001 21:32:01

daisy (www.nenea.com), is looking for someone:

look for patty llantin

This came from @ on jueves, 09 agosto 2001 21:32:11

daisy (www.nenea.com), is looking for someone:

look for patty llantin

This came from @ on jueves, 09 agosto 2001 21:32:22

daisy (www.nenea.com), is looking for someone:

look for patty llantin

This came from @ on jueves, 09 agosto 2001 21:32:32

Robert McMahon (mcmahon@dunkerton.net), is looking for someone:

Looking for list of crew members of the ship uss sandovol 194 apa

This came from @ on viernes, 10 agosto 2001 02:45:31

Fernando Matute (balmat@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

Alejandra Mendes, email adrress

This came from @ on viernes, 10 agosto 2001 10:33:03

JUNIOR C. (WSMALDITO18), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on s‡bado, 11 agosto 2001 17:54:51

Helena Garcia Gonzalez (helenagarcia@mixmail.com), is looking for someone:

I´m looking for Alicia Bermang, she used to live in Laguna Beach, Ca. EE.UU. I lost contact with her 3 years ago, and I would love to find her, could you help me. I think that she studies in San Diego. She has a brother: Math, and lives with her mother: Lucia. Thanks a lot

This came from @ on domingo, 12 agosto 2001 18:42:23

barrie (barrieclarke23456789_@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on jueves, 16 agosto 2001 00:17:34

bridget tee dennis (sweetchecks @ hotmail .com), is looking for someone:

to find a really close friend from kentucky named Angie Lee

This came from @ on viernes, 17 agosto 2001 00:40:34

Bridgettee dennis (sweetcheeks.com), is looking for someone:

to look for my half sister Antonette Perry and e-mail

This came from @ on viernes, 17 agosto 2001 00:43:08

Susana Moreno (Susanamoreno8), is looking for someone:

looking up for the person with the name of Salinas Jose A. i want to know his address he lives in Dallas Tx his #from his phone is 953-0130 but i don't know his address or his area code.

This came from @ on s‡bado, 01 septiembre 2001 02:21:38

Ankit Kapoor (ankit_ak29@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

tell me the e-mail address of a girl named Kanika Chopra

This came from @ on s‡bado, 01 septiembre 2001 13:50:22

Lidia Obiols (lobiols@yahoo.com), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on martes, 04 septiembre 2001 03:37:03

sew (sfrewf5 ), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on martes, 11 septiembre 2001 07:57:20

naciby (naciby@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

more about naciby

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 12 septiembre 2001 14:08:31

naciby (naciby@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

more about person who´s name is naciby or nacibe ............

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 12 septiembre 2001 14:10:40

naciby seif from peru (naciby@hotmail.com ), is looking for someone:

looking for my family in lebanon please i would like to know more about you

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 12 septiembre 2001 14:18:48

graham johnston (grahamjohnston1@netscapeonline.co.uk), is looking for someone:

Trying to find Natalia Querol - she lives in or near Zaragosa and spent time teaching Spanish in glasgow

This came from @ on jueves, 13 septiembre 2001 22:15:41

johana roldan (no se ), is looking for someone:

saber de ella

This came from @ on jueves, 20 septiembre 2001 22:27:34

Sofia (sofia_gelpi@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

Busco a cualquier Gelpi en Espana o del resto del mundo con la idea de crear un arbol genealogico. Me gustaria saber del origen de este nombre y contactarme con posibles miembros de la familia. I am looking for any Gelpi, in Spain or anywhere else, to develop a family tree. I would like to learn about the origins of the name and to contact any potential family members.

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 26 septiembre 2001 21:26:18

lorena (loquica@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

I want to find Simon Critchley. He used to live in Newcastele in 1996. Later he moved to Bristol. I'm in England now and i'd like to contact him. Please reply if you think you know him

This came from @ on lunes, 01 octubre 2001 13:52:54

jamie galyon (gwen28716@aol.com), is looking for someone:

i am looking for Jose Walter Martinica. His last known address is 9124 South West 180 street, Miami Florida 33157. I really need to find him. we lost contact a few years ago. it is very important that i find him.

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 17 octubre 2001 15:05:00

tammie (midnightmagict@aol.com), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on domingo, 21 octubre 2001 01:32:03

??? (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on domingo, 21 octubre 2001 01:38:10

JOSH HOLLIYAN (JOSH@OL..J), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on domingo, 21 octubre 2001 01:40:03

Marie (marineworldqueen@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

Where are my photos?

This came from @ on martes, 23 octubre 2001 20:17:33

Sabrina Catherine Morgan (sab_promise_me.com), is looking for someone:

Hello! I was wondering if you could help me. All my life I grew up without knowing my father. I never had a dad, I want to know if you could help me find my father. I do not know if he is dead or alive. All I know is that I want to know who I really am. Ever since I was little and can remember I was told my father was a guy named Larry Brown. If I don't know my biological father there is a missing part of my life. I just want to find out who he is. If you can help me let me know please. I won't be able to check my e-mail for a while, but I'll keep in touch. THANK YOU VERY VERY MUCH. Sincerely, Sabrina C. Morgan I am 16 years old. I was born on March 2 in 1985 in San Antonio,Texas. I'm not sure if this helps but I hope it does.

This came from @ on viernes, 26 octubre 2001 01:12:15

??? (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on domingo, 28 octubre 2001 11:41:38

??? (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on domingo, 28 octubre 2001 11:41:49

SHERRY JOHN (JOLLY18@MSN.COM), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on domingo, 28 octubre 2001 17:51:24

SHERRY JOHN (JOLLY18@MSN.COM), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on domingo, 28 octubre 2001 17:51:35

SHERRY JOHN (JOLLY18@MSN.COM), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on domingo, 28 octubre 2001 17:52:17

SHERRY JOHN (JOLLY18@MSN.COM), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on domingo, 28 octubre 2001 17:52:31

Linda Marie (sunkins@earthlink.net), is looking for someone:

I am looking for Micheal Jackson E-Mail address, $ L.A. address Thank You

This came from @ on lunes, 29 octubre 2001 06:16:07

celeste arreguin (celeste_arreguin@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

Estoy tratando de contactar a Nathan Williamson de Dallas texas, tiene 21 años y hace dos años que no se nada de él.

This came from @ on lunes, 29 octubre 2001 20:59:28

mndy vanatta (mindy_vanatta@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

I am looking for James W. Vanatta. He is some where in the U.S. Please help.

This came from @ on martes, 30 octubre 2001 19:37:14

ravi (mars_ravi@yahoo.com), is looking for someone:

hyen iam looking for girl who would like to do friend ship with me iam working for wipro computers my salary is rs.8000 with my own flat in mumbai

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 31 octubre 2001 13:09:32

ravi (mars_ravi@yahoo.com), is looking for someone:

hyen iam looking for girl who would like to do friend ship with me iam working for wipro computers my salary is rs.8000 with my own flat in mumbai

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 31 octubre 2001 13:09:47

??? (???), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 31 octubre 2001 13:17:18

claudia clair (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on domingo, 04 noviembre 2001 23:54:16

dany (danielabriozzo@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on lunes, 05 noviembre 2001 01:43:20

dany (danielabriozzo@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on lunes, 05 noviembre 2001 01:43:31

Kenya Cruz (???), is looking for someone:

I would like to find Cristina Port she lives in Orense Spain and have two sisters Carmen and Lola.

