World-Wide Web Access Statistics

Generated by: WebStat 2.3.4
Last updated: Mon Jan 8 01:03:32 1996

Summary for Period: Dec 1 1995 to Jan 8 1996

Files Transmitted During Summary Period           39310
Bytes Transmitted During Summary Period       362894739
Average Files Transmitted Daily                    1007
Average Bytes Transmitted Daily                 9304993

Old Statistics:

Statistics are summarized by:

Daily Transmission Statistics

             Number of    Number of    Percent of  Percent of
   Date      Files Sent   Bytes Sent   Files Sent  Bytes Sent
-----------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ----------
Dec  1 1995         897       6063049      2.28        1.67
Dec  2 1995         587       4716700      1.49        1.30
Dec  3 1995         469       3529504      1.19        0.97
Dec  4 1995         665       4065880      1.69        1.12
Dec  5 1995         656       4359289      1.67        1.20
Dec  6 1995         870       6871281      2.21        1.89
Dec  7 1995         828       5350653      2.11        1.47
Dec  8 1995         727       6087052      1.85        1.68
Dec  9 1995         736       9623104      1.87        2.65
Dec 10 1995        1045      10039272      2.66        2.77
Dec 11 1995        1194       9070270      3.04        2.50
Dec 12 1995        1125       9746387      2.86        2.69
Dec 13 1995        1218      10794794      3.10        2.97
Dec 14 1995        1418      10799899      3.61        2.98
Dec 15 1995        1442      10231448      3.67        2.82
Dec 16 1995        1122      11177135      2.85        3.08
Dec 17 1995        1083       9072738      2.76        2.50
Dec 18 1995        1564      17503547      3.98        4.82
Dec 19 1995        1530      13643008      3.89        3.76
Dec 20 1995        1453      14558511      3.70        4.01
Dec 21 1995        1465      10968102      3.73        3.02
Dec 22 1995        1219      13884565      3.10        3.83
Dec 23 1995         862       9399890      2.19        2.59
Dec 24 1995         885       9740897      2.25        2.68
Dec 25 1995         170       1523589      0.43        0.42
Dec 26 1995         768      11222301      1.95        3.09
Dec 27 1995        1221      11027998      3.11        3.04
Dec 28 1995        1084       9807403      2.76        2.70
Dec 29 1995        1152      11005751      2.93        3.03
Dec 30 1995         936       7855129      2.38        2.16
Dec 31 1995         768       7962155      1.95        2.19
Jan  1 1996         777       9930354      1.98        2.74
Jan  2 1996        1200      10644413      3.05        2.93
Jan  3 1996        1365      13610544      3.47        3.75
Jan  4 1996        1356      14679065      3.45        4.04
Jan  5 1996        1299      13661932      3.30        3.76
Jan  6 1996        1147      10580396      2.92        2.92
Jan  7 1996         979       7887364      2.49        2.17
Jan  8 1996          28        199370      0.07        0.05

Hourly Transmission Statistics

      Number of    Number of    Percent of  Percent of
Time  Files Sent   Bytes Sent   Files Sent  Bytes Sent
----  ----------  ------------  ----------  ----------
 00         2503      20888931      6.37        5.76
 01         2002      20233307      5.09        5.58
 02         1777      18541600      4.52        5.11
 03         1781      17089646      4.53        4.71
 04         1730      16685639      4.40        4.60
 05         1404      14053737      3.57        3.87
 06         1513      19600163      3.85        5.40
 07         1265      12329422      3.22        3.40
 08         1110       8225665      2.82        2.27
 09          869       8375084      2.21        2.31
 10          936       9507630      2.38        2.62
 11         1027       9512458      2.61        2.62
 12          925       6327878      2.35        1.74
 13         1023      12834933      2.60        3.54
 14         1124       8365106      2.86        2.31
 15         1318      12303828      3.35        3.39
 16         1495      10137954      3.80        2.79
 17         1878      18138754      4.78        5.00
 18         1907      15520222      4.85        4.28
 19         2095      17569197      5.33        4.84
 20         2274      19676753      5.78        5.42
 21         2371      22195560      6.03        6.12
 22         2469      25639716      6.28        7.07
 23         2514      19141556      6.40        5.27

Weekday Transmission Statistics

             Number of    Number of    Percent of  Percent of
    Day      Files Sent   Bytes Sent   Files Sent  Bytes Sent
-----------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ----------
Sunday             5229      48231930     13.30       13.29
Monday             4398      42293010     11.19       11.65
Tuesday            5279      49615398     13.43       13.67
Wednesday          6127      56863128     15.59       15.67
Thursday           6151      51605122     15.65       14.22
Friday             6736      60933797     17.14       16.79
Saturday           5390      53352354     13.71       14.70

