World-Wide Web Access Statistics

Generated by: WebStat 2.3.4
Last updated: Sun Feb 4 23:22:36 1996

Summary for Period: Jan 1 1996 to Jan 31 1996

Files Transmitted During Summary Period           27242
Bytes Transmitted During Summary Period       242720249
Average Files Transmitted Daily                     878
Average Bytes Transmitted Daily                 7829685

Old Statistics:

Statistics are summarized by:

Daily Transmission Statistics

             Number of    Number of    Percent of  Percent of
   Date      Files Sent   Bytes Sent   Files Sent  Bytes Sent
-----------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ----------
Jan  1 1996         777       9930354      2.85        4.09
Jan  2 1996        1200      10644413      4.40        4.39
Jan  3 1996        1353      13592557      4.97        5.60
Jan  4 1996        1346      14669311      4.94        6.04
Jan  5 1996        1299      13661932      4.77        5.63
Jan  6 1996        1128      10514850      4.14        4.33
Jan  7 1996         979       7887364      3.59        3.25
Jan  8 1996        1265      10396446      4.64        4.28
Jan  9 1996        1020       8228746      3.74        3.39
Jan 10 1996        1489      13118257      5.47        5.40
Jan 11 1996         611       6395628      2.24        2.63
Jan 15 1996           2         20321      0.01        0.01
Jan 16 1996           2         20321      0.01        0.01
Jan 17 1996         428       3853927      1.57        1.59
Jan 18 1996         418       2328221      1.53        0.96
Jan 19 1996         647       6084950      2.38        2.51
Jan 20 1996         980      12107460      3.60        4.99
Jan 21 1996        1060       8048364      3.89        3.32
Jan 22 1996        1157      10964988      4.25        4.52
Jan 23 1996        1217       9162195      4.47        3.77
Jan 24 1996        1091       7916419      4.00        3.26
Jan 25 1996        1555      10095665      5.71        4.16
Jan 26 1996        1326      11281705      4.87        4.65
Jan 27 1996        1421      13604239      5.22        5.60
Jan 28 1996        1135      10345328      4.17        4.26
Jan 29 1996         802       9504542      2.94        3.92
Jan 30 1996         872       4308814      3.20        1.78
Jan 31 1996         662       4032932      2.43        1.66

Hourly Transmission Statistics

      Number of    Number of    Percent of  Percent of
Time  Files Sent   Bytes Sent   Files Sent  Bytes Sent
----  ----------  ------------  ----------  ----------
 00         1688      13564972      6.20        5.59
 01         1355      13314041      4.97        5.49
 02         1282       9007374      4.71        3.71
 03         1095       9053980      4.02        3.73
 04         1244      13829796      4.57        5.70
 05         1181      10580372      4.34        4.36
 06          923      12588601      3.39        5.19
 07          801       7258275      2.94        2.99
 08          863      10207795      3.17        4.21
 09          577       6334341      2.12        2.61
 10          737       5196887      2.71        2.14
 11          620       3917502      2.28        1.61
 12          609       2643042      2.24        1.09
 13          811       7344884      2.98        3.03
 14          773       7167277      2.84        2.95
 15          944       9033178      3.47        3.72
 16         1135       6751769      4.17        2.78
 17         1373       9939225      5.04        4.09
 18         1368      14390164      5.02        5.93
 19         1545      11705812      5.67        4.82
 20         1392      14039886      5.11        5.78
 21         1550      13649589      5.69        5.62
 22         1698      17817189      6.23        7.34
 23         1678      13384298      6.16        5.51

Weekday Transmission Statistics

             Number of    Number of    Percent of  Percent of
    Day      Files Sent   Bytes Sent   Files Sent  Bytes Sent
-----------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ----------
Sunday             3174      26281056     11.65       10.83
Monday             4003      40816651     14.69       16.82
Tuesday            4311      32364489     15.82       13.33
Wednesday          5023      42514092     18.44       17.52
Thursday           3930      33488825     14.43       13.80
Friday             3272      31028587     12.01       12.78
Saturday           3529      36226549     12.95       14.93