This came from @ on lunes, 05 noviembre 2001 02:29:13

Kenya Cruz (???), is looking for someone:

I would like to find Cristina Port she lives in Orense Spain and have two sisters Carmen and Lola.

This came from @ on lunes, 05 noviembre 2001 02:29:26

Fabienne Thomas (thomasfabienne@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on martes, 06 noviembre 2001 01:28:08

Alexis (alexistzul@univision.com), is looking for someone:

Busco a un viejo amigo ecuatoriano Rafael Castro Velasquez o el "Bebo", como sus amigos y familia lo llaman si alguien sabe de el comuniquense conmigo a mi e-mail alexistzul@univision.com

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 07 noviembre 2001 20:15:05

Alexis (alexistzul@univision.com), is looking for someone:

I'm Alexis from Ecuador and im looking for Anthony Morosani who lives or use to live in Suiza and someplace call Davos his parents owners at hotel in the mountain,if somebody know him please write me a e-mail alexistzul@univision.com thanks!

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 07 noviembre 2001 20:21:07

d.j. may (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 07 noviembre 2001 22:52:06

don may (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 07 noviembre 2001 22:53:18

steven m pieraccini (murraynsteve@wcoil.com), is looking for someone:

looking for a woman who is between 20 and 30.

This came from @ on s‡bado, 10 noviembre 2001 02:40:00

Egon José Klipstein (egonjk@uol.com.br), is looking for someone:

Não falo outro idioma a não ser PORTUGUES ou ESPANHOL, vi o nome KLIPSTEIN, e como possuo o mesmo sobrenome, achei interessante comunicar-me, partindo do princípio que possivelmente haja algum parentesco, do contrário, desculpe-me. A historia de minha família, de origem alemã, é um pouco desconhecida para mim, principalmente por causa de um brasão que meu pai escondia dos filhos, e, que hoje encontra-se em minhas mão. Aguardo retorno...

This came from @ on lunes, 12 noviembre 2001 02:03:44

Bill Bindloss (Bindle@tesco.net), is looking for someone:

I am wishing to make contact again with a great friend of mine from some thirty years ago. He was my bestman at my wedding in July 1969 in Gloucestershire. His name is John C. Murphy and the last time I heard of him was about 1975 when as far as I can remember he had a public house/hotel in Great Yarmouth, Norfolk. It would be great if we could renew our friendship again. Anyone knowing of his whereabouts please e-mail me or contact me at Bicester in Oxfordshire tel no 0186925398

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 14 noviembre 2001 12:55:05

Maria Jesus Turienzo LLata (mjturienzo@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 14 noviembre 2001 17:50:22

sarah wilson (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on s‡bado, 17 noviembre 2001 14:08:22

kathryn jude (kathrynjude@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

i would like the email address for graham, joanne powell, who moved to spain and are on the internet, they moved from southwales. I would like to get in touch with them has i lost there address.

This came from @ on s‡bado, 17 noviembre 2001 22:58:36

Jayme Fork (Forkdork88@aol.com), is looking for someone:

I wish to find ryan st. clair and have him to my self for ever n always!

This came from @ on martes, 20 noviembre 2001 21:36:39

Jayme Fork (Forkdork88@aol.com), is looking for someone:

I wish to find ryan st. clair and have him to my self for ever n always!

This came from @ on martes, 20 noviembre 2001 21:37:35

MIGUEL CASTRO (rallito88@hotmail), is looking for someone:

busco pareja de origen hispano www.rallito88@hotemail.com

This came from @ on viernes, 23 noviembre 2001 22:33:32

arlene (superstar04_67@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

find Joe victor Emerys e-mail address, if he has one.

This came from @ on domingo, 25 noviembre 2001 07:45:48

kathy connors (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on lunes, 26 noviembre 2001 14:56:19

margy wagner (ask217@famvil.com), is looking for someone:

im looking for a friend name shawna lane

This came from @ on jueves, 29 noviembre 2001 16:34:06

margy wagner (ask217@famvil.com), is looking for someone:

i'm looking for a friend name shawan lane that live in denver city tx

This came from @ on jueves, 29 noviembre 2001 16:37:22

margy wagner (poe) (ask217@famvil.com), is looking for someone:

we have bee missing are sister carol for 15years and we would like to fine her. she was born in quincy and she about 41 a year younger then me please if you see here please get in touch with me on the internet at my e-mail margy_wagner ask217@hotmail.com her full name was carol ann poe and i realy mess her.

This came from @ on jueves, 29 noviembre 2001 17:08:39

margy wagner (poe) (ask217@famvil.com), is looking for someone:

we have bee missing are sister carol for 15years and we would like to fine her. she was born in quincy i'll and she about 41 a year younger then me please if you see here please get in touch with me on the internet at my e-mail margy_wagner ask217@hotmail.com her full name was carol ann poe and i realy mess her.

This came from @ on jueves, 29 noviembre 2001 17:12:30

james abaggatta (bagg800@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on jueves, 29 noviembre 2001 19:37:53

JAMES BAGGATTA (bagg800@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

IM looking for my kids james / ashley i havent seen them in a long time but my world is dark with out them . Ilove love you

This came from @ on jueves, 29 noviembre 2001 19:55:02

JAMES BAGGATTA (bagg800@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

IM looking for my kids james / ashley i havent seen them in a long time but my world is dark with out them . Ilove love you

This came from @ on jueves, 29 noviembre 2001 19:55:20

Sherry Louis Cecil (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on viernes, 30 noviembre 2001 22:09:36

Jorge Velandia (llamaloxtv@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

Looking for Sherry Louis Cecil.

This came from @ on viernes, 30 noviembre 2001 22:10:52

alejandra holmes (holmesajh@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

I'm looking for Jesus Otero, aka as Chuey from Healdsburg California. He's in his early 50's. His ex has my book on the history of families in Baja california by Pablo Martinez. Important I get that book back. has a sister named Paula, and brother Elio, and others whose names I dont remember. His ex was Lorena=Lorraine.

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 05 diciembre 2001 02:30:39

alejandra holmes (holmesajh@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

I'm looking for Jesus Otero, aka as Chuey from Healdsburg California. He's in his early 50's. His ex has my book on the history of families in Baja california by Pablo Martinez. Important I get that book back. has a sister named Paula, and brother Elio, and others whose names I dont remember. His ex was Lorena=Lorraine.

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 05 diciembre 2001 02:30:58

alejandra holmes (holmesajh@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

I'm looking for Jesus Otero, aka as Chuey from Healdsburg California. He's in his early 50's. His ex has my book on the history of families in Baja california by Pablo Martinez. Important I get that book back. has a sister named Paula, and brother Elio, and others whose names I dont remember. His ex was Lorena=Lorraine.

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 05 diciembre 2001 02:31:17

alejandra holmes (holmesajh@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

I'm looking for Jesus Otero, aka as Chuey from Healdsburg California. He's in his early 50's. His ex has my book on the history of families in Baja california by Pablo Martinez. Important I get that book back. has a sister named Paula, and brother Elio, and others whose names I dont remember. His ex was Lorena=Lorraine.