Total Transfers by Client Domain

                             Number of    Number of    Percent of  Percent of
        Domain Name          Files Sent   Bytes Sent   Files Sent  Bytes Sent
---------------------------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ----------
Adv. Proj. Research Agency            5         22101      0.01        0.01
Argentina                            19         39924      0.05        0.01
Australia                           643       5149998      1.64        1.42
Austria                              56        781135      0.14        0.22
Bahrain                               9        116272      0.02        0.03
Belgium                             192       4972355      0.49        1.37
Brazil                               30        202647      0.08        0.06
Canada                             1317      11682835      3.35        3.22
Chile                                38        109317      0.10        0.03
Colombia                              5         30479      0.01        0.01
Costa Rica                           20         99750      0.05        0.03
Czech Republic                       15         61439      0.04        0.02
Denmark                             101       1105928      0.26        0.30
Dominican Republic                   29         97594      0.07        0.03
Estonia                              26         99274      0.07        0.03
Finland                             154       1857481      0.39        0.51
France                              545       2962750      1.39        0.82
Georgia                              14         30786      0.04        0.01
Germany                             214       2063849      0.54        0.57
Greece                               24        316196      0.06        0.09
Hong Kong                            23         29921      0.06        0.01
Hungary                              19        136861      0.05        0.04
Iceland                              30        443807      0.08        0.12
Indonesia                             3          9302      0.01        0.00
Ireland                              15         64681      0.04        0.02
Israel                              136       1255886      0.35        0.35
Italy                               231       1904166      0.59        0.52
Japan                               546       5945102      1.39        1.64
Korea, Republic of                   32        853327      0.08        0.24
Kuwait                                5         11440      0.01        0.00
Luxembourg                            6         17775      0.02        0.00
Malaysia                             53        358975      0.13        0.10
media-nl                              2          7332      0.01        0.00
Mexico                              241       2319565      0.61        0.64
Netherlands                         352       3089842      0.90        0.85
Network                            4940      45956191     12.57       12.66
New Zealand                          69        327159      0.18        0.09
Norway                              171       1595428      0.44        0.44
Peru                                  3         56108      0.01        0.02
Philippines                           6         18566      0.02        0.01
Poland                               35        344615      0.09        0.09
Portugal                             53        195135      0.13        0.05
Singapore                            97        628108      0.25        0.17
Slovenia                              5         11415      0.01        0.00
South Africa                         33        287843      0.08        0.08
Soviet Union                          5         28106      0.01        0.01
Spain                              2440      29376776      6.21        8.10
Sweden                              612       4886535      1.56        1.35
Switzerland                         137       1533261      0.35        0.42
Taiwan, Province of China             1         19252      0.00        0.01
Thailand                              1          7164      0.00        0.00
Trinidad and Tobago                   3          9302      0.01        0.00
Turkey                                5         12509      0.01        0.00
Ukrainian SSR                         3          9302      0.01        0.00
United Arab Emirates                 14         28203      0.04        0.01
United Kingdom                      995      14146881      2.53        3.90
United States of America            358       2614179      0.91        0.72
Uruguay                              15         62242      0.04        0.02
US Commercial                      8583      81623712     21.83       22.49
US Educational                     5419      48318177     13.79       13.31
US Government                       354       1483710      0.90        0.41
US Military                         168       2493435      0.43        0.69
US Organization                     424       2425304      1.08        0.67
[unresolved]                       9211      76146029     23.43       20.98

Total Transfers from each Archive Section

                             Number of    Number of    Percent of  Percent of
      Archive Section        Files Sent   Bytes Sent   Files Sent  Bytes Sent
---------------------------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ----------
/aaa/aaaen.html                       7          3479      0.02        0.00
/aaa/aaalinks.html                    2          2512      0.01        0.00
/AAA/aaa.html                        42        213927      0.11        0.06
/AAA/alex.html                        8          9648      0.02        0.00
/AAA/anagram.gif                     24         53040      0.06        0.01
/AAA/astrofotos/laguna.gif            4         98888      0.01        0.03
/AAA/astrofotos/luna.gif              4         93177      0.01        0.03
/AAA/astrofotos/luna2.gif             4        110973      0.01        0.03
/AAA/astrofotos/m31n.gif              4         65723      0.01        0.02
/AAA/astrofotos/m31.gif               3         18390      0.01        0.01
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/AAA/astroinf.html                    1          3458      0.00        0.00
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