Total Transfers by Client Domain

                             Number of    Number of    Percent of  Percent of
        Domain Name          Files Sent   Bytes Sent   Files Sent  Bytes Sent
---------------------------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ----------
Adv. Proj. Research Agency           20         37473      0.07        0.02
Argentina                            49         80934      0.18        0.03
Australia                           380       2463262      1.39        1.01
Austria                              59        483001      0.22        0.20
Bahrain                               8        109108      0.03        0.04
Belgium                             130       4155658      0.48        1.71
Brazil                               17         53430      0.06        0.02
Canada                              899       9034516      3.30        3.72
Chile                                56        198194      0.21        0.08
Colombia                              8         41108      0.03        0.02
Costa Rica                           33         98547      0.12        0.04
Czech Republic                        1          8293      0.00        0.00
Denmark                              51        416335      0.19        0.17
Dominican Republic                   12         48291      0.04        0.02
Egypt                                 3          8516      0.01        0.00
Finland                              87        527272      0.32        0.22
France                              422       3131456      1.55        1.29
Germany                             253       3576487      0.93        1.47
Greece                               26        143258      0.10        0.06
Guam                                  1         16039      0.00        0.01
Hong Kong                             7        761007      0.03        0.31
Hungary                              11         46894      0.04        0.02
Iceland                              11        369596      0.04        0.15
Ireland                              12         57101      0.04        0.02
Israel                               54        386425      0.20        0.16
Italy                               282       4478556      1.04        1.85
Japan                               390       2729998      1.43        1.12
Korea, Republic of                   13         55234      0.05        0.02
Liechtenstein                         5         22458      0.02        0.01
Lithuania                             1        102923      0.00        0.04
Luxembourg                           10        282204      0.04        0.12
Malaysia                             20         88428      0.07        0.04
Malta                                 1          7164      0.00        0.00
Mexico                               71        989461      0.26        0.41
Monaco                                1         16039      0.00        0.01
Morocco                               2          5247      0.01        0.00
Netherlands                         263       5254170      0.97        2.16
Network                            3393      33600716     12.46       13.84
New Zealand                          61        334771      0.22        0.14
Norway                              124        537758      0.46        0.22
Philippines                           3          9302      0.01        0.00
Portugal                             65        333446      0.24        0.14
Romania                               3          9302      0.01        0.00
Russian Federation                    9         56313      0.03        0.02
Singapore                            25         83881      0.09        0.03
Slovenia                             17         40031      0.06        0.02
South Africa                         14        233528      0.05        0.10
Spain                              2192      17573066      8.05        7.24
Sweden                              421       3241416      1.55        1.34
Switzerland                          75        837643      0.28        0.35
United Arab Emirates                  2          8233      0.01        0.00
United Kingdom                      708      10433642      2.60        4.30
United States of America            183       1109934      0.67        0.46
US Commercial                      5460      52106707     20.04       21.47
US Educational                     4184      35052471     15.36       14.44
US Government                       198        901247      0.73        0.37
US Military                         122        644083      0.45        0.27
US Organization                     282       1432581      1.04        0.59
[unresolved]                       6032      43856095     22.14       18.07

Total Transfers from each Archive Section

                             Number of    Number of    Percent of  Percent of
      Archive Section        Files Sent   Bytes Sent   Files Sent  Bytes Sent
---------------------------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ----------
/aaa/aaaen.html                       8          3976      0.03        0.00
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/aaa/activ.html                       4          8706      0.01        0.00
/aaa/alex.html                        5          3635      0.02        0.00
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/aaa/astrofotos/luna.gif             12        289771      0.04        0.12
/aaa/astrofotos/luna2.gif            13        318440      0.05        0.13
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/aaa/astrofotos/m31.gif              10         59266      0.04        0.02
/aaa/astrofotos/m42.gif              12        180213      0.04        0.07
/aaa/astroinf.html                    3          6916      0.01        0.00
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