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 05 diciembre 2001 02:31:37

alejandra holmes (holmesajh@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

I'm looking for Jesus Otero, aka as Chuey from Healdsburg California. He's in his early 50's. His ex has my book on the history of families in Baja california by Pablo Martinez. Important I get that book back. has a sister named Paula, and brother Elio, and others whose names I dont remember. His ex was Lorena=Lorraine.

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 05 diciembre 2001 02:31:57

rashadul alam (rashirin@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

Desiring for a friend/mate Bussiness of campus in the trial of a drama the fragmented sorrows and emotions of my youths tried with the Excessive breathing under the pressure of fated life nothing touch me. I am on the road .on the more but without any specifie destination. friend. friend only a sweet friend.only this single word strikes me a lot. only a friends company can bring an end of my repressed emotions. many years have already been passed haping for a friend to come. I hope my friends heart to be genious like the sky. rast love the mighty and with a friend with deep sympathy excatly like that.......? Isn;t there anybody in this universe who will be my friend? Waiting for your knock o,my sweet friend please response me - Rashad rashad2@epatra.com

This came from @ on jueves, 06 diciembre 2001 10:44:13

carolanne summerlin (carolsummerlinwebtv ), is looking for someone:

#or contact willard watts in colorado or he contact me Iwant his web #/email

This came from @ on jueves, 06 diciembre 2001 17:50:39

Richard Janse (richardjanse@zonnet.nl), is looking for someone:

30 november 2001 I met a girl in Zaragoza. Her name was Emma, she was an english teacher She was 26 years old. Help me to find her

This came from @ on viernes, 07 diciembre 2001 17:33:32

Amy (Braveheart@aol.com), is looking for someone:

I'm looking for my old friend Mr. B. Melcher. We were neighbors when we were younger and then he moved away. I would really like to find him because I miss him so much and wish I knew how he was doing.

This came from @ on s‡bado, 08 diciembre 2001 03:36:46

Amy (Braveheart1328@aol.com), is looking for someone:

I'm looking for my old friend Mr. B. Melcher. We were neighbors when we were younger and then he moved away. I would really like to find him because I miss him so much and wish I knew how he was doing.

This came from @ on s‡bado, 08 diciembre 2001 03:37:02

Nicole (Littlered_97470@yahoo.com), is looking for someone:

I need to find my biological father.

This came from @ on martes, 18 diciembre 2001 03:34:27

Biel Mairata Mairata (MAIRATIX @MSM.COM), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on s‡bado, 22 diciembre 2001 20:54:14

Biel Mairata Mairata (MAIRATIX @MSM.COM), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on s‡bado, 22 diciembre 2001 20:54:25

??? (???), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on s‡bado, 22 diciembre 2001 20:55:32

sam fontanini (sendel@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

i'm looking for crystal marie martz would like to get back with her.she really means the world to me.

This came from @ on domingo, 23 diciembre 2001 04:28:58

sam fontanini (sendel@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

i'm looking for crystal marie martz would like to get back with her.she really means the world to me.

This came from @ on domingo, 23 diciembre 2001 04:29:17

ben dover (eddie@clearsource.net), is looking for someone:

im looking for a piece of ass from your momma biatch fuck eveyone who reads this and i hate black people suck my dick

This came from @ on domingo, 23 diciembre 2001 05:09:52

greg walker (walk2007@bellsouth.net), is looking for someone:

im looking for a guy by the name of sean thomas, i went to bermar high with him shortly for one half year, my best frien in the world, we went to school togeather in 1981 at berkmar high, in lilburn ga, shortly after words in 1981 he moved to california, i have only heard from him once by phone since than. if any one has any info on sean thomas, please contact me. thanks greg walker

This came from @ on lunes, 24 diciembre 2001 13:51:32

Jessica (celticjesse@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

I am looking for Jeremy Thorne, Last seen in South Paris,ME. He should be about 26 years old.

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 26 diciembre 2001 19:07:42

Jessica Gros (celticjesse@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

I am looking for my old best friend, Jennifer Lamothe , last seen in Lewiston, ME. If you know her please inform me at my e-mail address.

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 26 diciembre 2001 19:10:50

Rebecca Botha (BOTHAREBECCA@aol.com), is looking for someone:

I would like to get in contact with Johanna Jacobs. I last visited her in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. It is very important as I would like to put her in touch with our mutual friend Joy Erasmus who is now living in California. I am living in Melbourne, Victoria Australia. PLEASE HELP ME. THANKS.

This came from @ on jueves, 27 diciembre 2001 14:32:20

Cristina Peterson (CatsPet@aol.com), is looking for someone:

i am looking for a friend of mine name bobby henwoood please let me know how to contact him

This came from @ on lunes, 07 enero 2002 05:32:10

Larry Flowers (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on lunes, 07 enero 2002 17:40:20

IGOR FAE MUNOZ (carlosjimenez120@msn.com), is looking for someone:

hi my is IGOR FAE MUNOZ , iam looking for my dad SEFERINO OLIVO FAE, i live in cleveland ohio (usa) he use to in BELLUNO ITALY ,last time saw hem was in 1989 in honduras central america,iam wondering if he still lives

This came from @ on martes, 08 enero 2002 18:40:08

IGOR FAE MUNOZ (carlosjimenez120@msn.com), is looking for someone:

hi my is IGOR FAE MUNOZ , iam looking for my dad SEFERINO OLIVO FAE, i live in cleveland ohio (usa) he use to in BELLUNO ITALY ,last time saw hem was in 1989 in honduras central america,iam wondering if he still lives

This came from @ on martes, 08 enero 2002 18:40:57

Anna Jane Cordell Richardson (AjaneR@webtv.net), is looking for someone:

Looking for a lady by the name Of Peggy Haley she lived in Lafollette,Tenn. in 66-67 & I thought she moved to Virginia would like to contact her but don't know her Married Name. Peggy Haley if you seethis please contact me at AjaneR@webtv.net or ajcr1@hotmail.com or my phone number is (423)52-1687 Thanks Jane C.

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 09 enero 2002 16:48:38

Hernan (herigabo@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 09 enero 2002 20:42:41

Hernan Ricardo (mbarete23@starmedia.com), is looking for someone:

Por Favor!!! Si alguien tiene la amabilidad de ayudarme a encontrar a una persona amiga que vive en USA; si me envian una dirección igual a esta pero para los Estados Unidos, os agradeceré...

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 09 enero 2002 20:57:50

??? (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on viernes, 18 enero 2002 12:40:24

Imelda Normey de Gaye (gaye@cantv.net), is looking for someone:

Busco al Ing. Ricardo Peña Rico. Ultimo domicilio conocido en la ciudad de Toluca - México - Calle José Vicente Villada Nº 39 - El Ranchito - Estado de México.- Su madre, Concepción Rico Olmos, sra. de 82 años, actualmente vive en Caracas Venezuela y ansía tener noticias de dicho hijo. Como no tiene ordenador, yo su amiga, estoy haciendo la búsqueda. Mi dirección es: Quinta simonetta - Calle Guanipa esquina Suapure - Colinas de Bello Monte - Caracas Venezuela.- Por favor agradezco cualquier información. Imelda Normey de Gaye

This came from @ on s‡bado, 19 enero 2002 00:01:57

Dr. John Friedrick (John.Friedrick@ConserveSchool.org), is looking for someone:

In 1988-89, David Abad attended and graduated from the Science Academy of Austin at LBJ High School in Texas. He lived at my house while at that school. He earned a letterman's jacket in basketball that we have kept for 13 years. We lost his address during our subsequent move. We would like to reestablish contact and get the jacket to him. David would be about 31-32 years old now. Please let him know that his jacket was never worn and we hope that it still fits him. Matt liked David's Spanish speaking so much that he has become a Spanish teacher at my new school. Sincerely, John, Meredith, Jonny, and Matt

This came from @ on lunes, 21 enero 2002 23:19:10

graciela monica guadarrama (monicaoldani@gigared.com), is looking for someone:

necesitaria saber sobre mis antepasados, mi bisabuelo vino a argentina desde canarias, pero desconosco mas datos si alguien me puede ayudar a encontrar algo mas se lo voy a agradecer slds

This came from @ on viernes, 25 enero 2002 14:02:18

nicki (nick 182 @), is looking for someone:

hola soy nick

This came from @ on viernes, 25 enero 2002 23:07:31

nicki (nick 182 @), is looking for someone:

hola soy nick

This came from @ on viernes, 25 enero 2002 23:07:42

evelyn amanda caballero caballero (evelyn 305@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on jueves, 31 enero 2002 18:44:57

maria atkinson (babygirl0378597@yahoo.com), is looking for someone:

i would like to find my friend martha zavala she and i were raised in dallas texas i believe she still resides in dallas

This came from @ on viernes, 01 febrero 2002 16:52:26

susana martinez (susana_web2000@yahoo.es), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 06 febrero 2002 13:31:40

diana carolina (diana 88@ latinmail. com ), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 06 febrero 2002 22:45:54

diana carolina (diana 88@ latinmail. com ), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 06 febrero 2002 22:46:56

diana carolina (diana 88@ latinmail. com ), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 06 febrero 2002 22:47:07

diana carolina (diana 88@ latinmail. com ), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 06 febrero 2002 22:47:18

diana carolina (diana 88@ latinmail. com ), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 06 febrero 2002 22:47:29

siti aisyah (isyeah1234@yahoo.com), is looking for someone:

please answer abaout khan familly

This came from @ on domingo, 10 febrero 2002 09:23:27

Maria luisa valdivieso espinosa (???), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on domingo, 10 febrero 2002 19:20:48

Karen Stewart (ksb130@yahoo.com), is looking for someone:

I'm trying to find Beatriz, daughter of Jorge Fondevila Caser and Maria Molina de Fondevila. I studied abroad in Zaragoza June-July 1988. They were my host family - very nice people!!! I would love to find them again.

This came from @ on domingo, 10 febrero 2002 19:41:54

shamida (s88hamida@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on lunes, 11 febrero 2002 23:15:56

beatriz adriana grgicevic (eliariadna@fullzero.com.ar), is looking for someone:

solicito arbol genealogico de mi familia mi abuelo se llamaba GRGICEVIC ANTONIO y mi MDRE ANDREA A.GRGICEVIC,lo unico que se que mi abuelo era nacido an austria y mi abuela que era de apellido SELMI era italiana vinieron a argentina entre el año 1920 y 1925

This came from @ on martes, 12 febrero 2002 03:21:44

gino civale (studiocivale@msn.com), is looking for someone:

Ruth Leaf My last e-mail came back. Where are you now?

This came from @ on lunes, 18 febrero 2002 02:09:38

Patricia Goncalves (patricia_goncalves@yahoo.com), is looking for someone:

My email changed to patricia_goncalves@yahoo.com

This came from @ on lunes, 18 febrero 2002 15:50:51

Romina Juaya (rjuaya@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

I am looking for Micheal Shane Wilhelm. He lives in Vancouver in Canada. He was in Argentina in 1993

This came from @ on lunes, 25 febrero 2002 03:50:31

jorge ortega (kokimbo66@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

Estoy buscando a un amigo que se llama Omar Jaimes es de guatemala estudiamos juntos en el itzamayan escuela de guia de turistas hace como 20 anos vino a california ya no supe nada de el .

This came from @ on lunes, 25 febrero 2002 09:24:44

jose miguel (josemi_romero@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on martes, 26 febrero 2002 20:28:54

Ragna Vanhoutte (ragnavinny@yahoo.com.ar), is looking for someone:

I'm looking for Marc Anthony Nash that I met on 05/01/99 on Madrid airport. Have so much to say. He lived in London at that time, I lived in tenerife. Now I moved to Spain (Malaga) And lost all contact with him.

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 27 febrero 2002 12:17:14

Ragna Vanhoutte (ragnavinny@yahoo.com.ar), is looking for someone:

More info about Marc Anthony Nash: He's birthday 04/05/69 he used to work as a model for NEVS modelagency in London. He has one sister. We became friends during the flight Madrid-tenerife and spend some days together.I have never missed someone so much. Please iff you know him mail me.THX.

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 27 febrero 2002 12:27:04

Karyn Annette Dale (kmatene@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

I am looking for my father, his name is Kevin or Tony Dale and he has lived in London or England and now is back in NZ, I have 2 brothers and 1 sister and a 1/2 sister, and apparently I am the only one that wants to meet my real father, and am very keen before he or I get too old. I am so sad that I do not know my father that it tears me up alot of the time, because I hear that I am alot like my father.

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 27 febrero 2002 12:49:54

Andres Streeter (Andres Streeter), is looking for someone:

I'm looking for my birth parents, I was born around 1978 in Cali Colombia, I believe my birth parents name was Velasqeuze, and Marqueze, If any body can give me any thing, than thank you

This came from @ on jueves, 28 febrero 2002 00:34:47

Tom Kipau (>), is looking for someone:

Hi, I am interested in contact any mature ladies in central London for casual friendship as I am going to be here only till the 12th of April 2002. This is also my first time in the UK. My phone nummber at my hotel is 020 7935 5316 room number 204. Thank you very much. Regards. Tom.

This came from @ on viernes, 08 marzo 2002 08:53:49

jack carroll (Anita_Oney@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

i am looking for ben duncan of west virginia. we was in the army together in 1972-1975. i would just like to see how he is and maybe chat awhile. thank you Jack Carroll if you get a hold of him have him e-mail me at Anita_Oney@hotmail.com or write to 3100 N CO. RD. 700 W Scipio, Ind. 47273 or call (812) 392-3261

This came from @ on s‡bado, 09 marzo 2002 18:56:00

shay coulter (hewitt 35@hotmail), is looking for someone:

to find lisa rivera@hotmail

This came from @ on domingo, 10 marzo 2002 06:24:52

alicia darlene hinson (outlawwoman174us@yahoo.com), is looking for someone:

alicia darlene hinson is looking for a guy name ronnie are it could be ronny jones i last saw him in the 7th grade and the then move to conway arkinsaw i herd he was a ploice officer there if u have any info on him please let me know and his sister well step sister name is angala harvegraves they lived in silsbee texas at one time

This came from @ on martes, 12 marzo 2002 06:49:24

marta (martabassasterra.es), is looking for someone:

a english boy. that stay in discoteca Baja Beach in barcelona, the past saturday 9/03/02.

This came from @ on martes, 12 marzo 2002 13:47:33

edicta (???), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 13 marzo 2002 21:48:16

EDICTA VILLASMIL (edikita@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 13 marzo 2002 21:49:05

luis humberto valdivieso pacora (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on domingo, 17 marzo 2002 16:24:20

memzie medlin (memzie@planttell.net), is looking for someone:

I am looking for a lady by the name of gail campbell. You do not know me; but a Melvin Medlin knows you. please contact him at this phone number 229/387-0637. It is very urgent that you contact him. I am his wife, and has some important question to ask you.

This came from @ on s‡bado, 23 marzo 2002 04:07:11

Shazi (shazi_1981@yahoo.com), is looking for someone:

Hi girls, i m looking for my real love for marriage in UK or USA. I M TOO GOOD LOOKING AND LOVEING GUY. PLZ CONTACT ME ON shazi_1981@yahoo.com i m waiting for your reply, Shahzad

This came from @ on s‡bado, 23 marzo 2002 16:52:41

yuliana ayala (julie4@net.com), is looking for someone:

looking for d ricarter ramos san diego ca or may be living in los angeles ca.

This came from @ on domingo, 24 marzo 2002 20:53:19

yuliana ayala (julie4@net.com), is looking for someone:

looking for d ricarter ramos san diego ca or may be living in los angeles ca.

This came from @ on domingo, 24 marzo 2002 20:53:31

Bernhard Loth (bernardo.loth@terra.es), is looking for someone:

GERMANY Who knows HARALD GROSSER, born in Oppeln on January 10th 1945? We were school friends and our school was the Helmholtz Gymnasium in Frankfurt / Main, Germany.

This came from @ on lunes, 25 marzo 2002 02:02:28

Juan Carlos Vega (elvega@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

I would like to know where he lives and all re records and information that he has

This came from @ on martes, 26 marzo 2002 17:03:54

pillao (pillao@msn.com), is looking for someone:

Ruth Sanchez Sanz

This came from @ on jueves, 28 marzo 2002 15:03:58

megan dunn (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on viernes, 29 marzo 2002 18:20:13

megan dunn (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on viernes, 29 marzo 2002 18:20:53

??? (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on viernes, 29 marzo 2002 18:21:27

Dolores Maza (DesignandComfort@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

Looking for an old school colegue and friend which I lost contact with some 10-15 years ago. We both wen't to Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City. His name is Juan Carlos Lopez. I think his surname is Pereira,not 100%sure. He is originally from Mexico City. His family used to own a company called Menloba or menlova which manufactured men and womans clothing / uniforms. I don't know if this company still excists . Anyway I have been trying to contact him for several years with no luck. Maybe you will have more luck. Hope so. If so please e-mail me or have him e-mail me. Day time phone #212-679-9088

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 03 abril 2002 23:34:47

barry ward (big dic daddy .com), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 03 abril 2002 23:56:23

??? (???), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 03 abril 2002 23:57:02

Raimundo Garcia (mundogarcia@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on domingo, 07 abril 2002 20:27:32

Siienko Juriu (Solfudcx45@yandex.ru), is looking for someone:

Job wanted.Oilplatform Norway.Jechniciar-mechanik-vessel mounting.Elektro-weldinger.Locksmith.Age39,187sm.height,90weght-healthy. Speak poland,russian,england(alittle)Contract for3-12monthes. Citizen of Ukraine P.S.Ready to teach.I like sea,money to built yaht myself.

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 10 abril 2002 12:14:38

kimberly dodds wright (wrightpkam@aol.com), is looking for someone:

My fathers name was MSGT. Joe C. Dodds. He served in the United states Army. He had two tours of Viet Nam, one tour of Korea and another tour of which I'm not quite sure of. It may have been a third tour of Viet Nam. He was based at Fort Benning, Georgia during most of his army career and was infantry. He last served at Fort Jackson, South Carloina. I am interested in any information anyone can provide as he died shortly after retirement of a cerebral hemorage. I was only 12 years at the time and due to his many over-seas assignments, I barely new much of him, except he like to read the comics with me and watch the Road Runner cartoon on TV when he was home on leave. I miss him terribly and would like to know more of him and his accomplishments, his "screw-ups", anything. I vaguely remember him talking about a good friend Sgt. Snow, also based in Fort Benning. Though he died in 1979 in Columbia, South Carolina and is buried in Greenlawn cemetary; I now am a single mother of three children and would love to tell them about "Grandpa Joe". Please help me

This came from @ on jueves, 11 abril 2002 02:00:31

Javier Schwarzler (tallerdearte@infovia.com.ar), is looking for someone:

quiero ubicar a mis familiares en Alemania, mi tia Maria Schwarzler vivia en Durach, Munich, o a algun otro pariente

This came from @ on viernes, 12 abril 2002 16:46:35

Sabatino De Stefano (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on s‡bado, 13 abril 2002 15:12:06

de stefano (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on domingo, 14 abril 2002 04:08:40

daniela way (dani_way@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

Jennifer Love Hewitt

This came from @ on martes, 23 abril 2002 02:44:00

Arkan (ismail_ishak2002@yahoo.com), is looking for someone:

I am Indonesian living in Palembang, Indonedia.I want make a friend with man, age 30 up 50 who is interested in, please contact my e-mail

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 24 abril 2002 05:14:31

Jesse perez (perez98767), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on domingo, 28 abril 2002 00:27:38

Miguel Ángel (sierralapuebla@yahoo.es), is looking for someone:

Éste mensaje es para los que buscan a alguien de LA PUEBLA DE HIJAR, o de TERUEL, en la siguiente dirección podreis poneros en contacto con quien busqueis http://www.keojodan.es.fm http://www.puebladehijar.com Especial Semana Santa, sin duda la mejor página del web http://www.lapuebladehijar.es.vg Saludos a todos

This came from @ on lunes, 29 abril 2002 10:28:14

Rita (florida rose39), is looking for someone:

Jose Roberto Buck

This came from @ on lunes, 29 abril 2002 16:07:21

Rachael (rsa6870@cs.com), is looking for someone:

I would like to find my dad his name is Ruben Fragoso and he lives in Los angles,ca I just want to know his number so I can talk to him I think he is 38 or 39 please help me find my dad.

This came from @ on lunes, 29 abril 2002 23:06:41

Andoni (andonirb@ole.com), is looking for someone:

I´m looking for a girl called MICHELE. I met her during a party in a village near Bilbao, in Spain. She is 21, blondy and really nice. She works in the media in Leeds. She and her dark-haired friend had just started a trip suppossed to arrive Southern Spain, Portugal and Marocco. She gave me her mobil phone number, but it just didn´t work. I am the tall and dark-haired boy with whom she drank sidra and talked about nearly eveything. Write me an e-mail, please.

This came from @ on martes, 30 abril 2002 18:35:11

MICHELLE HOPKINS (OPAL BAKER), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 01 mayo 2002 03:29:04

MICHELLE HOPKINS (OPAL BAKER), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 01 mayo 2002 03:29:28

MICHELLE HOPKINS (OPAL BAKER), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 01 mayo 2002 03:29:53

MICHELLE HOPKINS (OPAL BAKER), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 01 mayo 2002 03:30:18

christopher hartsorn (chrystopherlee@webtv.net), is looking for someone:

i am writting to request information on my wifes behalf .we are looking for information on my wifes father larry paul thompson.he was killd in an auto accident in 1969.al we know is that he is buried in west park cemetary in clevland ohio.please if you can fwrd them we would appreciate it. christopher l hartshorn po box 369 rio grande ohio 45674

This came from @ on jueves, 02 mayo 2002 04:07:24

??? (???), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on jueves, 02 mayo 2002 10:53:51

maria (constantinovna@europe.com), is looking for someone:

busco piso en zaragoza o tarragona para compartir con mas persona a partir del 12 de mayo telefono 609534701 mucha seriedad

This came from @ on viernes, 03 mayo 2002 20:29:36

aañe (atiwan@yahoo.com), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on s‡bado, 04 mayo 2002 02:11:53

brenda marshall (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on lunes, 06 mayo 2002 16:31:44

robyn bass (hottie03@swbell.net), is looking for someone:

i am looking for an old freind colten and his twin brother charles crane that i went to school with in the 4th or 5th grade(yr 1994-1995)please email me if you know them they moved away to another state and i would like to see them again.

This came from @ on martes, 07 mayo 2002 00:52:10

??? (???), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on martes, 07 mayo 2002 03:02:41

Jenny Atz (jatz@atzadvogados.com.br), is looking for someone:

I´m trying to get in touch with an old friend. His name is Gohar hamid. He lives in Lahore.

This came from @ on martes, 07 mayo 2002 06:41:04

??? (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on domingo, 12 mayo 2002 03:24:38

buruuk (xxgap@yahoo.com), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 15 mayo 2002 02:25:57

shugaa (shugaa70@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

I am 30 years old I live in San diego, coronado I am looking for a female friend I do not care about the age. tel:(619)437-7300 ext.2640 I am waiting for a call and I will introduce my self latter. e-mail:shugaa70@hotmail.com

This came from @ on jueves, 16 mayo 2002 01:21:41

Piia Hautamaa (piiahautamaa@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

I have lost one of my really good friend Montse Ramon, who I met in London 1997-2000. We lived together in Mile End. I would like to contact her again... She is from Malaga and her age is apx. 32years. Please HELP!!! Thanks

This came from @ on domingo, 19 mayo 2002 15:49:59

Eboni (Eboni@.com), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on lunes, 20 mayo 2002 00:22:37

bernard baker (bernardbaker@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

karina goncalves where are you?i am now living in England and occasionally Geneva.i will marry you and spend the rest of my life with you.i send you my love.Bernard

This came from @ on lunes, 20 mayo 2002 18:50:00

Paul Romin (rsschroudt@aiis.net), is looking for someone:

Looking for Paul,Robert,Steve Romin, from Long Beach,Ca. Parents...Paul and Betty Romin

This came from @ on martes, 21 mayo 2002 07:04:06

Shirley McVicar Schroudt (rsschroudt@aiis.net), is looking for someone:

Searching for Cousins, Paul, Robert,Steve Romin...of Long Beach, California...Parents are Paul and Betty Romin. Please contact....Thanks...

This came from @ on martes, 21 mayo 2002 07:07:18

dina (delatoba), is looking for someone:

whats up someone looking for me

This came from @ on s‡bado, 25 mayo 2002 10:43:18

Pedro (vonranke@nitnet.com.br), is looking for someone:

Dear Sir, I would like to know an address in the web wit picturesor photos from Zaragoza. Thanks, Pedro.

This came from @ on s‡bado, 25 mayo 2002 21:26:06

Pedro (vonranke@nitnet.com.br), is looking for someone:

Dear Sir, I would like to know an address in the web wit picturesor photos from Zaragoza. Thanks, Pedro.

This came from @ on s‡bado, 25 mayo 2002 21:26:53

Jessica Lemieux (mr_cracker00@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

Marcellas I wanted to know if you would like to see your son he is 6 1/2. He will be in the first grade when school starts again. I would like to see you to so get in touch with me. Miss you lots!!!!!!!!!!xxxxxxxxoooooooooxxxxxxoooooxxxooxoxo

This came from @ on martes, 28 mayo 2002 20:54:52

felicia (rebelgirl_01@webtv.net), is looking for someone:

i need to find robert kelley he lives in sunset utah

This came from @ on martes, 28 mayo 2002 23:36:17

ATTY. DENNIS CJ B. VALENCIA (denvalencia@yahoo.com), is looking for someone:

I'm looking for Ma. Imelda Lazaro Valencia and/or Denise Kaira Lazaro Valencia

This came from @ on viernes, 31 mayo 2002 08:41:08

ATTY. DENNIS CJ B. VALENCIA (denvalencia@yahoo.com), is looking for someone:

I'm looking for Ma. Imelda Lazaro Valencia and/or Denise Kaira Lazaro Valencia

This came from @ on viernes, 31 mayo 2002 08:41:52

George Bush Jr. (bush@whitehouse.gov), is looking for someone:

I'm looking Ben Laden

This came from @ on s‡bado, 01 junio 2002 12:16:37

chedac mother foxkiud son my pichs (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on domingo, 02 junio 2002 22:05:46

Cristina Virag (virag@mindspring.com), is looking for someone:

Looking for Christian L. Passalacqua born December 11, 1977. Born in Puerto Rico. His real father Stephen has been searching for 17 years. His father and siblings live in Sandston, VA.

This came from @ on martes, 04 junio 2002 21:52:13

shanna (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on s‡bado, 08 junio 2002 08:54:18

douglas r holliyan (holliyan@netscape.net), is looking for someone:

ex wife margie ruth wood divorced in 1961 last i heard she lived in chatanooga tenn.

This came from @ on jueves, 13 junio 2002 03:34:27

nancy (nancy16a@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

hola quiero ver peinados

This came from @ on s‡bado, 15 junio 2002 19:17:40

periasamy (mail2pandi@rediffmail.com), is looking for someone:

looking for help from a tamil to find out a job.... computer post graduate,residing in tamil nadu

This came from @ on martes, 18 junio 2002 15:33:52

raymond Wansink son of Ans wansink (patriciavdheuvel@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

I'm looking for a men named Manuel leon Munoz. He is about 61 years old now. i know he lived in Valencia Spain. he has a son who has the same name as he has and that son (also Manuel) should be about 33 years old right now(could be some older or younger)He worked on a oilplatform he worked for the dutch railway company (i think he is retired now) and i also know he and his wife Mathilde/mathilda has lived in amsterdam holland in the Hemburgstraat (1970-1975) he probebly moved back to spain, Valencia in 1979.He owned or worked in a bar in Valencia the street is Carrer de siscar. If you know who i'm talking about or you are one of these persons please contact me!!!!!!!!!!! it's really important to me!!!!!!! greetings raymond Next ad. is the same but than in spanish!

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 19 junio 2002 13:21:03

raymond Manuel Wansink son of Ans wansink (patriciavdheuvel@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

Soy el buscar los hombres nombrados leon Munoz de Manuel. Él es cerca de 61 años de viejo ahora. le conozco viví en Valencia España. él tiene un hijo que tenga el mismo nombre que él tiene y ese hijo (también Manuel) deben ser cerca de 33 años de viejo now(could derecho sean algún más viejos o el younger)He trabajado en un oilplatform él trabajó para la compañía ferroviaria holandesa (lo pienso ahora me retiro) y también le conozco y su esposa Mathilde/mathilda ha vivido en Amsterdam Holanda en el Hemburgstraat (1970-1975) que probebly se movieron de nuevo a España, Valencia en 1979. Él poseyó o trabajó en una barra en Valencia que la calle es Carrer de siscar. ¡Si usted sabe de quién estoy hablando o usted es una de estas personas satisface me entra en contacto con! !!!!!!!!!! ¡es realmente importante para mí! !!!!!! raymond de los saludos (excúseme que mi español no es tan bueno)

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 19 junio 2002 13:24:19

moslemi kebria (mmkebria@yahoo.com), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 19 junio 2002 22:22:17

moslemi kebria (mmkebria@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

is he a residency student?

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 19 junio 2002 22:25:00

jamshid moslemi kebria M.D (jmkebria@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

is Mehdi M.Kebria a residency student in surgery in conneticate university?

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 19 junio 2002 22:29:57



This came from @ on jueves, 20 junio 2002 01:53:30

raymond Manuel Wansink son of Ans wansink (patriciavdheuvel@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

I'm looking for a men named Manuel leon Munoz. He is about 61 years old now. i know he lived in Valencia Spain. he has a son who has the same name as he has and that son (also Manuel) should be about 33 years old right now(could be some older or younger)He worked on a oilplatform he worked for the dutch railway company (i think he is retired now) and i also know he and his wife Mathilde/mathilda has lived in amsterdam holland in the Hemburgstraat (1970-1975) he probebly moved back to spain, Valencia in 1979.He owned or worked in a bar in Valencia the street is Carrer de siscar. If you know who i'm talking about or you are one of these persons please contact me!!!!!!!!!!! it's really important to me!!!!!!! greetings raymond Next ad. is the same but than in spanish!

This came from @ on jueves, 20 junio 2002 15:22:19

raymond Manuel Wansink son of Ans wansink (patriciavdheuvel@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

Soy el buscar los hombres nombrados leon Munoz de Manuel. Él es cerca de 61 años de viejo ahora. le conozco viví en Valencia España. él tiene un hijo que tenga el mismo nombre que él tiene y ese hijo (también Manuel) deben ser cerca de 33 años de viejo now(could derecho sean algún más viejos o el younger)He trabajado en un oilplatform él trabajó para la compañía ferroviaria holandesa (lo pienso ahora me retiro) y también le conozco y su esposa Mathilde/mathilda ha vivido en Amsterdam Holanda en el Hemburgstraat (1970-1975) que probebly se movieron de nuevo a España, Valencia en 1979. Él poseyó o trabajó en una barra en Valencia que la calle es Carrer de siscar. ¡Si usted sabe de quién estoy hablando o usted es una de estas personas satisface me entra en contacto con! !!!!!!!!!! ¡es realmente importante para mí! !!!!!! raymond de los saludos (excúseme que mi español no es tan bueno)

This came from @ on jueves, 20 junio 2002 15:25:37

Miriam Sanchez (mirisa@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

Conoci hace 15 años a un Madrileño guapisimo y nos escribimos durante un año, luego perdi contacto...se llama Oscar Bernal Castromil y la direccion a la que le escribia era Tembleque 106, 4A Madrid España. Ojala y pueden ayudarme a encontrarlo. Soy de Panama Miriam Sanchez Apdo. 1096, Zona 9A Panama Rep de Panama

This came from @ on jueves, 20 junio 2002 15:26:51

Miriam Sanchez (mirisa@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

Conoci hace 15 años a un Madrileño guapisimo y nos escribimos durante un año, luego perdi contacto...se llama Oscar Bernal Castromil y la direccion a la que le escribia era Tembleque 106, 4A Madrid España. Ojala y pueden ayudarme a encontrarlo. Soy de Panama Miriam Sanchez Apdo. 1096, Zona 9A Panama Rep de Panama

This came from @ on jueves, 20 junio 2002 15:28:06

Marilynn Fisher-Bush (mfisher@fishertown.org), is looking for someone:

I am also looking for Roscoms. My grandmother's name was Carrie Roscom, and she had a brother named Jerry, and her dad's name was Henry. Henry had children, Laddie and Nora Lee. They were in Saline County, Missouri. I can't seem to trace anything on the Roscoms. Henry was living in the Philipines when he died. Jerry owned a lot of property there, and lost his land there during WWII, and moved to another island from wehre he was. He had two children who migrated to Missouri and are buried there. Help if you can. Write me, please.

This came from @ on viernes, 21 junio 2002 22:17:48

david christian (kingdavid35805@yahoo.com), is looking for someone:

i am looking for by brothers and sisters adress on the web or email adress so i can say hi nick mues,william mues or mary webster to live in mo one in mi

This came from @ on domingo, 30 junio 2002 00:14:55

david christian (kingdavid35805@yahoo.com), is looking for someone:

i am looking for by brothers and sisters adress on the web or email adress so i can say hi nick mues,william mues or mary webster to live in mo one in mi

This came from @ on domingo, 30 junio 2002 00:15:47

david christian (kingdavid35805@yahoo.com), is looking for someone:

i am looking for by brothers and sisters adress on the web or email adress so i can say hi nick mues,william mues or mary webster to live in mo one in mi

This came from @ on domingo, 30 junio 2002 00:16:41

Stephanie Passalacqua (dream_sparrow@yahoo.com), is looking for someone:

Hiya. I am looking for my older brother, whom I have never met. My mom says that even though we never met that my brother, Christian, knew that he was going to get twin half-sisters. She also says that he already knows his younger half-brother Paul. I am hoping that you are my brother, but if not I am sorry for wasting your time. Biya Stephanie

This came from @ on martes, 02 julio 2002 21:31:09

Stephanie Lynn Passalacqua (dream_sparrow@yahoo.com), is looking for someone:

I am looking for my half-brother, Christian Passalacqua Perez. If you are Christian or you know of his where-abouts, please email me.

This came from @ on martes, 02 julio 2002 21:34:17

Stephanie Passalacqua (dream_sparrow@yahoo.com), is looking for someone:

oh yeah. I am the daughter to Stephen Christian Passalacqua and Arlene Mary Passalacqua.

This came from @ on martes, 02 julio 2002 21:38:48

Stephanie Passalacqua (dream_sparrow@yahoo.com), is looking for someone:

I am the daughter to Stephen Christian Passalacqua and Arlene Mary Passalacqua. And I am looking for my brother, Christian Lee Passalacqua Perez.

This came from @ on martes, 02 julio 2002 21:39:38

??? (r ), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on lunes, 08 julio 2002 23:07:13

mattt (spikedeath82@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

Im looking for the aults

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 10 julio 2002 16:12:45

DAVID MABER (david@maber.u-net.com), is looking for someone:

To find Anthony Bishop, ex-Royal Navy who had a good pal named David Gardener who is now terminally ill and wishing to chat with his old friend. I am the go-between. Telephone me: 02392 - 587512 if you know the whereabouts of this man, Please.

This came from @ on jueves, 11 julio 2002 16:38:57

samantha de la j (???), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on lunes, 22 julio 2002 16:41:58

samantha de la luz (???), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on lunes, 22 julio 2002 16:42:11

samantha sondra elisabeth de la luz (???), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on lunes, 22 julio 2002 16:42:55

Stacie M. Gunyan (smurf928@msn.com), is looking for someone:

I need to get a copy of my high school diploma. I graduated from redford High school in Detroit, Michigan. 1975

This came from @ on lunes, 22 julio 2002 18:12:52

Stacie M. Gunyan (smurf928@msn.com), is looking for someone:

I need to get a copy of my high school diploma. I graduated from redford High school in Detroit, Michigan. 1975

This came from @ on lunes, 22 julio 2002 18:13:05

ivan jave morales (javesurf@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

the email of douglas jave live in lesley ave - indianapolis

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 24 julio 2002 01:39:21

Ernesto Ochoa (mexbonemex@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

Hello i¨m mexican que onda raza soy de MONTERREY N.L. MEXICO TENGO 21 AÑOS (years old) soy rayado y el futbol es mi vida espero que me escriba alguien para tener una comunicacion de otra parte de mexico saben mi correo y a todas las girl no se arrepantiran ok bye

This came from @ on s‡bado, 27 julio 2002 22:00:31

DINO MOCKCHEW (pr0zakk@yahoo,com), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on domingo, 28 julio 2002 07:49:14

nony aljeshi (nony_al@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

i am not looking anymore for brian basnight. So please remove my name from the search list

This came from @ on viernes, 09 agosto 2002 01:35:04

victor carletto (vcarletto@yahoo.com), is looking for someone:

I'm looking for family in italy.Carletto family.If your last name is Carletto plese send me a mail.

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 14 agosto 2002 08:25:25

hugo alvarez (hugoalvarez@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

I am looking for people who have study in Germany as a erasmus student. I will spend six months in Weingarten ,and I have to Know something about this place. At this time , I am in Galicia, in Spanish state.

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 14 agosto 2002 20:30:54

andrew edward highben (youno45403@yahoo.com), is looking for someone:

to find my mother. Robin Lynn Highben

This came from @ on jueves, 15 agosto 2002 00:23:57

patricia (patriciavdheuvel@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

I'm looking for a men named Manuel leon Munoz. Born 24-04-1939 . i know he lived in Valencia Spain. he has a son who has the same name as he has and that son (also Manuel) should be about 33 years old right now(could be some older or younger)He worked on a oilplatform he worked for the dutch railway company (i think he is retired now) and i also know he and his wife Mathilde/mathilda has lived in amsterdam holland in the Hemburgstraat (1970-1975) he probebly moved back to spain, Valencia in 02-11-1979.He owned or worked in a bar in Valencia the street is Carrer de siscar. If you know who i'm talking about or you are one of these persons please contact me!!!!!!!!!!! it's really important to me!!!!!!! greetings raymond Next ad. is the same but than in spanish!

This came from @ on viernes, 16 agosto 2002 10:57:14

??? (???), is looking for someone:

Soy el buscar los hombres nombrados leon Munoz de Manuel. 24-04-1939. le conozco viví en Valencia España. él tiene un hijo que tenga el mismo nombre que él tiene y ese hijo (también Manuel) deben ser cerca de 33 años de viejo now(could derecho sean algún más viejos o el younger)He trabajado en un oilplatform él trabajó para la compañía ferroviaria holandesa (lo pienso ahora me retiro) y también le conozco y su esposa Mathilde/mathilda ha vivido en Amsterdam Holanda en el Hemburgstraat (1970-1975) que probebly se movieron de nuevo a España, Valencia en 02-11-1979. Él poseyó o trabajó en una barra en Valencia que la calle es Carrer de siscar. ¡Si usted sabe de quién estoy hablando o usted es una de estas personas satisface me entra en contacto con! !!!!!!!!!! ¡es realmente importante para mí! !!!!!! raymond de los saludos (excúseme que mi español no es tan bueno)

This came from @ on viernes, 16 agosto 2002 10:59:06

AURORA (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 28 agosto 2002 06:56:30

STEVEN DE LA O CAMPOS (???), is looking for someone:

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 28 agosto 2002 06:57:09

Piia Hautamaa (piiahautamaa@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

Where are you Montse. You lived in Mile End, London 1997-2000. Please contact me.

This came from @ on lunes, 09 septiembre 2002 10:16:28

Terry Smith (Tumang2k@aol.com), is looking for someone:

I am looking for Angela Parr, who worked in the LOX Plant on the Air Force Base...There from 1979-1981 possible...We were classmates at Chanute AFB, Ill fr Sept 1978 till Dec 1978 Thanks

This came from @ on s‡bado, 14 septiembre 2002 05:06:53

regela (vicenteran@msn.com), is looking for someone:

i'm looking for some of my best friend and i want to know,how can i contact him

This came from @ on domingo, 15 septiembre 2002 02:37:03

lydia baysa barredo (labaysa@edsamail.com), is looking for someone:

looking for susana roldan married a lazaro of bulacan, from the philippines and emma carbonell of the philippines

This came from @ on jueves, 26 septiembre 2002 10:25:02

melissa sue anderson (???), is looking for someone:

buscar correo

This came from @ on viernes, 27 septiembre 2002 01:20:55

TOUFIQ (TOUFIQI@37.COM), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on s‡bado, 05 octubre 2002 12:10:20

DEJAN (DEJAN 79 M@NETSCAPE.NET), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on s‡bado, 05 octubre 2002 20:04:53

DEJAN (DEJAN 79 M@NETSCAPE.NET), is looking for someone:


This came from @ on s‡bado, 05 octubre 2002 20:05:04

Brandon Hower (Oilerpa@hotmail.com), is looking for someone:

I am looking for Vernon Millett. Or maybe its Vincent. He lived in PA.

This came from @ on lunes, 14 octubre 2002 08:33:20

Stephen C. Passalacqua (apache13@mindspring.com), is looking for someone:

I continue my 16 year search for my son Christian Lee Passalacqua taken by his mother, Marillian (Marilian) Perez to Los Angeles, California and not leaving a forwarding address. All my effords to find my son have been fruitless, but that has not stopped me and I am in the hopes that someday he will see my name on the web and call me. Christian Passalacqua 's birthday is Dec. 11, 1977. His brother Paul is now in the army and the twins are now in how school. Please e-mail us.

This came from @ on lunes, 14 octubre 2002 20:18:06

Stephen C. Passalacqua (apache13@mindspring.com), is looking for someone:

I continue my 16 year search for my son Christian Lee Passalacqua taken by his mother, Marillian (Marilian) Perez to Los Angeles, California and not leaving a forwarding address (we had joint custody and I had visitation rights). His maternal grandmother Luz Maria Santiago will not give us any information either. All my effords to find my son have been fruitless. I have tried private detectives, but with no success. That has not stopped me and I am in the hopes that someday he will see my name on the web and call me. Christian Passalacqua 's birthday is Dec. 11, 1977. His brother Paul is now in the army and the twins Stephanie and Eva are now in high school. Please e-mail us. Or mail at PO Box 1033, Sandston, VA 23150

This came from @ on lunes, 14 octubre 2002 20:23:45

vicente Antonio (xiaoan2003@yahoo.com), is looking for someone:

I am looking for someone in San Francisco area around 30 to 50 years old, to get in touch as friend and then why not to discover the real meaning of the love, I am Peruvian, I writting to you from here my country in Lima-Peru, Iam 33 years old, latin, hight: 1.68m,thin,66 kg. I am romantic,pasive, and want to meet the other half of my live, maybe you are, please write me. Regards. Vicente

This came from @ on miŽrcoles, 16 octubre 2002 19:53:22